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Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:32 pm
by KingHoweofIsrael
Side note:  I can't believe Juan Sebastion Veron is still playing (let alone in a world cup!)  i do miss his passes (big man u fan) long, curling passes with insane accuracy.

Right, game time!

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:22 pm
by KingHoweofIsrael
It went down 4-1, so i was close on the scoreline, but spot on regarding the football  -  was great to watch. Messi is just a class above, and the love shown within the Argentina squad is astounding, you just get the feeling they are playing every second for each other, and that just adds to their skill  -  quality team.

Watching the replay now, and caught a little 'tribute' (if you will) to Diego Maradona, to the tune of Bonkers - Dizzee Rascal, was quite amusing. In saying that, Diego seems to have taken to the managerial role like a duck to water  -  and he should be a part of a world cup (winnng side  :P)  it's only right  :)

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:38 pm
by Cowbell-Mark
Argentina are a joy to watch, have been very impressed so far I must say! Messi...well he is simply the worlds best player, the way he beats players with such ease is amazing. I disagree, however about Maradona. Not that great of a coach has he has very little tactics and relies too heavily on heart.

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:46 pm
by Cowbell-Mark
Well Serbia's shock win over a 10 manned Germany makes it alot harder for us. Now we must win both of our remaining games t go through. A win and a draw could get us through but out goal difference has hurt too much.

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:46 am
by KingHoweofIsrael
Yep, didn't see that one coming. Vidic basically gave the win away (with a stupid handball inside the box) until podolski' spot kick was saved! After that my hopes sunk    -  finally have a weekend off, and will get to watch the entire game, a big win would be nice against Ghana, but who knows what's going to happen  :/

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:41 pm
by Cowbell-Mark
Wow...what can be said. Massive improvement shown and I could not be happier with that performance. Absolutely shattered with the 1-1 result though. That red was harsh, in my opinion but the rulebook says it is fair. I was mostly displeased , to say the least, with the two footed, studs up challenge on Bresciano that only got a yellow. Please Ghana...beat Germany...or Germany please hammer Ghana....? eh...

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:25 pm
by KingHoweofIsrael
Yeh, it was a great performance considering Harry was off the field for over an hour (and we were playing with 10 men :/)  I don't agree with that red card at all  -  for it to be red it has to be a deliberate  hand ball  -  i saw no intent, certainly not with eyes closed.....he delibritely stood his ground, but how could he possible move out of the way of that??

Anyhow, still a (slim) chance to go through  -  still have to beat Serbia yet, i'm putting 10 bucks on it being the first game Serbia Don't hand ball in the box!

New Zealand is going good  -  1-1 against Italy, came close to winning too  -  would've loved to see Italy get beaten.

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:30 am
by Cowbell-Mark
Wow, I am shattered but F*** me I am proud. The way we bounced back from that Germany game shows real character in the squad. It's tough looking back on what could have been...perhaps on what SHOULD have been. But I can't get the grin off my face. The amount of stick we got after the Germany game, it took real determination to get back from that, and now I am only excited to see what the future holds.
Brett Holman is a superstar and probably scored goal of the tournament so far...He has just embarrassed his critics by scoring two out of our 3 goals...Australia's best player from the 3 games IMO. Cahill bounced back really well from that Red card and got us our first goal...really deserved win and I think we can hold our heads up high

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:16 pm
by Freshy
Dont worry guys, theres plenty of room on the ALL WHITES bandwagon ;) all u Aussies can get behind us now

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:29 pm
by KingHoweofIsrael
yeh....Now Ghana can't score a goal.......

It was a great effort to come back, i just wished the team was picked right the first game. Might not have changed the result, but it was the only chance the best players had to be on the field together which would have been awesome to watch. Regardless, it's over for us, at least it wasn't an italian diver that was the cause (yeah, i said it). Go Argentina from this point for me.

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:31 am
by CooperCronk

4-0 ... what a whitewash.

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:25 pm
by I love Cooper
Go Germany!!! If you can't beat em, join em!  :D

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:15 pm
by Cowbell-Mark
Wow what a past few days of world cup we've had! First Netherlands causing a massive upset a beating the Brazilians 2-1 and then Germany showing their class against a pretty pathetic Argentine defence.  This looks to be a classic end to the finals with Germany Facing Spain for a spot in the final, who face either Netherlands or Uruguay

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:48 pm
by Inglis#3
Congratulations to Spain  :D

Re: Word Cup anyone?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:18 pm
by I love Cooper
Lost interest in the world cup, actually soccer in general after Aus v Ghana. Can't believe how much impact the ref has on a game.

Congrats to Spain.