Nathan Cayless' kind gesture to ill man

Discussion on the National Rugby League and Rugby League around the world.
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Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone
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In a year that Rugby League will definitely like to forget, I would like to bring to your attention a simple gesture that has put an amazing smile on an ill man's face.

Garry Eldred was diagnosed with renal cancer which has since spread quite aggressively over the past 12-18 months. Times have been tough for all members of the family & friends to see the loving husband/father/grandfather going through such painful treatments and now recovery. He is currently in palliative care in Mt Druitt Hospital. Garry is a passionate Rugby League fan and has followed Parramatta as long as he has known the game.

In came Nathan Cayless. It only took one phone call to the Parramatta captain by a family member to explain the situation and he was there. Garry came home for a few hours on Sunday 16th Aug and Nathan offered to drop by on his day off to say g'day and put a smile on a man's face. Words cannot explain the reaction when Nathan walked in and said "G'day Garry". A big smile and a handshake and Garry was in a different world to the usual pain and suffering he has been through. A truly unforgettable experience.

I feel it is important to let you know of this as there are good guys in the game and while we don't see it on the front page, it should certainly be acknowledged.

Nathan had made Garry's & the Eldred family's day. Thanks Nathan!

I thank you for your time.
Well done Nathan Cayless. Any player who gives up his free time (and there are a lot of them who do) in this way deserves a huge amount of respect.  =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Given the horror year that rugby league has had in terms of publicity, it would be such a refreshing change to see more stories like this getting the recognition they deserve, instead of the media peddling their usual negativity (much of which they exaggerate just for the sake of selling more newspapers or boosting the TV ratings...)
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Totally agree with your comments.

The majority of league players toe the line and do great work with charities, visit sick kids in hospitals, etc. but it never rates a mention on the front pages.

The annoying part for me is that the afl seem to have the media on their side and a lot of their players misdemeanours are glossed over or incidents make page 14 or such.

Just hope next year we don't hear any league players hitting the headlines...going to be a big ask though, going by past history. ;D
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