Time to publish player salaries

Discussion on the National Rugby League and Rugby League around the world.
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NRL 2018: Time to publish player salaries, says Jeremy Latimore

http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/leag ... 0vuev.html

NRL players union director Jeremy Latimore believes it's time to follow the NBA and start publishing players' incomes as part of a more transparent salary cap system.

Latimore's suggestion comes as the governing body and the Rugby League Players Association are set to begin discussions on overhauling third-party arrangements in the game.

"I don't think many players would have an issue with it. If that's going to help fans, the clubs and the NRL, if people know what people are earning then so be it": Jere

It also comes as the NRL season threatens to be overshadowed by the salary cap saga at Manly, who have yet to respond to the NRL breach notice from last December.

It is believed the Sea Eagles' dramas stem from illegal TPA deals - the same systematic problems that resulted in Parramatta being stripped of 12 competition points and a $1-million fine in 2016.

While the majority of NRL players are adamant their personal financial details should remain private, Latimore insists the constant conjecture must be replaced by more clarity.

"In a lot of sports, American sports and European soccer for example, generally their salaries are known," Latimore told AAP.

"I don't think many players would have an issue with it. If that's going to help fans, the clubs and the NRL, if people know what people are earning then so be it."
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Stupid idea.
AND would require every single player contract to be re-written to remove privacy clauses. Which would essentially result in every player becoming a free agent and able to negotiate a new deal with any club.

In fact, to steal a quote, "a disaster of biblical proportions...Real Wrath-of-God type stuff!...Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!...40 years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes!...The dead rising from the grave!...Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!
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so you are basically against it then.

how come it works in the NFL?

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Cameron wrote:so you are basically against it then.

how come it works in the NFL?

Umm, because they don't have the privacy clauses in their contracts?
Anyway, whether it does or doesn't work to prevent cheating the cap hasn't actually been established. It tells people what someone is paid under their approved contract. There is no hard evidence that it stops under the table payments, brown paper bags or hidden third party deals.
Exactly the same as if the NRL published Thurston's details: Let's say hypothetically that he had 1.1 million salary, 345K in third party deals; where do we have evidence of the 40% a local builder knocked off the value of his new house, the new Audi that was 25% off because apparently it was a demonstrator model (even though it only had 7km on the clock when he picked it up) or the endless supply of free school clothes his kids get? We don't - illegal third party and back door payments don't get declared so we're just as badly off. Just like Greg Inglis' boat for his dad - if someone hadn't squealed no-one would ever have found out.

I've got this great idea - how about you tell us how much you make? Just for shits and giggles? And we'll see what that proves.
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$170,000 a year. Proves that I am probably overpaid given my actual output. :)
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And what does that prove?

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It proves something to people who know me and my work and know if I am worth that!

I am all for all information being known

Else you get people running around like Barnaby Joyce. Doing things on the sly!
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