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Tigger wrote: What you in your typically arrogant way claim is a back flip on my part is no such thing SW, the fact is that I only found the thesis by accident whilst doing a search on info about the MSSC a couple of weeks ago.  That is how I came across it.  To be honest I’m very happy I did come across it because it can finally lay this issue you have been going on and on and on about for all this time to rest.

The only reason the issue arose in the first place was due to you saying 'I had been had by the club at a public forum' yet you wouldn't publicly or privately explain.......don't you think that is a little hypercritical when you and a couple others EXPECT others to justifiy what they have posted?

You want me to go into detail and explain myself time and time again if I say something yet you wont when you say I'm posting porky's.......please.
Again I will reiterate that I would not give out any information of an employer/former employer which I knew about and the only reason I’ve put this up now is to get you to shut the hell up about it.

You seem to be the only one who has such a bee in your bonnet about it all.  No-one else here cares – get it?

It’s got nothing to do with me what numbers were released and what weren’t.
Your the one that worked in the membership department and said I had no idea, so like any person I wanted to be correct by the person who knew.
Why are you so bothered about it anyway?? 
In case you haven't picked up on it yet.....I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT IT. My concern (so you can understand AGAIN) was the fact YOU said I had was posting false information, yet it was the information that the club had told people at the public forums.

If you’re so concerned about the club’s future and sustainability then get over this and move on!  Things are so much different at the club now anyway.
I can know the figures have been posted.....which was my only point in the first place. And thank god for that, as you have said, now the correct information is being released. That's always a good thing.
As for the crowd figures, well, it’s been so long since the subject originally came up that when you mentioned figures the other day they’re the ones I thought you’d been on about
Oh, it's been so long and above you have complained about me going on about it for so long you and now you forget....mmmmmmmmm  :?
Now here’s the kicker folks!  SW, you have thanked me for posting the figures (which of course came from a publically accessible document) and also apologised to me for being ‘head strong’ and personal but you have NOT agreed that you were in fact wrong about the said figures!!  You state that you might expect an apology from me for

After a confusing moment of trying to understand that comment I ask why should I feel the need to apologise to you?

mmm, Tigger, here is were I really think this is funny, I posted early, very early in the piece that if the figures I have posted are wrong, they ARE WRONG, in fact lets look at it again.
April 25, 2006, 06:02:38 pm wrote: If these were wrong then they were wrong, yet I didn't hear the membership Dept, correct the wrong all.
You have been on at me about this for years and expected me to go against my principles regarding information gained whilst in the employment
Not at all, what I wanted and have posted time and time and time and time again, is that if you are going to call someone out like you did BACK IT UP, like you expect others to do time and time again on this forum.

Which I think it is only fair.
to satisfy your own ideas on what you think you should know
Understand this coz you have missed it for years now (according to your comment above).....if you are going to call someone out like you did BACK IT UP, I don't need to know, and don't really care about the figures, it was the princiable of you saying I had been had yet you wouldn't EXPLAIN how.....end of story.

I will not apologise to you for that.
Now why doesn't that surprise me

You are not the only one who cares about the club and the future of Storm SW – please get over yourself and let it lie.
I'm so stoked that I'm not, and it's great to see so many people who do care. As for getting over myself, it's a big job, but I'll try, just for you ;)
Now please SW, let this thing be.  Get over the fact that you did not know the ‘truth’ about certain things the club did or said.  It’s in the past and forgotten by so many people.
As I have said time and time again I was happy to let this go ages ago, but if someone is going to say 'I've been had' I want them to tell me how.

Buzz, you are correct the it is only the publicly listed company that has to total. And as a division of that publicly listed company the divisions MUST report fully to the parent company.

Oh, it's good to see some of those that were quick to jump in on this when I hadn't reply so quickly for not seeing this post have disappeared just as quick.....

Oh, yes, Tigger it's over, but I'll bet the flock wont get over it..........
Last edited by Stormwarning[c] on Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

[b]Get out of the closet, you know deep down your a Storm supporter.[/b]

[b]You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life....[b]
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Stormwarning[c] wrote:Oh, yes, Tigger it's over, but I'll bet the flock wont get over it..........

ROFLMAO!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
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Oh, it's good to see some of those that were quick to jump in on this when I hadn't reply so quickly for not seeing this post have disappeared just as quick.....
C'mon SW - you better not be talking to me! I'm only here for the fight! And I'm interested in the blood spatter patterns.

Two men enter!
One man leaves!
Two men enter!
One man leaves!

*goes back to watching Tina Turner in Beyond Thunderdome* *drool*
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Oh SW you still don't get it do you?  You can't let it go!
Yes the figures were wrong!! Yes I worked in the membership department and could have told you the real figures but that would have been betraying confidence to my employer and going against my principles!  I worked there - therefore why didn't you believe that I knew what I was talking about??  I was in a position to know real facts and you could have taken me at my word but no.  Could it be that your personal opinion of me got in the way of reason?? 
As for me asking you to explain things again and again - that would only be because you come up with the most confusing reasons for one thing or another during your posts that it is very hard to understand the point of your 'discussion'.
How can you say that you did not want me to go against my own principles and in the very same sentence expect me to 'back it up'???  I had explained that I knew the figures but could not release them to you because of the confidence issue.
Again you have not said you were wrong - you hide behind semantics and expect people to be as stupid as you think some are...."if these were wrong they were wrong" does not constitute "I WAS WRONG when I posted those figures and believed them"!!

Now while I'm here one more bloody thing!

The people in this forum whom you refer to as the 'flock' are individual people who love the Melbourne Storm and make decisions by themselves.  Please stop insinuating that we cannot do anything unless we are in a group.  You are here as a guest of the provider of the forum and continue to have snide little digs at things that person and others have organised or done.  You think your higher than thou attitude is endearing??  You have become the forum joke lately and need to pull your head in about how bloody important you think you are - nobody cares!!!  Perhaps that is the reason not that many people answer your posts any more SW - they're sick of you! 
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!
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SW i think tiger has had the better of you i think its time just to leave it alone on get on with what ever it is u do
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Stormwarning[c] wrote:
Tigger wrote: What you in your typically arrogant way claim is a back flip on my part is no such thing SW, the fact is that I only found the thesis by accident whilst doing a search on info about the MSSC a couple of weeks ago.  That is how I came across it.  To be honest I’m very happy I did come across it because it can finally lay this issue you have been going on and on and on about for all this time to rest.

The only reason the issue arose in the first place was due to you saying 'I had been had by the club at a public forum' yet you wouldn't publicly or privately explain.......don't you think that is a little hypercritical when you and a couple others EXPECT others to justifiy what they have posted?

You want me to go into detail and explain myself time and time again if I say something yet you wont when you say I'm posting porky's.......please.
Again I will reiterate that I would not give out any information of an employer/former employer which I knew about and the only reason I’ve put this up now is to get you to shut the hell up about it.

You seem to be the only one who has such a bee in your bonnet about it all.  No-one else here cares – get it?

It’s got nothing to do with me what numbers were released and what weren’t.
Your the one that worked in the membership department and said I had no idea, so like any person I wanted to be correct by the person who knew.
Why are you so bothered about it anyway??   
In case you haven't picked up on it yet.....I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT IT. My concern (so you can understand AGAIN) was the fact YOU said I had was posting false information, yet it was the information that the club had told people at the public forums.

If you’re so concerned about the club’s future and sustainability then get over this and move on!  Things are so much different at the club now anyway.
I can know the figures have been posted.....which was my only point in the first place. And thank god for that, as you have said, now the correct information is being released. That's always a good thing.
As for the crowd figures, well, it’s been so long since the subject originally came up that when you mentioned figures the other day they’re the ones I thought you’d been on about
Oh, it's been so long and above you have complained about me going on about it for so long you and now you forget....mmmmmmmmm  :?
Now here’s the kicker folks!  SW, you have thanked me for posting the figures (which of course came from a publically accessible document) and also apologised to me for being ‘head strong’ and personal but you have NOT agreed that you were in fact wrong about the said figures!!  You state that you might expect an apology from me for

After a confusing moment of trying to understand that comment I ask why should I feel the need to apologise to you?

mmm, Tigger, here is were I really think this is funny, I posted early, very early in the piece that if the figures I have posted are wrong, they ARE WRONG, in fact lets look at it again.
April 25, 2006, 06:02:38 pm wrote: If these were wrong then they were wrong, yet I didn't hear the membership Dept, correct the wrong all.
You have been on at me about this for years and expected me to go against my principles regarding information gained whilst in the employment
Not at all, what I wanted and have posted time and time and time and time again, is that if you are going to call someone out like you did BACK IT UP, like you expect others to do time and time again on this forum.

Which I think it is only fair.
to satisfy your own ideas on what you think you should know
Understand this coz you have missed it for years now (according to your comment above).....if you are going to call someone out like you did BACK IT UP, I don't need to know, and don't really care about the figures, it was the princiable of you saying I had been had yet you wouldn't EXPLAIN how.....end of story.

I will not apologise to you for that.
Now why doesn't that surprise me

You are not the only one who cares about the club and the future of Storm SW – please get over yourself and let it lie.
I'm so stoked that I'm not, and it's great to see so many people who do care. As for getting over myself, it's a big job, but I'll try, just for you ;)
Now please SW, let this thing be.  Get over the fact that you did not know the ‘truth’ about certain things the club did or said.  It’s in the past and forgotten by so many people.
As I have said time and time again I was happy to let this go ages ago, but if someone is going to say 'I've been had' I want them to tell me how.

Buzz, you are correct the it is only the publicly listed company that has to total. And as a division of that publicly listed company the divisions MUST report fully to the parent company.

Oh, it's good to see some of those that were quick to jump in on this when I hadn't reply so quickly for not seeing this post have disappeared just as quick.....

Oh, yes, Tigger it's over, but I'll bet the flock wont get over it..........

I am a bit confused, You contiune to go even thou Buzz who is the webmater and other of the forum told you "to let it be"

Even thou you added this
Stormwarning[c] wrote: Oh, Tigger, I appoligse for being so head strong on this issue over the past 3 or more years, and a appoligse for getting personal.

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Bumped as Stormwarning need to make an apology to people.

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oh for lima lima lima duck sake AAS whats ur problem, this is a melbourne storm supporter forum, not somewhere for you to go hardcore with the keyboard, relax

he said something u didnt agree with or u thoght was offensive, keep it to private mesages or dont say anything at all and just bite your tounge.
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AAS wrote: Bumped as Stormwarning need to make an apology to people.
You are obviously well balanced AAS - you've got a chip on both shoulders.
It's really quite petty - dragging something up from 14 months ago just because you are having a bit of a dust up about something else.

Tigger's a big tough lass (in the nicest possible way  ;-) ) I'm sure she can look after herself.

Now play nice or we'll have to have a chat with Uncle Buzz.
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Gawd I'm not that old! (Or that dodgy!) ;)