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New sports show on Ch 7 tonight at 10:40pm

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:40 pm
by Surandy
Tony Squires, ex-ABC host of The Fat, is hosting a tv show tonight on Channel 7 at 10:40pm.

I wonder if this show will feature any rugby league personalities. Going on his show The Fat they will, but I'll just have to check it out for myself tonight.


New sports show on Ch 7 tonight at 10:40pm

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:37 am
by Surandy
Typical, not even 30 seconds mention of Rugby League when they gave an extremely brief mention of the World Club Challenge and the Charity Shield match.

At least they had a bit of focus on the cricket with both Stuart MacGill and Glenn McGrath being on the show.


New sports show on Ch 7 tonight at 10:40pm

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:42 pm
by Fampa
Apparently Jason Stevens is a regular on the show.

Since this is a national show I think the Storm should look at trying to get some of their players on regularly.

New sports show on Ch 7 tonight at 10:40pm

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:17 pm
by Surandy
The show is called 110% Tony Squires and it almost identical to the Fat that used to be on the ABC. It looks like Channel 7 are running with a Monday night 10:30pm timeslot for this show.

New sports show on Ch 7 tonight at 10:40pm

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:35 pm
by Lucas
Surandy wrote:It looks like Channel 7 are running with a Monday night 10:30pm timeslot for this show.
Which means that it's probably doomed. If I'm not mistaken, the show is being recorded in Sydney, so it will be difficult unfortunately for Storm players to be able to appear regularly on the show.

New sports show on Ch 7 tonight at 10:40pm

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:10 am
by Smacka (C)
The Fat was also recorded in Sydney, but came down to Melb a couple of times per year, when they always had some AFL players on the panel. (And usually as dumb as doggy do-do's too!)
They were always here for the Melb Cup, so there was more focus was on the horse racing. When we got tickets to be in the audience, we always let Tony know we were Storm supporters, which he hated, as he's a big Dragons fan. But he was kind enough to sign some autographs, and I was impressed that he took the time to talk with each person, didn't just brush you off, and put a bit of thought into what he wrote on the autograph.