For SW - Info you may want to look at

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I've decided to put this post into the dribble bar because many threads in other forums have been overrun by lots of off-topic stuff.  This is not an attack, it is simply a reply to something asked of me a while ago and I have now found info I can share.
Stormwarning[c] wrote: This was what was told..In 1998 membership numbers were 9500, that increased in 2000 to 11,500.

Here’s my response to all your whining about not being told things you think you should know.
The following information is from an accessible document online – not from any information from myself.

Melbourne Storm membership figures 1998-2002
Year Membership Figure
1998 2 817
1999 4 634
2000 6 478
2001 5 434
2002 5 980

The document in question is a thesis on this page - ... 02Main.pdf

Now SW, please twist these figures around to your pleasure and go on and on about whatever you like but the fact will not change that you were not in possession of the facts in this case. 
You will also notice that crowd figures are discussed, even though you didn’t ask about them, they’re there.
So take this up with someone else now – you have the figures you have been on at me about for ages.  Now can you please provide proof that the figures you quoted were actually said?

Yes, it’s taken me a long time to find this information – there’s not that much available to view publicly, it’s here now and plain for everyone to see.
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Da da da la la la
It's very quiet here........................
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Man - after all that chest thumping crap in the other sections - I thought this was going to be a complete dust-up! At the moment - it's been a complete disappointment! Nothing more impressive than a couple of blokes lining each other up for an almighty wrestle for supremacy! So far - only one has stepped up to the plate!

As we used to sing on the way to school camps:

"Why are we waiting..
It's getting aggravating..."
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I'm still waiting for the admission of 'being wrong'  :lol: :lol:
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you will never get it
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But Perth, how could someone who would make a post such as this one, whilst not directed at myself, seemed like a pretty strong commitment to the truth......
Stormwarning[c] wrote:
Your quick to make these one liners accusing someone of being wrong but then can't and wont back up your statement, thats why you can't.

Why should you? well that's up to you but you come across as such a tool when you don't back up your accusations when all your really waiting on is for the person to spell it out for you....and then you don't even admit you were wrong.

On this one, you are so far off the mark it isn't funny, but, when your not prepared to stand up and justify your comments against or aimed at someone the question has to be asked....why.

Is it coz someone is trying hard to be part of a flock? I'm prepared in front of everyone that visits here to say put up or shut up. If I'm wrong (like before) I will apologise, but on this one I know I'm no where close to being wrong.....but I wouldn't dare ask for you to apologise coz only a man is big enough to do that in a public forum.
And then not admit to themselves being wrong??  That would be very strange indeed.............
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SW's still being silent, could it be that you've humbled him Tigger.
She's gone! The wicked witch is gone! Oh - I like snowballing too!
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Still being quit as I've only just seen this thread. Lotti, I'm always humble

Thank you Tigger for posting those figures.

Now, since I'm running late for bunsiness breakfast, let me say you want to post YOUR reply to my 'quote' commment at the time.

And lets not forget I said this
Lets remember we had over 9500 (so Johns said at a members forum in 2000) members at that time and now we are lucky to have what 5000.....that will help get the club afloat and running for the long term.....wont it!
If these were wrong then they were wrong, yet I didn't hear the membership Dept, correct the wrong all.
But back to your comments, since you wont post them;
if you honestly believe that Storm has had the number of members & crowd figures they have been telling the public (apart from the last 18 months or so - when I'm told they've decided to tell the REAL truth) you've been had dude!
Of course Johnsy & Reebs 'bent the truth' when quoting numbers  Roll Eyes  MOST clubs do! Also, the threat of not having a job sure does take precedence over 'correcting' the information!
Now correct me if I'm wrong a publicly listed company and a division of that company is putting putting false figures and the department of that division DOESN'T correct them.........mmmmm, I'm sure there is a word for that....Surandy, maybe you can help someone here...that would be the legal term for something like that?

Now, those figures are pathic and not what was said at forums back in the early days. No where close.

Oh, lets not forget these comments either
I will NOT say anything about my former employer's figures because I do not feel that you need to know every bloody thing that went on BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!  I was an employee of Storm and was privvy to many bits of information during that time, if you had the slightest idea about loyalty you would understand that I will not be coerced into telling you any of that.  Whether you believe my comments about that subject or not is of no importance to me at all.  YOU do not need to know the 'exact' figures even if I could remember those exact figures!
Oops, posted them now, so why the change of heart?

Or there is this beauty
Ok SW, you claim since Storm 'enhanced' a few crowd figures for games that it should be public knowledge, bah.  Seriously, the only reason you have a problem with my comment is that I told you your statement was wrong and that's it.  You can package up your annoyance about the fact that someone knew information you didn't and that you were called on it in public any way you like but it does not change the fact that there was something you were wrong about and it stuck in your craw.  Again I say you cannot coerce me into telling you anything I heard behind closed doors at my place of employment.
Can I ask, Tigger, why would you post these figures NOW, when according to you in the other thread you and Surandy accused me of questioning CROWD FIGURES......mmmmmm, crowd figures and membership figures are very different things.

Why accuse someone of one thing when they never did?

Now I thank you for posting this and I shall look forward to your reply when I get home tonight.....

No spin on those figures from me, but what will the response be, an appolige for accuse me of something I did care about?  The fact that personal abuse from both sides has gone back and forth for a couple of years only because someone wouldn't even explain to a person who she was accusing as being wrong (even in private) how he was wrong. Yet now after....what it's called in politics...oh yes...A BACKFLIP, has posted the figures.

I really do congratulate you Tigger as this has been my only issue about you all along. Now that you have posted or explained the figures to me (something you have refused to do for years) as far as I'm concern the matter is ended with. Apart from that legal term now which Surandy can help us with as he has posted it before.
Last edited by Stormwarning[c] on Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

[b]Get out of the closet, you know deep down your a Storm supporter.[/b]

[b]You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life....[b]
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Oh, Tigger, I appoligse for being so head strong on this issue over the past 3 or more years, and a appoligse for getting personal.

[b]Get out of the closet, you know deep down your a Storm supporter.[/b]

[b]You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life....[b]
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Stormwarning wrote:Yet now after....what it's called in politics...oh yes...A BACKFLIP, has posted the figures.
Just want to comment on this one. Tigger said she wouldn't post the details of things that were privately said behind closed doors. Things said in confidence. The figures she posted came from a research document that is publicly available. No backflip there.

Whilst News Ltd may be a publicly listed company, I don't think I can buy shares in Melbourne Storm Rugby League Club. I don't think the same levels of disclosure apply to a wholly owned subsidiary etc - but this could be wrong. I know one company we do work for is a private company now owned by a publicly listed company. They certainly don't have the same disclosure obligations as the parent company.
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What you in your typically arrogant way claim is a back flip on my part is no such thing SW, the fact is that I only found the thesis by accident whilst doing a search on info about the MSSC a couple of weeks ago.  That is how I came across it.  To be honest I’m very happy I did come across it because it can finally lay this issue you have been going on and on and on about for all this time to rest.  Again I will reiterate that I would not give out any information of an employer/former employer which I knew about and the only reason I’ve put this up now is to get you to shut the hell up about it.

The thesis is available to the public online!!!  Anyone can access it!!!  Do you understand that??  I have still not done anything I said I would not do!  As for the public listed company blah blah stuff, if you have a problem with it all – take it up with THEM not me! You seem to be the only one who has such a bee in your bonnet about it all.  No-one else here cares – get it?  It’s got nothing to do with me what numbers were released and what weren’t.  Why are you so bothered about it anyway??   If you’re so concerned about the club’s future and sustainability then get over this and move on!  Things are so much different at the club now anyway.  

As for the crowd figures, well, it’s been so long since the subject originally came up that when you mentioned figures the other day they’re the ones I thought you’d been on about – frankly SW I don’t remember (or care about)  many of the things you go on about.

Now here’s the kicker folks!  SW, you have thanked me for posting the figures (which of course came from a publically accessible document) and also apologised to me for being ‘head strong’ and personal but you have NOT agreed that you were in fact wrong about the said figures!!  You state that you might expect an apology from me for
Stormwarning[c] wrote: appolige for accuse me of something I did care about?  
After a confusing moment of trying to understand that comment I ask why should I feel the need to apologise to you?  You have been on at me about this for years and expected me to go against my principles regarding information gained whilst in the employment of the club to satisfy your own ideas on what you think you should know – I will not apologise to you for that.  You are not the only one who cares about the club and the future of Storm SW – please get over yourself and let it lie.

Now please SW, let this thing be.  Get over the fact that you did not know the ‘truth’ about certain things the club did or said.  It’s in the past and forgotten by so many people.  
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Well said Tiger I think we should close this thread now cause i consider it over what do u rekon buzz?
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perthstormer wrote: Well said Tiger I think we should close this thread now cause i consider it over what do u rekon buzz?
What? Don't you want it to degenerate like some of the other threads?  ;D
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Surandy wrote:
perthstormer wrote: Well said Tiger I think we should close this thread now cause i consider it over what do u rekon buzz?
What? Don't you want it to degenerate like some of the other threads?  ;D
That's exactly the reason it's in the Dribble Bar guys - just in case of degeneration  ;-)  Plus, it wasn't really a topic to be discussed anywhere else.
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