Robins pre-season blast

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Hull KR have kicked off their pre-season with a 50 point battering of NL2 Hunslet Hawks.

Match Report

A fine start for Harvey Howard's coaching career. 8)
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Graham Las Darrington
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You can't ask much more of players than that. To keep any opponent nilled is very impressive. :shock:

Another result, perhaps more surprising was York (NL2) beating last season's SL Champions Leeds in a pre season friendly.

OK Leeds blooded a lot of youngsters, but York again showed they are no respecters of reputation and deserved their win.

I'm expecting York to be in Fev's regional cup group as they were last season.
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Graham Las Darrington
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Hull KR play Hull FC this Sunday!

Nathan Blacklock will make his debut for Hull FC in Sunday's derby with Hull KR at the KC Stadium.
The Robins won't be expecting a 50-0 victory here, but it should be a good measure of what we might expect from them in the coming NL season.
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Wish I could be there for it. :cry:

I can't see the Robins beating Hell FC - quite - but it should be a good hard workout for both sides.

I wonder if any of their other new boys will play?
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Ex Storm hero Stephen Kearney seems happy with his move north.
On the BBC RL website he says:
"In a way I wish I had have come over here earlier," said the 32-year-old second row forward.

"The set-up of the club is fantastic and just through watching games on television you can see the passion of the supporters is tremendous.

"Hull is a very similar club to Melbourne."We don't have the stars that the likes of Bradford, Leeds and Wigan have, and we don't go in for the razzmatazz of being a big club, we have a lot of hard workers and our fair share of game breakers.

"That is how I like my clubs to be and for those reasons I only wanted to come here."

He added: "Rugby league isn't just about 80 minutes on a weekend it's about what you do one the training pitch during the week.

"Hopefully when our backs are against the wall in games we can call on the tough work we have done over the winter, remember those long runs to the hills and all the weights we have lifted to inspire us.

"I believe that if we can work hard and stay professional we have a good chance of going all the way."
Also joining Blacklock in the team could be fellow new signings Danny Brough, Tommy Saxton and Scott Wheeldon.

Wish I could be there for it.
Let's hope the weather will calm down for tomorrow. We've gale force winds here. If it's like this tomorrow and you were here you'd be blown away with more than excitement, TC! :wink:
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While I wish Steve (and Richie) all the best, I'm Rovers to the bone. If my dog was black and white I'd have to kick it. *shrug*

I reckon Steve will be a huge asset for Hell FC, and I would think they'll be challenging for the title next year, How difficult is this of my very favorite players plays for my team's greatest rival..... :?: :?:
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Bad news,TC ...Hull 54 Hull KR 12 ... 32,00.html
Blacklock got a try on his debut.
6 points each half for the Robins.
This sort of result indicates the difference between us NL1ers (semi pro's) and SL (full time pro's). It'll be interesting to see if Kear can maintain Hull at last seasons sort of level.
Who knows the boot might be on the other foot one day...we can but hope :wink:
Image(my Fev version of Elmo)
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Graham Las Darrington wrote:Who knows the boot might be on the other foot one day...we can but hope :wink:
Hopefully they don't let Mooks kick for goal. :lol:
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Graham Las Darrington wrote:Bad news,TC ...Hull 54 Hull KR 12
Alas, but I'm not really suprised. As you say, it's hard to compete with a multi-million pound full time team and all that entails....
Ah well. The Robins will keep striving (as no doubt will Fev!). 8)
(my Fev version of Elmo)

Oh, I'd thought it was Grover. :oops:
Grover the Rover?
We must all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately
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ImageFrom the same mould! Today they've brought young Stormy out to play...

I see what you mean, they are easily confused if you change the colours about, TC
(sorry about download time!)

Fev play Hull(Hell) FC in a friendly on Sunday at the Lionheart Stadium, Featherstone. The codheads (oops) have named a squad of 20 including some of their 'young' players to take us on. Let's hope it's not too one sided .... we'd hate to embarrass them by giving them too big a thrashing! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Up the Rovers! Go Storm!
Graham Las Darrington
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Just for completeness sake I have to inform you of the news that Fev were well beaten by Hull on Sunday :cry: . The final score was 44 - 10 to Hull FC. The damage was done in the first half. By half time Rovers were 32 - 4 down. :evil:

Featherstone fans are not too downhearted as there were some positive aspects. Our coach Gary Price on the other hand was disappointed to say the least. He's hoping for better things when we play Wakefield next Sunday in the second of our friendly pre-season matches.
I guess that's enough of that. The real good guys amongst you might find time to click on the match report from the Pontefract and Castleford Express website.
http://www.pontefractandcastlefordtoday ... eID=921029
The other fans talking point is the promising performance of new young Aussie Josh Weeden (ex Queanbeyan Blues ... feeder club for Canberra) who apart from his prowess on the field sports a head of wild hair!
ImageJosh Weeden in our new home kit for the 2005 season ... sky blue and black :shock: (its a long story!)
[img][/img]  [img][/img]
Up the Rovers! Go Storm!
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