Does our CEO lack passion?

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Regardless of the passion/or lack of our CEO - THIS would suggest his membership team needs sorting !!

Dear George,

Melbourne Storm is offering members the chance to secure the best seats in the house for our Preliminary Final ahead of the scheduled members pre-sale on Monday 19 September so you can be the first to get your tickets to this blockbuster.

To secure the best Category 1 seats all you need to do is commit to becoming a 2012 Melbourne Storm member by putting a deposit on your membership now!

Any member who purchased a ticket through the Week 1 deposit offer will still be required to make a further deposit on your 2012 membership. This money will be added to the first deposit paid.
OK ?
A: They are REALLY desperate for bums on seats in Cat 1 / And membership numbers ?
B: They think the members who signed up LAST week & paid $50 are dumb enough to sign up again & pay another $50 deposit ?

I'll be lining up outside my nearest ticketek Monday morn to get the good seats I got last time,even after 3.5 hours behind AFL fans.
- ps - NO DEPOSIT :lol:
And next seasons membership ?
Will be paid in full when the full package details are released.Just like I have since 1998 8)
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That's cool Jamie, if you can't elaborate on that, then I wont press you. I still think that Peter Maher still is quite bitter about what happened to him and the other independents (I listen to 3AW when he's on) Reckon if he got asked to come onto the board again, he wouldn't hesistate to jump back on!

Don't know if you remember me, but we met up at the Limerick Arms the night of the Storm Broncos game (away). Along with Rob, way back in May (i think)

Signing off from Leeds

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Freshy wrote:sure the Bulldogs didn't perform well on the field but what Greenburg has done for the club off the field is great. He's changed the culture of the club to be a family orientated club. He's managed to come in and turn the public image of the bulldogs into one of the better images in the league. He's helped take the club forward and steered them away from all the internal problems they were having. Taking the games interstate is only increasing the appeal of the bulldogs brand, it may not suite the members but why should it? They may jump up and down and complain but at the end of the day, that's all they'll ever do, it's not like their going to walk out on the club.

Sacking Kevin Moore cannot be pinned solely on Greenburg. He may have a say but the ultimate decision is not his to make, the board of the bulldogs are the one who call the shots, just like it has been down in Melbourne.

Personally i believe We could use Greenburg to repair our image.

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I don't think the culture of the club needs changing.

Do we have internal problems?

So basically he has made a bad club off the field a good club off the field, what could he do to improve the Storm in that respect ,that Ron or any other CEO (that does not get cought cheating the cap) could do. The CEO for mine is the leader of the Business, not the football club. Lets give Ron a bit more time, after 3 years or so judge him then. My question is what do you want him to do to improve the storm as a whole????
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No I do not think our culture needs to be changed or do we have internal problems, which we had under Waldron, however the only thing the club could do with is a make over for our public image and the brand.

As Storm fans we don't care about what others think of us e.g. being labelled cheats etc..however there's no doubting that the business opportunities for the club took a huge step back due to the salary cap scandal. If we can repair the tarnished image and the brand then we can start to make in roads again and establish the club as a powerful business operation.

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coupy73 wrote:
I don't think the culture of the club needs changing.

Do we have internal problems?

So basically he has made a bad club off the field a good club off the field, what could he do to improve the Storm in that respect ,that Ron or any other CEO (that does not get cought cheating the cap) could do. The CEO for mine is the leader of the Business, not the football club. Lets give Ron a bit more time, after 3 years or so judge him then. My question is what do you want him to do to improve the storm as a whole????

player attitude on and off the field is great! the only thing i would say is more bums on seats at home games. that could involve better advertising, discount tickets, cheaper memberships, ticket give aways to schools maybe. they need to get 20k+ to every game. AFL do it, so why cant storm?
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The club has sold mid-season limited memberships in the past, I'm not sure whether they were specifically for 4 games or not. We used to have 3 & 6 game memberships available before Waldron abolished them.

Aside from the late membership sales and delays in sponsorship announcement, and subsequent delay in merchandise. All of which wouldve been beyond anybody's control considering the circumstances of last year. The late membership sales were well within his control, there was no need for the protracted review creating such a long delay.

Some notable changes I've noticed this year;

Salary Cap compliant We'd be playing for no points again if we weren't so any CEO would've bent over backwards to ensure that we were.
Record membership New stadium, back playing for points again, it was always expected we'd increased memberships. I believe that if the memberships weren't delayed and prices weren't hiked so much we could have got more members, but that's just my opinion.
Record home crowd Same thinks as for the memberships. Although I believe if we hadn't requested the majority of our home games in the first half of the season but spread them out better we could've had a better all round crowd average, our overall crowd average/total crowd numbers for the season were actually only our 3rd best in our history which was disappointing.
First NRL club to get phone app Great if you have an iphone
Facebook and Twitter interaction for fans Facebook interaction was around before 2011, we also used to have live chats on the Storm website.
Hailstorm electronic newsletters That's not new this year. Hail Storm has been in existance since at least 2005 and we got at least semi-regular emails before 2005.
Rescheduling of Anzac Day clash with NZ That was a stuff up by the NRL allowing it to be scheduled on the wrong day.
Limited Friday night games due to poor tv exposure Poor TV exposure in Melbourne but sponsors like FTA coverage for their brands so it potentially cost us some $$$ there.
Pressure mounted on ch9 to telecast about 3 games live That was as much the fans/media pushing that agenda as it was the Storm, the email from the Storm regarding the Manly game read as though they made minimal effort, not only that for some bizarre reason it wasn't show live at Crown when that has generally been one of the few places in the past that it can be viewed live without using the Imparja feed.
MOPT ease restrictions on cowbells, etc at games Like with the Live Ch9 games a lot of that was due to member/supporter pressure. I got the impression that the assistance from Storm for this was fairly reluctant.
Pressured Gallop to present trophies at Melbourne It was always the club decision, no pressure was brought to bear.
Has managed to keep media circus away from playing group and coaching staff, which often leads to disruption Due to personal commitments and crappy timing of Storm organised functions I've had no chance to catch up with the players, coaching staff in 2011 so I've no idea on this point.
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Surandy wrote:Record home crowd Same thinks as for the memberships. Although I believe if we hadn't requested the majority of our home games in the first half of the season but spread them out better we could've had a better all round crowd average, our overall crowd average/total crowd numbers for the season were actually only our 3rd best in our history which was disappointing.
Oops, correction:

Our record home crowd was actually prior to Gauci becoming CEO.

We got 25,480 to the game vs Dragons on 2/4/10 when Hansen was acting CEO. Our highest with Gauci as CEO was 24,081 again vs the Dragons on 19/8/11.
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I think given the fact we have record memberships it actually vindicates taking the time to review and overhaul the entire area. Personally i was very underwhelmed with the package last year and wondered why we bothered paying top dollar but IMO this year it's been more worthwhile. I recall there were people across most categories that weren't overly happy with what they received so it clearly needed to be stripped back to nothing and start from scratch. You could make a fair argument that if whoever was in charge of them beforehand had done properly in the first place we wouldn't have had the need for the overhaul this season.

I was as pissed as anyone that they were out late and now the basic structure is in place it won't happen again so a bit of short term pain for long term gain was well worth it i reckon. We can surmise all day whether or not the figures would've been any higher if they were out earlier but we'd only be guessing and besides, given we got record memberships this year which is the most important thing after last years debacle it's pretty much irellevent anyway.
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Surandy wrote:The club has sold mid-season limited memberships in the past, I'm not sure whether they were specifically for 4 games or not. We used to have 3 & 6 game memberships available before Waldron abolished them.
Those 3 and 6 game memberships used to be available from the start of the season pre-Waldron, not mid-season like this year. Waldron ditched them because of "the administration cost" and he believed that most people who wanted to be members would get a full membership whether or no. Waldron's theory is wrong on so many levels with heaps of people working and with other commitments on weekends and the full draw (ie date and time) being released on a rolling scale there would be a number of people who wouldn't commit to a full membership because they might only be able to make 5 or 6 games and at least if they have a 4 game membership it is a sunk cost so they are more likely to go to games. If people haven't made a financial commitment it is easier for them to choose something else to do when a Storm game is on.

There may be some people who drop from a full membership to a four game membership but I think the benefits of the additional members would far outweigh the costs of those dropping.

Hopefully, the 4 game memberships are available from the start of next year. I know at least 4 people who have had 3 or 6 game memberships and / or are likely to get a 4 game membership if it was available from the start of the year. When the 3 or 6 game memberships were available these people went to four or five games a year, now they are lucky to make it to two games a year.

These type of memberships are also perfect for people who have AFL memberships but also follow the Storm.

I have included the re-introduction of 3 or 6 game memberships on my members' survey every year since they were abolished. My wife and I started out as 3 game members in 2000 and have had a full membership since 2002 or 2003.
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What would be great is if we had a members board or committe that could meet say once a month and discuss issues raised on here and other forums / conversations / facebook and then meet with Ron 2 or three times a year and pass the thoughts of the members on. I know we have the fans survey and the question / answer session but somthing more organised. Memebrs could be on this steering group if you will for a couple of years and then new faces come in. People nedd to put there hands up but commit to meeting every month. Things should not be done on a personnel level e.g I don't like my seat... my hotdog was cold ot the game etc but the group could be consulted on stuff like membership packages, merchandise, member events etc
There are some great (and some not so great!!) ideas out there from fans and members maybe someone with more clout then me could propose this to the club.
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I think the members committee is a great idea and should be put to Ron Gauci.

This could be a way of getting some of our points across re TV coverage and membership issues.
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