chants for broncos game this weekend

A place to post your suggestions for Storm based songs and chants!
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Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone
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ive been stealing football chants (or soccer whaever u call it)

heres a couple that i think will be good

matt geyer, matt geyer,
matty, matty geyer!
He`s got no hair,
but we don`t care.
matty, matty geyer
(thers no real tune just yell it)

WE HAVE TO USE THIS IN THE GF if its a sydney based team

You're shit, and your ground's a dump,
You're shit, and your ground's a dump,
You're shit, and your ground's a dump,
You're shit, and you got no silverwear

or this for the absence of lockyer

Heyyy, heyyy broncos you!... scum!
I wanna knooooowww
where your captain's gone?

tune is to dj otzi - hey baby

to celebrate the MP

We won the league
We won the league
We won the league in MELBOURNE
We won the league at OLYMPIC PARK
We won the league in MELBOURNE

dont no the  tune for it

just for sammy thiaday

His hair is very long!
He also wears a thong!
sam thiaday ! Who-o-o-oh
sam thiaday ! Who-o-o-oh

now for billy

Super, Super bill
Super Super bill
Super Super bill
Super billy slater

when a bronc starts some biff again i sugest we go

(repeat endlesly)

Mmmmmmelbourne stooooorrmmmm, mmmmmelbourne stooooorrrrmmmmm,
We'll support you evermore,

justin hodges, justin hodges,
justin, justin, hodges,
He gets the ball,
And does f.uck all,
justin, justin hodges
( that applys to more than hodgey)

You're so shit it's unbelievable  (repeat)

keep adding to these
Last edited by nacho on Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I got one:

BOOO you suck.

...needs some work/

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Hail Storm
Hail Storm
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Sing this to the tune of "dont cry for me Argentina" a bit of an old song i know but!

Dont Dive for me ... Brisbane broncos
You are such divers.. just look at Petro.
He's always falling... and claiming grapple.
We should throw apples.. but where're not like that.

Maybe needs some work and I cant see me self remembering it come game time. Glug Glug!
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