lets talk about sex baby

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some intresting sex trivia:some of this matrial might not be suitable for younger members..but i know you will read it anyway

Everyday, 200 million couples around the world have sex, which is about over 2000 couples at any given moment.

30% of women over the age of 80 still have sexual intercourse either with their spouse or boyfriends.

Mosquitoes, which mate in the air perform a sex act that lasts only 2 seconds

Women with a Ph.D. are twice as likely to be interested in a one-night stand than those with only a Bachelor's degree.

Fellatio ranks as the number one sexual act desired by heterosexual men

Australian women have sex on the first date more than women the same age in the USA and Canada.

Minks have intercourse that lasts an average of eight hours

Today, Japan leads the world in condom use. Like cosmetics, they're sold door to door, by women.

More Americans lose their virginity in June than in any other month

A man’s penis not only shrinks during cold weather but also from nonsexual excitement like when his favorite football team scores a touchdown, etc.

In the original Grimm fairly tale of 'Sleeping Beauty', the Prince rapes her while she sleeps and then leaves before she wakes up.

The word 'gymnasium' comes from the Greek word gymnazein which means to exercise naked, which often was done in ancient Greece.

White women and those women with a college degree, when asked said they were more receptive to anal sex than women without college educations

The word avocado comes from the Spanish word aguacate which is derived from the Aztec word ahuacati which means testicle.

The first condoms in the US were made from vulcanized rubber in the 1870s. They were expensive and annoyingly thick and meant to be reused.

Women who went to college are more likely to enjoy both the giving and receiving of oral sex than high school dropouts.

About 1% of the adult female population are able to achieve orgasm solely through breast stimulation

14% of males said that they did not enjoy sex the first time.

60% of women say they did not enjoy sex their first time.(so if you devirginized someone and she said you were really good, more then likely she's lying to make you feel good

The chimpanzee holds the record for the quickest mammal sexual intercourse session at an average of three seconds

Most turkeys and giraffes are bisexual

An adult gorilla's penis is only two inches long.

The penis of a dragonfly is shaped like a shovel, and has the ability to scoop out a male rivals semen.

In Ancient Greece, women would expose their vaginas to ward off storms at sea.

In ancient Greece and Rome, dildos were made out of animal horns, gold, silver, ivory and glass.

While nudity was considered commonplace to the ancient Greeks, a man was considered indecent if he had an exposed erection.

Both humans and porpoises have one social sex practice in common - group sex.

The penguin only has one single orgasm in a year.

The rhinoceros has a penis about two feet long.

A bull can inseminate 300 cows from one single ejaculation.

The sperm of a mouse is actually longer than the sperm of an elephant

Cleopatra invented her own diaphragm from camel's poop

The left testicle usually hangs lower than the right for right-handed men. The opposite is true for lefties.

It takes a sperm one hour to swim seven inches.

The initial spurt of ejaculate travels at 28 miles per hour. By way of comparison, the world record for the 100 yard dash is 27.1 miles per hour.

Honking of car horns for a couple that just got married is an old superstition to insure great sex

The most successful X-rated movie of all time is 'Deep Throat'. It cost approximately $25,000 to make (according to the FBI) and has earned more than $600 million dollars. - Updated by a CN reader.

Egyptians inserted stones into their vagina to prevent pregnancy. (It worked kind of like the modern IUD by preventing implantation).

Napoleon's penis was sold to an American Urologist for $40,000 (lmfao, that's just great)

Seventy percent of women would rather have chocolate than sex.

The same chemical responsible for the ecstatic highs of love and sexual attraction, phenylethylamine, is also found in chocolate.

The male fetus is capable of attaining an erection during the last trimester.

A survey conducted by Masters and Johnson in the early 1980s revealed that the third-most frequent fantasy amongst both homosexual men and women was a heterosexual encounter

According to the Kinsey Institute, half of the men raised on farms have had a sexual encounter with an animal.

The Black Widow spider eats her mate during or after sex.

Among sexually active adults, lesbians have the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases
The average bra is designed to last for only 180 days of use.

Casanova boasted that he made love to the same woman twelve times in one day.
According to Playboy, the most popular sexual aid is erotic literature.

One of the reasons male deer rub their antlers on a tree or the ground is to masturbate.

Approximately one out of every two hundred women is born with an extra nipple.

A small flaccid penis generally has a greater percentage increase during erection than a larger flaccid penis

In general, women who are housewives are more faithful than working women.

The practice of autoerotic asphyxiation (temporarily suffocating or strangling yourself while masturbating) takes the lives of 250 to a thousand people each year.

A “buckle bunny” is a woman who goes to rodeos with the intent of having sex with a rodeo cowboy.

Human testicles can increase in size by 50% when a man is aroused.

Two of the main causes of temporary impotence are tight pants and prolonged cigarette smoking

The hymen is named after the Greek God Hymenaeus -- the God of marriage and weddings

A pig’s orgasm lasts for about 30 minutes

In 2004, a sex toy was introduced that does not require batteries: it connects to a USB port.

Many ancient sexual positions are physically impossible for most people

Sex Laws

Truth: It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to pose for a pornographic magazine, movie or web site in the USA.

Oral and anal sex are illegal in many states in the US, between both homosexual and heterosexual people

In Newcastle, Wyoming, an ordinance specifically bans couples from having sex while standing in a store’s walk-in meat freezer. (Must be from the State Department of Health)

In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit. Huh?

In Medieval France unfaithful wives were made to chase a chicken through town while naked

The Romans would crush a first time rapist’s gonads between two stones (go ROME!! maybe other places should adopt that punishment)

It’s illegal to have sex with a corpse anywhere in the United States.

In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it’s against the law to have sex with a truck driver in a toll booth.

In Fairbanks, Alaska it’s illegal for moose to have sex on the city sidewalks.

In Florida having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal

Up until 1884, a Victorian-era woman could be sent to prison for denying a husband sex

Taking the act of adultery to very painful heights, the Serni of Brazil take a guilty wife, whip her and then expose the wounds to fire ants.

During the Middle Ages, if you were guilty of bestiality you’d be burned at the stake, along with the other party to your crime.

The Asiatic Huns punished convicted male rapists and adulterers with castration. Female adulterers were cut in two

Words....and their sexual meaning

Oneirogmophobia is the fear of wet dreams.

Hybristophilia is arousal derived by having sex with people who have committed crimes

A parthenologist is someone who specializes in the study of virgins and virginity.

Nasophilia: is the arousal from the sight, touch, licking, or sucking of a partner's nose.
Axillism: is the act of using of the armpit for sex.

Emetophilia is the arousal from vomit or vomiting.

Siderodromophilia: The arousal from riding in trains.

Anasteemaphilia: The attraction to a person because of a difference in height.

Crematistophilia is the arousal from being charged for sex.

Dacryphilia is the arousal from seeing tears in the eyes of a partner.

Oculolintus is the act of licking a partner's eyeball

Sacofricosis, is the practice of cutting a hole in the bottom of a front pants pocket in order to masturbate in public with less risk of detection.

Taphephilia is the arousal from being buried alive.

Formicophila is the enjoyment of the use of insects for sexual purposes.

Dendrophilia is a sexual attraction to trees.

Agalmatophilia is an attractions to statues or mannequins

Plushophilia is the attraction to stuff animals or the act of intercourse with a stuffed animal. :wink:

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[b]In Florida having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal [/b]
Only in america :lol:
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The penguin only has one single orgasm in a year. [/u]
Man it would be hard to satisfy a penguin. :lol:
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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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lol that thing is cool.
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Totally off topic, but I just noticed - the mouse in your signature kinda looks like it's being electrocuted Rose... :shock:
Rose Madder
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That is probably why it does'nt blink too much :lol: :lol:
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Insomniac wrote:Totally off topic, but I just noticed - the mouse in your signature kinda looks like it's being electrocuted Rose... :shock:
Crematistophilia is the arousal from being charged for sex.
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So my comment was on topic then! :D
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Crematistophilia is the arousal from being charged for sex.

Is that "being billed" for sex? Or "being arrested and possibly sent to trial" for it :?:
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TC wrote: Is that "being billed" for sex? Or "being arrested and possibly sent to trial" for it :?:
Either way......................It's gonna cost you money :twisted:

'Crematistophilia' means 'charged for or robbed',so it's not used in a criminal sense
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