2011 Memberships

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Tropical Cyclone
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just been on twitter and it came out today storm have 10200 memebers 800 away from the most ever
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Melbourne & Bears
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Go the storm!!!!

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Steaming Storm. I emailed the club and asked where my pet membership was and they rang me and told me that when the processed my membership they over looked the pet membership. They were very sorry with lots of excuses, so maybe the same thing has happened with yours.
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They must be counting the Quad Pass memberships - there can't be anybody buying full memberships this late into the season. At least the Quad Pass is a proper membership category instead of just four tickets - the club should push for those people to sign up for a full season membership next year. We should be pushing for at least 12,000 members in 2012.

I do wonder what the breakdown is, though - how many fully ticketed, how many Quad Passes and how many non-ticketed?
Tropical Cyclone
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Good point there absentee, i did wonder how we got to 10k this late into the season when we weren't far over 9k not so long ago so the quad pass makes plenty of sense why that would be. I've no doubt they'll be pushing hard those people next season to be full members, if they signed up for 4 games there's every chance they'll sign up to full membership next year.
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steaming stormer
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glennb wrote:Steaming Storm. I emailed the club and asked where my pet membership was and they rang me and told me that when the processed my membership they over looked the pet membership. They were very sorry with lots of excuses, so maybe the same thing has happened with yours.
Cheers mate, I emailed them today too, so will see what I hear from them. I know it's not that big a deal, but it's 3 and a half months since I paid them... it's pretty poor.
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I think the Quad pass is a good way for potential members to 'test the water' so to speak.

Back in 2003, I signed up with a 6 game membership - I ended going to all 12 home games anyway and have been a full member ever since. I had been to a couple of casual games prior to that but did not want to commit to a full membership because I wasn't sure how many games I would actually get to - little did I know that I would love it so much that now I move heaven and earth to get to every home game. I think back then they offered 3 and 6 game memberships.

Hopefully the membership department get their backsides into gear and get the renewals out EARLY for next year so we can KEEP these fresh new members. I know the late membership renewals cost us BIG time this year - especially with the people that signed up in support after the salary cap punishment. I would love to see the figures showing how many of them actually renewed.
Go Storm
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The earlier the better. I can't understand why they can't offer 2012 memberships the minute the 2011 season finishes? All of the diehard supporters would resign and it gives months of opportunity for newbies to join.
The memberships need to be made available well before Xmas. They'd make excellent Xmas presents. And even if the recipient only goes to a handful of, or none, games the club still benefits from your gift. And best case scenario is to convert a few more diehard supporters.

I really hope Crown provide us with a proper area of our own before next season. We should've had a 'leagues club' built well before now. And this would help with memberships too as you'd receive discounts at the club, free admissions, etc. Everyone in the local area would be a member even if it were a non-ticket member. These social members probably contribute to upto 30% of some of the Sydney clubs figures.
Apparently the Rabbitohs have accommodation also, and social members receive very healthy discounts. Many years ago whilst in Sydney it was cost effective for one of our group to join the Bulldogs RLC as we were drinking in Bellmore as our local for a period of time.

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I believe that type of arrangement is actually illegal in Victoria. I know some AFL clubs have got associations with Pokie places, but a full blown leagues club system is illegal from what I believe.
Unless someone out there knows different and will prove me wrong.
Rose Madder
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steaming stormer wrote:I'm still waiting for my pet membership. It's things like that that can and unfortunately do make aspects of the club look amateur. Fair enough it sold more than planned so had to arrange further stock (so the excuse went), but it's now about 5 months since I paid for it and it's not good enough
I got a pet membership and I don't have a pet,and further more I didnt apply for one either ( a membership not a pet )..so when I received the Hail Storm newsletter addressed to Dear Pet,I thought they were getting a bit fresh,cause that is what my husband calls me ( lol).So when I realized that it was in fact an animal that they were addressing,I called the club and informed them that I in fact did not have a pet,but they insisted that I had applied AND paid for one,I assured them I didn't so at least the emails have stopped,but I still have a little doggy bowl and blanket!!!!
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