McKinnon could Sue

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And no mention of Cam launching the rise for Alex round...
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Unfortunately, what's the odds someone at Nein will raise the speculation later this week that maybe it was Jordan's "revenge" for this hit. Sort of grubby shit I'd expect from them.
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This entire situation has me so furious that if I tried to articulate my thoughts without careful forethought, it would likely just be a expletive filled rant...

I will simply say that Mckinnon has proven himself to be a massive hypocrite (McLean broken jaw incident) and a disgusting liar (Smith never made contact BS). He refused to read McLean's message to him but then cries bloody murder that Smith didn't do the same. He is arrogant and selfish, not to mention money hungry.

Smith throughout his entire career has only ever conducted himself as a respectful, well spoken, family man, who has represented the game of Rugby League better than any of his predecessors.

He deserves better from everyone. Particularly the NRL and the media.
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Yourhero, 100% agree.
I have been incensed since yesterday. The blatant lies, falsehoods and manufactured bullshit spun by 60 mins, channel nine and Daily Telegraph have left me infuriated and by nature I'm pretty laid back.

It just sickens me that the gutter journalism that exists in this country can defame and slander a person of such integrity, class and kindness.
I wish Alex a miracle recovery but it doesnt excuse the fact that he is a liar, hypocrite and a man who's own previous actions are questionable.

Of course all the trolls are in force and as always there are some of the gutless fence sitters in the media but I applaud players like Josh McGuire, Corey Parker and Todd Lowrie who got on the front foot and defended Cam.

I feel sick and gutted for his family and find Alex's responses reflect on his own lack of judgement and character. His responses were classless, ill informed / blatant lies based on wilful ignorance and were there to purposefully hurt another person.

Being at the ground, having sports ears set on ref and TV commentary and others with radios, it was not known how bad injury was at any stage during the game or after the game and for 60 mins to edit footage to make out Cam Smith argued that entire time was disgusting.

I wish NRL would just give him $8 million, make him sign a confidentiality agreement so he can lima lima lima duck off into the oblivion cause no way in hell will he ever get a cent from me.
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Oh, man. I'm not sure Cameron Smith replying in a forum that public is going to do anybody any good. Let him try McKinnon and his dad again privately. Going public like this just doesn't sit right with me.

And in Channel 7? That's worse than 60 Minutes!
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I think people do need to be a bit careful here.
Alex's situation is devastating, and - right or wrong - a fair degree of anger and frustration here is understandable.

The villain of the piece is clearly Channel Nein, who drove the interview and, ultimately, selected the headline quotes. They showed the footage to the McKinnons and it was Nein's mouthpiece (journalists have ethics) who guided them towards the angry outbursts.

Don't blame the orchestra, blame the conductor.
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What angers me is that Nine have form when it comes to throwing people under a bus or sensationalism for the sake of ratings.

Matthew Johns is sacked from Channel Nine and is then publicly called out by Tracey Grimace to "man up" (she did the same thing to Jordan as well) and come in the show and explain himself for doing nothing more than cheating on his wife. And then Ben Ikin tells Channel Nine to fark off because they came up with the headline "state of origin scandal!" to run against a story about his father's business issues with some pretty major facts clearly ommitted. He quit his job at Nine over it.
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Good to see a bit of perspective from shirvo, Gaz and... Brandy?!?!

G. Alexander actually went in to bat for Cam Smith. Wonders never cease.
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TC - I believe that your actions and words are a reflection of your character including the ability to accept if you are wrong.

But I'm referring to the fact that McKinnon said it was the first time he saw footage when it was documented as far back as last year that he and his family were pissed at Bromwich brothers for not being charged and filthy at Cam for questioning penalty and arguing. So his response was a lie evidenced by the fact that their are written chapters about it in book and that these sentiments were communicated last year numerous times on TV and radio via particular NRL hosts/journos ( purposely from Alex Mckinnon & his family)

Again he waivered on whether or not Cam Smith had tried to contact him, saying maybe /no etc. once again falsehood - aside from Storm statement, numerous attempts were made to Newcastle throughout year to talk to McKinnon from Smith - constantly battered away in the best interest of McKinnon and because his family were incensed by Storm reaction with McLean/ Smith.
That is perfectly fair enough but that doesn't actually change the fact that he was contacted and that was purposely not communicated by anyone in interview on purpose.

So my anger is certainly directed at 60 mins and channel nine but once again Alex has willingly played his part. His hypocritical reaction after breaking Mcleans jaw and applauding is a reflection of his actions - even more so when you go on national TV and take part in slandering someone else's character.

And I admit being brutally honest about my feelings is a reflection of my character. But I wouldn't wish what happened to Alex on anyone but than again I'd be ashamed of myself if I slandered a persons reputation without ever having the integrity to find out what actually happened or what was actually said. But that's me!
He's entitled to be angry, but being angry doesn't absolve you of responsibility.

Once again. - I truly hope he recovers but at end of day we are responsible for what we say and do. Even Alex!

But that's just my opinion and we can all agree or disagree or whatever, all good.
Last edited by Kya on Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I think that if he is going to put himself out there like he is doing, it is justifiable that the public are going to form opinions about him. What happened to him is devastating, it sucks, but it does not give him some sort of elevated status where he, or his family, can act without consequence. Their absolute lack of compassion for Jordan, their persistent willingness to lay blame on Storm players, as Kya says it speaks volumes about character. It might not be a nice thing to do, but when you compare this situation to the deaths of Phillip Hughes and James Ackerman, there is a marked difference. The families of both these individuals reached out to the other players involved, and have acted with dignity and class. I feel that Alex and his family will start to lose the public support that they have received if they dont start acting with a bit more humility
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I am so GLAD that I haven`t made any contributions to alex mckinnon.
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Once again Kya your posts here have mirrored my thoughts and feelings on this matter 100% - well said as always.

In regards to Smith's response to all of this, I don't really care if he does respond publicly, but I really hope he snubs CH9 at all costs before, during and after SOO3 - and if it were me, I'd be doing what Ikin did and I would walk away from whatever deal I had with CH9 for airing that smear campaign.
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Cam respectfully remains silent following the ridiculous attack on his character. Paul Kent writes an opinion piece today blasting Smith, labelling him "misguided" and "handling this horribly"... By staying silent!

It's a no win situation, Meninga has it exactly right... If Smith defends his character, he is fighting a public war of words with a guy in a wheelchair, regardless of what he says.

If he doesn't defend himself, he is "still not apologising"... He has exactly zero to apologise for and I hope like hell he remains silent. Don't give the sharks in the media anything mate.

Kent is itching for Smith to say something so he can label him arrogant and insensitive (again).

Kent can barely string a sentence together and sounds drunk whenever he speaks. He is always looking for the next opportunity to attack a Storm player.

The next time a Storm supporter defends Paul Kent on any issue, they can hand over their supporters gear and p*ss right off.
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They're just mad Cameron isn't dancing for them. Can't get the story you want? Make something up! Go talk to his mum! Anything! Code in crisis!

I wish the NRL would blacklist everyone in the media who has no interest in reporting on the sport with even a shred of ethics. Kick Nine to the curb, too - not just because of this issue but because of their coverage in general. The NRL can't move forward with all of this constantly dragging it down.
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Mate, I don't think its too extreme talking to Cam's mum in the paper.

What mother would not stick up for her son. Maybe her publically talkinh about how this blatant smear campaign has affected HER family.
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