Discussion on anything to do with Melbourne Storm - games, players, rumours - anything!
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The media had agrenda all week to get as many people as possible to the match.  They wanted people to come out and show Melbourne how much they are hated and how the trophy the should be in Sydney and Parrmatta were "cheated" out of last year's preimership.  Well, if only 7500 Sydney people hate Melbourne, they have along way to go.  The Daily Telegraph plan did not work and they should be told to stop. 
The Eels have over 10,000 members and there was Storm supporters in the crowrd as well, so where were the rest of these passionate Eels supports that were there on Grand Final day?  I know the bad weather will be blamed.  But I can tell you if the situation was reversed all 9516 Storm members would sit in the rain and cold to watch their team!!!!

A few weeks ago we got over 25,000 people to a game in a non NRL city with a huge AFL game on the other side of the city going on.  That week in Melbourne,  we did not have half the media coverage this game got in Sydney this week.  Sydney peopl need to grow a spine and learn how to suppot a team in good times and in bad.
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Why sink to their level ? The Sydney media unfortunately did not only sink to that level but openly promoted it.
The gutter rabble that hurled abuse at Storm fans,(& heckled the Storm bench from their cowards perch in the stands) do not travel to away games.
Storm fans in the main have a good rapport with opposition fans who do travel,(even Silvertails  :P )

BTW : Has anyone else noticed that the media focus now appears to have centred on 'returning the 2009 trophy' ?
OK ...................So they no longer want the 3 minor premiership shields & the 2007 trophy ?
Or did someone suddenly discover some very rubbery $ figures recently bandied around with abandon don't stand up to close scrutiny ?
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They want the 2009 trophy back because that is the trophy the handed to the wining team at the end the grand final.  Before each grand final the last preimership team returns that trophy and are given are replica trophy for their club rooms.  The 2007 trophy we have is only a replica.  There is a new plaque put of the real trophy every year.  It is not like the AFL where a new one is made every year.  The minor premiership shield gets past around from club to club from year to year.  So the Dragons would have it at the moment.  I heard Vossy say this on the Footy Show.

As far as I understand it, and I could be wrong.  The results still stay the same ie: Melbourne Storm finished on top of the ladder 2006, 2007 and 2008, and we won the 2007 and 2009 grand final,  but now there is a little * placed beside it with the words stripped of these titles in 2010 due to salary cap puishments or something like that. 
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Freshy wrote: Well done to the rats from Parramatta. I had friends of the family attend the game who ultimately had to leave at halftime due to the fact, the  son was crying because of all the abuse that he and his dad were getting. I hope Parra play down here because I'll give them hell.
The same thing happened to my friends who flew up to the game...abused all night.  They even went to security, but nothing was done apart from being moved to other seats where the same thing happened.  They stuck it out until the end of the game but vowed never ever to return.

Disgusting effort by Parra fans...no doubt fuelled even more by that crap of a newspaper.
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Pathetic crowd - Parra fans can't handle a Storm
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Drawing only 7500 people is pathetic.  I don't care if it was raining (what a weak excuse).  If they love their team and they hate anything wearing purple, they would have shown up.  Parramatta fans can't even hate us properly.

For us, getting as many people as possible into the Eastern stand at AAMI Park was a smart move.  At least if we're only at a third to half of capacity, it will still look decent on TV.  Everyone was sitting on the camera side last night, making things look worse.
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Told you parra fans were lima lima lima duck pathetic,should all be shot at birth like the retard who cut the commemorative ball and started failing at ripping it apart
oh and pyromaniacy was also held with high regard

They deserve no respect and i honestly hope theyre club folds and they go to........Saints or something,i dont care
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Thought it was funny the comment Cam Smith made at the press conference - about how the increased interest in the game and the passion etc etc and there were 7,500 fans turn up.

The funniest bit is that the Daily Telegraph ran a campaign about the cheating Storm are in town and we want them to know it. Boo the cheating Storm etc etc. This included "commemorative posters" with the trophy and "cheats" I beleive.

The result 7,572 fans turned up - admittedly there may have been weather factors - but 12,000 tickets were sold. Absolutely pathetic fan turnout for Parra and a complete failure of the "boo the cheating Storm" campaign.

Absolutely hilarious!

Anyway - me being an ex-NSW now in Victoria know how many Storm fans would support their team in a leaky stadium regardless of the rain!
More than 7,572 !!!
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Of all of the bias, "tow-the-line",pathetic inbreds that call themselves journalists in NSW some days I think there is some real hope for Phil Gould. I might not agree with everything he says on occasions but at least what he says is HIS opinion and he calls it like he sees it.

http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/leag ... -xls3.html
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How do the media know that Cameron Smith had signed three different contracts?  News Limited is leaking this kind of info when apparently the players haven't even met the auditors.  Ryan Hoffman was on SEN this week and he said that the players were told on Sunday that they would be interviewed on the Monday.  As their managers are all interstate they requested that the meeting dates be changed so everyone could be accommodated.  According to the herald sun, storm players had not bothered to turn up to these auditor meetings.  If I was Cameron Smith I would be taking a lawyer with me.  News Limited are going really cold on us now that legal proceedings are taking place.  I am starting to really worry about storms future.
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alimali wrote:   I am starting to really worry about storms future.

I wouldn't be worried too much alimali. News won't pull out of the Storm, or at least won't just let us just die. When they do get out they'll sell it off to a consortium that'll more than likely be headed by Gerry Ryan and probably will include they other independent board members initiating the legal action. The fact is that if News just pulled out without selling the club they'd come out of it with nothing to show for it. They'd not only lose what they would've got for the purchase price but also countless millions of dollars they'd lose in tv rights revenue, advertising, Foxtel subriptions etc if there wasn't a team in the second biggest City in the country. Considering it's cost them about $6mil a year on average to run the club, why don't you think they haven't pulled out before now if they're "losing" that much money? It's because they're more than making their $6mil a year back and then some on the other things mentioned.

We only need them until they decide to sell up and hand over the reins to people who genuinely love and care about the club. After that happens News will need the Melbourne Storm much more than we'll ever need them.
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It's quite ironic how the morons in the Daily Telegraph continue this smear campaign against the Storm, even though their employer is actually the owner of the very club they are criticising. Two people stand out as major culprits - firstly that smug clown Paul Kent, and secondly, that bona fide knobhead Rothfield. One can link this Storm bashing back to the very cheif of the News empire, John Hartigan. He had his pants pulled down by the finance guru's at the Storm who plotted the whole cap rort. He clearly can't handle the fact this happened under his "command". Its no surprise that his two puppets began slandering the Storm open slather since that day.
Remember what Kent was banging on about before April 22? Scott Prince and the Titans dodgy payment schemes involving an unpaid property developer. This was all of a sudden swept under the carpet. Kent on numerous occasions claimed categorically that he knew of players/managers that were receiving payments outside of the cap from a number of clubs. Why has he gone silent on this? Hartigan. News are gonna walk away from the club and a man like Hartigan wants to leave it in a mess.
Guys like Kent and Rothfield are headline grabbers who arent ever held accountable for their comments, its just washed over. These two are taking this chance to win brownie points with the big boss by marching to the beat of his drum.

Fairfax on the other hand write favourable articles on the Storm every chance they can. Its crazy.

The club should be put up for sale immediately. Players wont be unsettled (half will have to leave anyway it seems) as they are playing for no points. Getting this sorted prior to the post season will mean a fresh start for all before Xmas time. Last thing you want is News playing hardball for the next two seasons. They could be well prepared to see the club run up enormous debt which would kill off any chance of a new buyer.

Ice, I understand your thinking re the Foxtel subscriptions, but there are a lot of people who watch AFL footy in this narrow minded town that will buy Fox Sports and more than compensate for the Storm supporters who may pull the plug on the game should the side fold.
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Show em, just on the Foxtel subscriptions, the AFL fans will buy them regardless of whether or not News own Storm so that's not really an issue. Melbourne Storm are one of, if not the highest rating pay tv team in the NRL so that should tell you what sort of mass appeal they have country wide and i'm sure that fact hasn't been lost on News.

The subs were only one example i gave as to some revenue they'd lose but there are also several others that would cost them millions if they ever decided to just drop the Storm and not sell the club. I'd bet my left one that just won't happen, the News Limited monster is all about making money which is exactly what they'll do with a healthy Melbourne Storm in the comp, even when they sell us and also remove themselves from the ownership of the game completely. As i mentioned, if anyone thinks they're actually losing $6 mill a year on us without getting any return they're just plain naive and not very wise to the ways of the world. They're ruthless and there's no way in hell thay'd have kept taken those sorts of losses year after year if they were getting nothing in return for it.
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