1st Semi Final vs Roosters @ AAMI Park

Discussion on anything to do with Melbourne Storm - games, players, rumours - anything!
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Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone
Posts: 5945
Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:27 pm
Location: Brisbane, QLD

Storm last game
- Tui, King, Eisenhuth, Sims combined
- 22 Runs for 187 Metres
- 13 Missed Tackles
- 157 Combined Minutes
Posts: 1014
Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:23 pm

Sitting end on, not my usual choice, I noticed different things this week, still not a fan of end on though! My take;

1; What was really noticeable was how the players approach the line with ball in hand. There are two kinds of players, the "To" and the "Through" and unfortunately we have too many of the first. A couple of examples, Welch, King and Loreio run "To" the line whereas Nelson, Katoa and particularly Warbrick really try to hammer "Through" the line and come out the other side. I'd most times put Tui and Tariq in to the second bracket as well.

2; A couple of the clean line breaks and the call for the back up, honestly, is Meaney (or any fullback) ever a chance of being everywhere behind every forward on the off chance they make a line break? Seriously, I reckon our whole team would be surprised when anyone makes a line break! It's not like the old days of Cronk putting The Hoff in to a hole and Slater backing him up, we don't have the wily half or the hole running edge forward. Katoa can be this but no wily half to work with. This is who Meaney needs to follow around but it seems the coach has other plans. (see point 4)

3; Welch's intercept, surely some support could've been forthcoming but did anyone see how gassed he was after running, what 30 metres?

4; Previous weeks it's been Hughes take the fourth hit up, last night Meany took the fifth hit up at least 5 times. This has to be a coaching tactic but why? Any ideas?

5; Lazy forwards / defenders left on the ground BEHIND the play the ball. I think there was one complete set in the second half where we had someone left behind on EVERY play the ball. King is horrible with this but he has plenty of mates.

6; Whilst I've seen him bagged on here Reimis really put in on Friday night, big enthusiasm and effort that wouldn't go unnoticed. Sure there was a knock on that wasn't (in my humble opinion). Seve and Warbrick also played quite nicely. Olam running in though, he's got to get his man or he ends up becoming Rodney Howe 2.0 (poor Rodney, we loved the big shoulder charges when they came off, if ever so rarely)

7; Tyran tried his guts out and that's about all you can ask, old mate in number 6 had another forgettable night. I think someone said rocks and diamonds once, I reckon it's more he looks a million dollars when everyone around him is shining, maybe next time he will kick it on the last... (At least we didn't get any terrible short drop outs) Grant also looks sparkling when the game is going forward, if back peddling, not so much.

All the doom and gloom, at least we know where we are and what to expect from here on in. Bring on the Chin
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