Smith/Slater/Cronk Story

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sitting here laughing thinking about Jake and Jada playing uno
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Smith was asked about this during the press conference after the Manly game and said that he has no problem with them. He said he was told Billy put it to bed last week and that’s where it’s at, or something along those lines
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The fatcat nancy boy slim from the smelly teligraph need to watch the press conference and weep

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Danger D wrote:"Smith admits to issues with Billy's kids" by Dan Weilder
Cam Smith yesterday sent out a tweet to wish his former maroon teammates success in their battle against the almighty blues. Hidden amongst the seemingly innocuous tweet was a thinly veiled dig at the children of current Storm teammate Billy Slater. In his tweet Smith makes special mention of Billy and his wife Nicole but fails to mention any of the children of the once-great fullback by name.
This reporter understands that the omission is a result of a falling out between the younger smiths and slaters over a game of Uno that was won by Smith's daughter Jada at a family gathering in 2016. Scuttlebutt at a Melbourne playground suggests that Jada used consecutive 'Draw 4' cards to steal the win from young Jake Slater who was leading the game into the late stages. Following the game it is said that both parties were offered ice-cream but that Jake had a blueberry muffin instead further highlighting the divide between the two youngsters.
Alex McKinnon has previously said that he has never once shared an ice-cream with Smith snr which highlights a trend in the Storm captain's persona that has apparently been passed on to the next generation. The struggle between the Smiths and Slaters continues to be fought out in the public view to the horror of the Melbourne Storm club who were famously stripped of their 2006 and 2008 premiership wins due to their dirty dirty salary cap cheating.
Cameron Smith could not be contacted for comment due to the inability of this reporter to do any due diligence.
That Danger true comedy GOLD right there.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Cooper Cronk addresses speculated feud with Cameron Smith

ROOSTERS halfback Cooper Cronk has spoken out on the speculation surrounding his falling out with former teammate Cameron Smith.

Eyebrows were raised when Cronk briefly shook his former Melbourne skipper’s hand but embraced everyone else who greeted him when they played in June, while reports continue to circulate that they have fallen out.

“From my point of view it absolutely is fine,” he told reporters on Tuesday.

“I know there will be a lot of talk about it and everyone has their right to adjudicate or have an opinion but I’m not in the area of commenting on it publicly.

“We’re absolutely fine; we’ve spoken different times.”

Arguably Queensland’s greatest rugby league halves pairing, Cronk and Johnathan Thurston, will call time on their long on-field association from opposite sides of the fence on Saturday night.

Denied a proper State of Origin farewell together last year due to injuries and shock retirements, the two great combatants will play on the same field for a 64th and final time when the Sydney Roosters host North Queensland. At a professional level, the pair unwittingly faced off for the first time when they came off the bench for Melbourne and Canterbury in the 2004 finals but have since won seven Origin series together for the Maroons and a World Cup. But that will end at Allianz Stadium, with Thurston’s Cowboys completely out of finals contention ahead of his impending retirement.

“There is a little bit of sentiment,” Cronk said.

“Hopefully at some stage we get to share a little moment we can reflect on with his days almost at an end and mine are probably coming sometime soon as well. “There are probably 20,000 kids that play junior rugby league on a Saturday morning in Queensland and the rest of the country that want to be Johnathan Thurston.

“He hands out his kicking tee, he hands out his headgear, they sit at home and watch him do his show and go and they want to be like him.

“He has inspired a generation of the next rugby league players.” Not all are upset to see the pair play together for the last time though. Roosters co-captain Boyd Cordner has felt the wrath of Thurston numerous times, not least of which involved growing up as a NSW fan before copping three Origin series losses to the veteran Maroon.

“It’s sad to see him retire at the end of the year but for teams coming up against him I think it will be a good thing as well,” Cordner mused. “He’s been such a great player, leader and role model for our game for such a long time.

“He’s a great footballer and more importantly a better bloke. He’s someone that whatever he says he’s going to do.” Meanwhile Cronk insisted both he and fellow Queensland great Cameron Smith remained on speaking terms.
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Nuh they hate each other still
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Hate is such a strong word. Especially in todays holistic empathetic beatnik everybody has got to love and gush about everyone else except when you are on twitter and you can troll the heck out of someone society.

Can we not just say that they had a difference of opinion about where Coopers career should go.

It is not the end of the world.
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Cameron Smith opens up on rumoured rift with Cooper Cronk ahead of grand final

AHEAD of Sunday’s grand final Cameron Smith has lifted the lid on the reported rift between himself and former teammate and now Roosters opponent Cooper Cronk.

IT’S the modern-day rugby league romance that could finish with a fairytale ending.

The tale of a champion halfback, one of the best of his generation, cutting ties with a decade worth of friendships. A club he was synonymous with for 14 years. A year ago, Cooper Cronk declared to the world he was skipping town for love.

“I’ve been pretty selfish in my approach to my football career and I think it’s time to put someone else and something else first,” Cronk said last April.

It didn’t come without some heartache.

Cooper’s long-time teammate for club, state and country, the both of whom had formed two of the Storm’s big three, remembers when Cronk broke the news to him.

“I was caught off-guard a little bit. I didn’t really expect that to happen, that he was going to leave our club,” says Cameron Smith.

But he understood the reasons why.

For over a decade, Cronk watched on as Smith, and the other member of the trio in Billy Slater, started and grew a family in a city where most rugby league players have little family support.

Engaged to Fox Sports presenter Tara Rushton, Cronk yearned to come home to family.

“We’re all from interstate, or from overseas somewhere, all down there together just looking after ourselves. We knew the situation with Coops, and Tara being in Sydney,” Smith says.

“That was really the extent of it for me.

“I was caught off-guard a little bit when Coops told me, but that was it. I don’t know where the other theories and suggestions come from.”

Smith is referring to reports of a falling out between him and Cronk, a breakdown exacerbated when the Storm captain was met with a cold handshake in their only clash so far in May.

There were also claims he was upset about Cronk joining a modern-day rival, a team he knew was a chance of denying them a shot being the first time in over 20 years to defend their title.

“The grand finals that both these clubs have been involved in since the early to mid-2000s is quite a bit. There was every likelihood of (them meeting the Roosters),” Smith says.

“But I think it’s great for our game that two strong clubs are vying for the trophy on Sunday.” Cronk’s once unbreakable bond with Smith wasn’t the only heartbreak of his decision.

For months the former Kangaroos halfback was linked with the Sydney Roosters, who have renowned for splashing the cash in chase of the game’s best superstars.

From Arthur Beetson to Ron Coote, Russell Fairfax, Bob Fulton, Brad Fittler and Sonny Bill Williams, the glamour club have long been the envy of rivals clubs for luring the missing piece.

And it was no different in their pursuit of Cronk.

Not only did he play the position of a club favourite, but he had also been the source of sustained State of Origin heartache for Mitchell Pearce that made him an Origin punching bag.

When confirmation came of Cronk’s prized signing - barely a month after the Roosters fell one game short of a grand final - there were instant rumours of unhappiness in the playing group.

It didn’t take long for Pearce to wave goodbye and leave town for Newcastle.

“We had to deal with it because it was a bit abrupt, but that’s footy. Pearcey got his role up there in Newcastle and Coops came here and now it is what it is,” Jake Friend tells AAP.

“Coops is here now. He’s one of us and he’s a big reason why we’re here in this grand final.” All year, Cronk refused to consider the possibility of meeting his old club in the decider.

But this week, sitting on the opposite end of the table of Smith and Storm coach Craig Bellamy at the traditional pre-grand-final press conference this week, he is anxious.

“The team on the far left of the table (Melbourne) have contributed to me being the person and the player I am today,” Cronks says.

“The team on this side has allowed me to have the two loves of football and my family, together. I think they can contribute to an immense amount.

“If I had stayed in Melbourne, I wouldn’t have gotten married and have a beautiful family.” Ironically, it’s the physical pain of a shoulder injury that could lead to the heartbreak of him missing out of a grand-final appearance against his former club.

All year he’s shouldered the burden of leaving a club he loved, in pursuit of a woman he loved, while carrying the hopes of a club he’s grown to love. And he is refusing to let a tear in his shoulder be the final page in his script.

“(The Roosters) have sacrificed a hell of a lot for me to be here. And that’s part of the reason why I’m working around the clock to be right for Sunday,” he says.

“While it’s great to play football for yourself and individual accolades, I think these guys have given up a lot for me to be here. And I think it’s only fair that I return that favour back.”
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The rift is real!

Fittler was just interviewing Cronk and he was paying homage to Melbourne Storm and in particular Billy Slater and Ryan Hoffman.

Absolutely no mention of Cameron Smith in any of that.
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estormboy wrote:The rift is real!

Fittler was just interviewing Cronk and he was paying homage to Melbourne Storm and in particular Billy Slater and Ryan Hoffman.

Absolutely no mention of Cameron Smith in any of that.
Or it could just be that B1lly and Hoff are retiring?
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Cameron Smith’s speech after the grand final had a glaring omission

CAMERON Smith and his Melbourne Storm troops endured a nightmare eighty-minutes as the Sydney Roosters proved simply unstoppable.

It marks the fourth grand final loss for Smith throughout his incredible career and while it wasn’t a repeat of 2008, the Storm looked just as bad tonight as they did 10 years ago.

As the loss sunk in for Smith and his troops, fellow teammate Cooper Cronk soaked up the win with his Roosters pals.

Cronk left the Storm following the 2017 season and reports quickly began to filter through of a fractured relationship between the team’s big three (Cronk, Smith and Billy Slater).

The feud appeared to reach breaking point during the 2018 season when Cronk and Smith shared an ice-cold handshake after a tense battle between the sides in Adelaide earlier this year.

The former Storm star hugged all of his fellow teammates before reaching Smith and the tension appeared palpable.

On Sunday night the bitter feud added another chapter after the final siren sounded out around ANZ Stadium as Cronk brushed Smith once again.

Throughout the game the duo tangled on several occasions as Smith hit Cronk on several separate occasions in what appeared to be an attempt to test out his injured shoulder.

Smith lined up Cronk and took him to the ground in a blatant attempt to test out his former sidekicks durability.

The second hit from Smith didn’t sit well with Cronk who retaliated by getting on top of his former captain and grabbing him around the throat.

But it was Smith who drove in the real dagger when he stood on the podium after enduring the painful grand final defeat.

Smith acknowledged the pain of defeat before tipping his hat to the dominant display put forth by the Roosters, but there was something missing …

“It’s obviously a disappointing match for us to leave for the last one of the season. Sometimes you have to take your hat off to the opposition when they play too well and the Roosters were that tonight,” Smith said.

“They played a fantastic game. Right from the opening whistle they knew exactly what they needed to do tonight and they executed perfectly.

“Congratulations to the Roosters, finishing minor premiers and NRL premiers, that’s a great effort.

“To Jake (Friend) and Trent (Robinson) and the rest of the Roosters squad and particularly Luke Keary, you were fantastic tonight, well done.

“I think our entire organisation, all of our sponsors, to everyone who helped get us on the field every week, all of our coaches and support staff and medical staff, you do a lot of work to get us ready every game. You’ve done a great job this year. Thanks so much for the hard work you put in.

“To the rest of our team, boys, congratulations on a great year. Unfortunately we came up against good opposition tonight and fell short. We’ll be back next year.

“A special mention to a couple of my good mates, Billy Slater and Ryan Hoffman. Boys, you both had fantastic careers.

“You’ve delighted so many people in the stands with what you have done on the field. And you’ve certainly made a lot of people proud at our football club.

”Enjoy your retirement from footy and good luck in what you do next.

“And lastly, to everyone who came out tonight, it was a great crowd and a wonderful atmosphere. And to everyone who has been to every game, thanks for a much and keep supporting the NRL and hopefully we will see you next year. Thank you.”

Smith never mentioned his former teammate of 14-seasons, a player he not only played with at the Storm but also in State of Origin and Australian sides.

After thanking a host of others along with his “good mates”, Smith’s omission of Cronk didn’t go unnoticed.

In an even more brutal turn of events, Cronk delivered a cold-hearted return of serve when speaking to Channel 9’s Brad Fittler after the game.

Cronk spent several moments talking about the incredible feat of claiming the victory before turning his attention to his former club.

“While I’ve got this moment, I probably have to thank Melbourne Storm for everything they’ve done for me. In particular, Billy Slater and Ryan Hoffman who have made me a better player and a better person,” Cronk said.

“It’s hard for me to put into words what tonight was, on one side is a club that provided me with everything, the Melbourne Storm, and the other club, the Roosters provided me with a chance to start a family and play the game I love.”

Once again, the omission of his former captain Smith was incredibly glaring. Think it’s safe to say the bridge between Smith and Cronk has been well and truly burned.
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Nice of Cronk to choke smith while he was on the ground. (Back page of daily Telegraph by the way)Cameron smith has carried this team for 16 years. I lost so much respect for Cronk tonight. I'll never mention his name again on this site.
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Sigh It’s just sad
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Cooper did single out Cam after the game and shake his hand.
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