24 rugby league channle

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Viduka, Kewell.  Why are all these soccer players going overseas it's because the ASU's league doesn't get a huge profile here in Australia in countries like England, Spain, Uraguay the sport gets the big bucks and the big name players like Beckham bend it like Beckham and David marrying a spice girl also helped raise the sport's profile overseas and maybe here.  Hopefully the socceroos making Germany will raise the profile of Soccer again and the aussie fans that are going to Germany to cheer the guys on will show the English Soccer fans how to behave.
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lotti wrote: Viduka, Kewell.
I asked if you could name them all ... I'll take it the answer is a no, but thanks for proving the point I was making last night.
lotti wrote:Why are all these soccer players going overseas it's because the ASU's league doesn't get a huge profile here in Australia in countries like England, Spain, Uraguay the sport gets the big bucks and the big name players like Beckham bend it like Beckham and David marrying a spice girl also helped raise the sport's profile overseas and maybe here. Hopefully the socceroos making Germany will raise the profile of Soccer again and the aussie fans that are going to Germany to cheer the guys on will show the English Soccer fans how to behave.
Bahahahahaha :lol:
Your shallow mindedness never ceases to amaze ... there are so many things wrong with what you have written here that I'm going to have to leave it for less busy people to pick apart.
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enlighten me why is it being shallow minded to hope that a sport that is on SBS, that doesn't really get noticed here when it's not World Cup qualifiing time or when something like Greece making the European Cup(I think that's what it's called) final then winning it something no one thought they would they also didn't think Australia would make it to Germany will have it's profile lifted and maybe just maybe some extra funding so we can then perhaps win a football Olympic medal.  Of course extra funding should also be given to our winter athletes so they can do as well as their summer counter-parts, Salt Lake was the only Winter Olympic Games that we've won Gold at we win heaps of them at the summer ones we should be a sporting force in all comp you know make the other countries not ride us off which is what they're doing for Germany next year Australia has 2 events to prepare for the Commonwealth Games in march and the Soccer World Cup, you know I played the cup of life(theme song for the '98 world cup) when the socceroos made it.
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Suffice to say that you have totally gone off on a tangent when I was refering to a generalised view of nearly every post you have made on this site rather than your previous reply in this thread.
I don't know what on earth the Winter Olympics has to do with making your point when to be honest no one really cares about football in the Olympics most of the players are not members of the Socceroos but will be when they are older (Olympic rules say football is for Under 23's plus two seniors - Cahill and Aloisi were the two in Athens)

In the previous post you have said so many things that simply don't make sense
Football Australia you mean
bend it like Beckham and David marrying a spice girl also helped raise the sport's profile overseas and maybe here.
WTF???? I think you have it in reverse Becks definately lifted Victoria's profile not the other way around
the aussie fans that are going to Germany to cheer the guys on will show the English Soccer fans how to behave.
Aussie fans are certainly no angels at sports events and the English aren't the worst, try a football match in certain South American nations or Turkey ...
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have they've ever been deported or closely watched like the English ones, Germany might be dreading when England plays unless the troublemakers aren't allowed in.  Bella I don't feel like arguing over a sport there are more important things in life, for example I could've lost my mother and niece today they were in a car accident ok my niece just got a bump on the head but it could've been much worse they were rear ended and my sister(it was her car) has a gas cylander in her boot and it could've exploaded.
Last edited by lotti on Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
She's gone! The wicked witch is gone! Oh - I like snowballing too!
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