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Melbourne Grand Prix

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:39 am
by Graham Las Darrington
From BBC f1 web site:
Australian Grand Prix organisers are confident that Formula One will return to Melbourne despite threats from the world governing body (FIA).
A row with Minardi boss Paul Stoddart saw FIA president Max Mosley threaten to strip Australia of the annual race.

But race organiser Ron Walker believes the matter will be sorted out, although Melbourne's race date will move in 2006 to accommodate the Commonwealth Games.

"We are hoping for a 30 April date and this race is here until 2010," he said.

Victoria state premier Steve Bracks was more forthright, saying there was "as much chance as a snowball in hell" of Mosley stripping Australia.

"We have a secure contract," he said.
IMO it's more likely that Mr Mosley will have gone from his post before the GP leaves Oz.