Kirisome Auva'a

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A RISING rugby league star who violently attacked his ex-girlfriend in a drunken jealous rage has faced court.

South Sydney Rabbitohs wing Kirisome Auva'a was in Melbourne for a friend's wedding when he turned up at his former girlfriend's home and attacked her.

The 22-year-old slipped unnoticed into Melbourne Magistrates Court today where he pleaded guilty to charges of recklessly causing injury and criminal damage.

The court heard he had been at a friend's wedding before arriving at his former girlfriend's home about 1.40am on January 18.

The pair had recently split following a three year relationship and she told Auva'a he could sleep on her couch, sparking his violent outburst.

The court heard Auva'a flew into a rage, waking terrified housemates who phoned 000, before attacking his ex-girlfriend.

He pushed her over, punched holes in walls at the home and swung her into a garage wall, fleeing before police arrived.

In a Victim Impact Statment read to the court Auva'a's victim said while she suffered minor physical damage she had been left emotionally scarred.

"I am still so hurt and confused how someone I thought honestly loved me could hurt me the way he did," she said.

Auva'a waiting for kick off during last weekend’s match. Photo by Renee McKay/Getty Image
Auva'a waiting for kick off during last weekend’s match. Photo by Renee McKay/Getty Images
"I still believe he is a good person deep down."

Auva'a, who made his NRL debut this year having previously trained with Melbourne Storm, was arrested and charged by police shortly after the attack.

In a record of interview he told police he didn't mean to hurt his ex-girlfriend, the court heard.

He also said he knew abusing women was wrong.

Auva'a's lawyer told the court he had stopped drinking and started meditating following the attack.

He said the club had been quick to discipline Auva'a, imposing a $2000 fine and suspending him for 7 days.

Rabbitohs football manager Mark Ellison supported Auva'a in court today.

In trying to persuade Magistrate Kate Hawkins not to record a conviction against Auva'a his lawyer said he had a troubled upbringing and had suffered depression.

He said while there was no excuse for his client's behaviour, Auva'a had been left heartbroken by the breakdown of the relationship, describing it as the "only real relationship" he had ever had.

Auva'a had hoped to get back together with his ex-girlfriend. Instead he saw the woman with another man at the wedding he had attended earlier that night and had become enraged.

"He's angry, upset. He's done something he has clearly regretted from that day forward," he said.

Magistrate Hawkins said there was no excusing the assault telling Auva'a "it's men like you that need to stand up" to domestic violence.

Instead of imposing a sentence today Ms Hawkins deferred her decision for six months.

She ordered Auva'a to participate in a men's behavioural program and asked him to consider singing on as a White Ribbon ambassador to combat violence against women.

Auva'a was bailed to return to court on November 7. ... 6934747767

Is it me or did this slip under the radar? Regardless, I'm glad he's away from our club now.
Tropical Cyclone
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it came out in january i think
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There were rumours circulating in January that Souths had sacked him because of the incident.

Obviously they didn't.
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How is a 7 day suspension a sufficient punishment for the dog act? Why hasn't the NRL integrity stepped in? He's pleading guilty for christ sake.
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Even more disturbing is the judge deferring sentencing for 6 months. Why ? so Souths can make sure he becomes a white ribbon ambassador and does community service,so that in 6 months time he will get a good behaviour bond?

It lima lima lima duck shits me our "justice system"!!
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Well said Kya. I would have no qualms with the NRL saying conviction for assault against a woman, never play NRL again. Seriously, this makes a mockery of their supposed valuing of women stance.
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Don't mean to rant but honestly am sick of the showboating of sporting organisations "valuing women" in their sports but don't actually do anything to back that up.
If like Russell Packer a player seriously assaulted a male, then they too should be banned.
It is like the Roosters scheming for Blake Ferguson to be rushed back.

If that sexual assault was not caught on tape, I 1000% guarantee that he would not have been convicted and would be playing right now.

Instead of making excuses for these men, how about we actually reward and use positive role models.

My upbringing was not perfect, better than a lot and worse than some, I make decisions not to lie, cheat, steal, do drugs or assault/ abuse, people.

I shouldn't be applauded for making those decisions, it should be EXPECTED of me as a normal member of society.
So WHY do the NRL make excuses???
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It was Tohus wedding...Somi isn't bad I'll leave it at that...that's all I'm saying
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Hey Sal,
My point isn't just aimed at Somi but the NRL as an organisation.
We can all make bad decisions but people regardless of occupation, gender, upbringing, class should be held accountable.

More importantly the Nrl are a strong, respected? Organisation in a position to make a strong stance about the values they publicly state they want to uphold.

Will they do it? No and when they come to sentence in 6 months time and his "community service" ensures he is not convicted, the nrl will do nothing or suspend him in the offseason.

I won't lie, I am very touchy on this subject but I just get so sick of violence against women being rationalised to ensure men can have great sporting careers.

The ex partner may not have been majorly physically assaulted but it is emotionally and mentally frightening to be stood over, afraid for your safety knowing that physically you cannot stop someone and are relying on sanity or intervention from stopping something bad/ unpredictable from happening.

When does the NRL stand up for the other 50% of their demographic ??
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I know Kya I pretty much agree with 100% but for some reason I support Somi and I don't know why...
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Bit late to the 'party' don't you think, NRL?
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Nicely articulated Kya. I completely agree.

The NRL knew of this incident and Auva'a's intent to plead guilty. Only once the media got hold of it did they act.

The NRL makes out like there is a clear line in the sand on "violence against women". In reality, it is a vague, fuzzy, squiggly line, that moves depending on how big your profile is and how much media attention a particular incident generates. I will say though, it is difficult to expect the NRL to make a strong stance when the legal system refuses to do so.
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i would argue it is even more important that the NRL takes a strong stance because the legal system doesn't.
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cody walkers been charged with DV...what an idiot
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his even sounds like it could have been premeditated. may lose his contract over this, how stupid do you want to be?
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