Getting to know you: Left or Right

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Which are you?

Left Handed
Right Handed
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I've kept this poll simple. And for simplicity - handedness shall be determined by which hand you write with. If you claim to be ambidextrous, you must be able to write equally well with either hand.

I coulda made it more complicated. For instance, I'm left handed with writing, but I throw with my right. I kick footballs with my left. And that's just too confusing for a poll!

"God made a few perfect people. The rest he made right-handed"
"Only left handed people are in their Right minds!"
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I'm a righty.
Mini Chick
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Righty, but have a few lefty friends. Do not sit next to a lefty at school, when you need to write - it's a disaster!! :D
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What about sitting next to a righty when you're a lefty???

And let's not talk about how biased this world is against us Lefty's. Bloody ring binders. Ink that doesn't dry in time before our hands smudge the paper. Scissors man - the right handed scissors were the bane of my childhood existence!
Tropical Cyclone
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Im a lefticle

Write with my left, throw with my left, play golf with my left, play cricket with my right, pass with my right...
I really have to say that the only way that Boofa played at that kick from Orford was if he cracked a fat.

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Clearly you should hang out with Ned Flanders at the Leftorium, wait - didn't it go out of business?? Only stirring, but majority rules :lol:
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I was looking for a different item to respond, but thought the following was hilarious (from Wikipedia)
Statistics show that older people are less likely to be left-handed than their younger counterparts — the percentages of left-handed people sharply drop off with increased age. In America, 12% of 20 year olds are left-handed, while only 5% of 50 year olds and less than 1% of people over 80 are. A study (no longer deemed credible) published in 1991 claimed that these statistics indicate that left-handed peoples' lifespans are shorter than those of their right-handed counterparts by as much as 9 years. The authors explained this gap by asserting that left-handed people are more likely to die in accidents as a result of their "affliction," which renders them clumsier and ill-equipped to survive in a right-handed world.
Anyhoo - the theory I had heard is that through the initial stages of human evolution, being controlled by the left side of the brain (with all it's inadequacies) was more important to the establishment of the human society. Now that we've reached a certain point, the percentage of left handers increases over time as we no longer need the caveman skills you righties so rightly claim. Now - there are more lefties, as we expand our civilisation to a higher level of thought.

It is believed that within a few more hundred years, the percentage of lefties to rights will have increased.

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MMmm it was going out of business, but then i turned out virtually everyone in springfield is left handed and homer saved the day.

Agreed, do not sit next to right handed people. Also they smell.

I don't understand how the percentage of lefties can increase...won't natural selection eventually kill off all lefties?
I really have to say that the only way that Boofa played at that kick from Orford was if he cracked a fat.

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But everybody knows that lefties are devil's spawn  :o

I reckon the left-handed are on the increase purely because you are allowed to be lefties now. Back in the olden days you'd be beaten and have your left hand tied behind your back to force the use of the right hand - because lefies were the children of the devil >:D :twisted: See!!!
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The only reason there's so many lefties nowadays is that they weren't taught by nuns at primary school - my dad had kids in his class getting rulers rapped over their knuckles if they used their left hands to write with ............................ meanine ole nuns!!   ;-)
These days even the bloody nuns are PC  :lol:
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Right handed, but I kick a football left footed.
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Neddy Seagoon wrote: Right handed, but I kick a football left footed.
Same here.  :D
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A fairly large chunk of the population would actually benefit from being left-handed... in many languages (mostly Asian), writing from right to left is the norm.  Thus smudging your work would be a problem for the righties!! ;)
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based on the criteria, i am a right hander. having said that, i my left handed writing is both readable and reasonably fast. as a general rule with sports, my left is more accurate, but my right is stronger. i am completely ambi in relation to the essential skills of kicking and passing :D
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Bourbon Rat
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Buzz wrote: What about sitting next to a righty when you're a lefty???

And let's not talk about how biased this world is against us Lefty's. Bloody ring binders. Ink that doesn't dry in time before our hands smudge the paper. Scissors man - the right handed scissors were the bane of my childhood existence!
Ever tried using a power saw/plane left handed  :o VERY MESSY  ;-)
Last edited by Bourbon Rat on Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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