Religion discussion thread

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Mikey wrote: Surandy I can't agree with you. I am by no way intending to downplay ANZAC day by saying this but whethr your a believer or not Jesus is the most famous and most spoken about person ever.
In the western world, in the Islamic world the most famous is the Prophet Mohammed, so should we have a service in recognition of him every time we play a Friday game? Then there is Buddhism, should we have a service in honour of Buddha whilst we are at it?
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Super if you don't want to be respectful then thats up to you but surely what I just suggested about the service being held in a room at the ground is a fair compromise.

I don't want to get in to a debate on here but I will say I have nothing against athiests they have there right to have a opinion to. I used to myself think religion did more bad then good but now I believe Christianty does a lot of good.

Like I said I don't want to debate it on here I bought up this to state what I and many others believe should happen on the day.

Even though I don't agree with your opinion good on you for speaking your mind.
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Surandy happy to dicuss that with you another time if you like but in the whole world Jesus is the most talked about person ever and that is a fact. Not pushing it on you but it is a well known fact and I would be happy to explain that in detail if you like but here I would rather keep it to the good Friday game issue
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Taliesin wrote: Time to lock this pointless thread !
Enough people have already made there view known.
Not before I have my say ;D

Think Mikey made a fair point about having a service in one of the rooms for those wishing to attend.
For me I am a Catholic and like Nacho, will be paying my respects in the morning, then going to watch the Storm.
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Super and anyone else if you want to discuss religion in other details I'm happy to start a thread in the dribble bar for that but outside of talking about the good Friday issue this thread is not the place to discuss it.

More then happy to have a chat and hear your views there and answer any questions you have
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Ok Super and people have started a thread here to discuss religion rather then do it in the main section. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. I'm not a know it all and can't gurantee I'll have all the answer but more then happy to discuss it here
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Mikey wrote: Surandy happy to dicuss that with you another time if you like but in the whole world Jesus is the most talked about person ever and that is a fact. Not pushing it on you but it is a well known fact and I would be happy to explain that in detail if you like but here I would rather keep it to the good Friday game issue
Oh, so what team did he play for that makes him relevant at a football game?
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Since people are INTENT on starting another holy war,(so many in history another won't matter right  :roll: )

WHAT brand of "service" would you like pre game  ??? The many Christian religions
or are we just pandering to that branch that is ruled from Rome ?

Let's leave religion & politics off the terraces.
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Its all well and good to say lets leave religion and politics of the terraces but whether your a believer or not good Friday is a Christian holiday and if we are playing sport on it there needs to be aknoweledgment in some way.

If people are strongly opposed to Christianty that much thats fine but maybe they should go to work like they do every other Friday.

Talisman with all due respect talking about a holy war is a little imature. people like Father Bob and I and many others hold one view other people disagree. Thats the way the world works. WShere talking about a difference of opinion over what should happen pre match at a Storm game and its passionate Storm fans on both sides arguing for what they believe is right

One thing I can confirm is that I have spoken to Jesus and he is a Storm fan :)
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Just on this subject listened to the podcast of Father Bob on SEn who said he has spoken to Brian Waldron and offered to do a service at the ground that he says won't offend anyone.

Even tho I'm not Catholic Father Bob is a good man and if he says it won't offend non believers lets give him a chance. remember this is a man who many non beliervers fidn to be quite entertaining and Father Bob has done a lot for the Storm so lets give him some respect
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lol...i dont have any questions i need answering mikey. Your religion IMO is full of sh*t.  The whole idea of your religion is just so ridiculously crazy! the bible is full of inconsistentcies and all types of other crap. You guys force your religion down others throat (door knocking, school scripture and passing out flyers and booklets on the streets) and that angers me! Wars are carried out in religions name....people are killed over a piece of grass because of it. the amount of priests that have raped/sexually assaulted children is staggering!

just...believe in your god....but leave that for your church or your home...stop forcing it down others throats. noone should take time out of their day accomadate for YOUR beliefs.

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Super let me point out a couple of things here.

Firstly I don't agree with the way some Christians promote our religion. I believe they have the right intent in wanting to promote Christianty but I think they should go about it in other ways.

Personally I don't force religion down people throat. I try and promote christianty just like I like to promote the Storm to people. I definetly try not to shove it down peoples throats. I made that mistake when I first became a Christian and have tried not to do it since.

Yes there are priests etc that have done unfortunate things but let me point ouy that you would find this across all occupations. Not saying that makes it ok just pointing out that to link it to priests only is wrong.

I am against war but let me say that when athiests run the show we end up with the likes of the USSR and the camare rogue.

Also I respect your opinion but surely you must concede the Christians do a lot of good. Imagine what would happen here in Melbourne if we didn't have the church doing the work they do around the city. Look at all the good works Christians did after events like the boxing day tsunami. Look at groups such as World Vision, Brotherhood of St lawrence the Smith family and of course the Salvos. Even athiests I have spoken to can admit that Christians do a lot of good.

Let me finish by asking you a question. If your so against Christianty will you be working on Christmas and right through Easter or are you happy to take these religous holidays.

I respect your opinion mate and I'm sure your a top bloke.

p.s please feel free to give examples of these inconsistencies in the bible. Can't gurantee I'll be able to answer them all but will do my best
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just on the bible for a tick, it should not be taken as gospel (pardon the pun lol). when reading any religious text it should be read from a contextual view.

like for example, Christianity; the world was NOT created in 7 days like  Gen1:1 indicates. from the contextual readers perspective you see the purpose of humans(given the ability to name animals, become stewards of gods creation etc..), nature of god (omnipitent, immenant and trancendent) and other aspects which are important, humans being created last which promotes the view that we are the peak of creation, we are all in the image of god so we all require our inherent dignity to be upheld etc...

also there are two stories of how the world was made, the priestly writer version(Gen1:1) and the jahwist version(Gen 2:1) therefor the inconsistencies, as mentioned above, can be justified. the bible isnt based on purely fact, it is a book of parables (not myths) which have an implied meaning of how believers can base their life around.

sorry for the RE lesson but i just finished my VCE exam on religion and society so i have stuff to say (educated stuff, can u believe it? lol).

i have no problem with peoples opinions and i value them as much as my own but when people criticise a large part of my life and is based on ignorance then i feel the need to correct people.
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Nacho well done on complete ther VCE hope you went well mate
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Mikey wrote: Nacho well done on complete ther VCE hope you went well mate
just finished year 11 but took the option of vce religion lol, unfortunatly ive got another year left
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