Blog with Ron Gauci

Discussion on anything to do with Melbourne Storm - games, players, rumours - anything!
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For anyone interested in asking our new CEO a question he'll be online today at 12 noon on the Herald Sun website.
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Ice wrote: For anyone interested in asking our new CEO a question he'll be online today at 12 noon on the Herald Sun website.
It`s funny Ice, I know it`s cynical but when I read the title of your post I was going to write that if I wanted to know what News Ltd want me to think I`d just read the Herald Sun. How nice to see they're not making any attempt to deny that :?

I mean given the current situation and his acknowldgement of the fact the Storm fans are not happy about News Ltd, you`d really think the guy would have had enough nous to understand that running the blog on the Herald Sun website is rather like rubbing the fans noses in it instead of maybe running the blog on the Storm website. At least there people might think he is trying to reach out to the fans and establish some sort of rapport. I can just picture the scene at the Herald Sun as the blog goes live, Gauci sitting there waiting for posts while Hartigan sits beside him ready to veto what he writes before he hits the Post button
Last edited by Woody on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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One would think the whole thing should have been done through the Storms website,
also an email out to members might have been a good idea.....

I picture it as a whole set up....
So the questions are already written and posted by so and so
and the answers carefully scripted well in advance....

Lets see - why dont we all try and get on and send a question or something
then later today come back here and report if your question got through the screening....
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Can someone be kind enough to paste in the entire blog once its complete - keen to see the responses.  Unfortunately the blog software does not work on the work pc - and I bet it wont be able to be viewed later in its entirety.

Thanks in advance.
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So far -

Hi everyone. Ron Gauci here. I am here to answer your questions until 1pm at which time I have to leave for a meeting. I will try to be as open and honest as I can after only one week in the role however I also want you to understand that there will be questions I just won't be able to answer yet. Ok let's get started
Wednesday July 28, 2010 11:59

[Comment From Storm BoyStorm Boy: ]
Best of luck Mr Gauci. How long do you think it will be before Storm can win another premiership?
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:00 Storm Boy

Hi Storm Boy. Hopefully sooner rather than later. It depends on how our player list looks going in to next year. We do have some real talent coming through the junior ranks which will make the next couple of years exciting as well.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:01

[Comment From AaronAaron: ]
Have current players offered to take pay cuts to remain at Storm?
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:01 Aaron

Hi Aaron, I would rather not answer that question at this time. However I can tell you that the players are doing their best to work with us during this process.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:03

[Comment From DavidDavid: ]
Thanks for doing this Mr Gauci. My questuion is, do you know much about ruigby league? Do you need to know much to do your job?
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:03 David

Hi David. Good question. I have followed the sport passively over the years and been to a number of games including a few Grand Finals. I know enough to get by but am learning quickly. I believe that there is a great deal of RL talent in the place and my job is to run it as profitable business which is where my skill sets come in.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:05

[Comment From BillyBilly: ]
Hi Ron, there are a thousand questions/comments that I'd like to ask/make, however, for the benefit of this forum can I ask when you do expect the Greg Inglis contract fiasco (which it has turned into) will be resolved? Whatever happens I feel this needs to be put to bed promptly to ensure we are best placed to resign up and coming players such as J. O'Neill
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:05 Billy

Hi Billy, Is that you Slater? Obviously we would like to resolve this as soon as possible however I think it is well documented in the media that there is a personal dimension to this which needs to be considered and we are working through all that right now.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:07

Hi Rob. Yes I agree. One of the reasons I was appointed to this role is because of my corporate background and therefore connectoins. I would lke to think that once we have the list finalised, get back to winning games and that there are no questions about our business practices then we will start to rebuild our relationships with the corporate community.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:10

Hi Storm Front, it was my intention to do this through our site when I thought I would be in a better position to answer all of your questions rather than just some, however the invitation came and I thought this might be a good way of dippong the toe in. We will definitely do a Storm site blog in the next few weeks
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:12

Hi Keysee. I am not prepared to discuss individual players at this stage, but on Ryan, he was always going to go. That was his decision some time ago because playing overseas was always a dream of his. But you are right but he will be greatly missed.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:14

We need to work through all the issues including taking into consideration what the player wants to do
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:15

[Comment From Denver boyDenver boy: ]
What's morale like at the Storm? It must be pretty low.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:15 Denver boy

HI Denver boy. I have to say that the dtermination and passion that I see has been really impressive and I think this is one of the factors that will bring success back to the club sooner. All the more reason why we need you the supporters to continue to come to the games and support the players. It is a great driver for them.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:17

Keysee, David and his team are now in constructive discussions and I believe that we are heading in a better direction in terms of the relationship. I am a believer that it makes more sense to work with people than against them. I am heading to the CEO conference on Friday and will be meeting him in person for the first time
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:20

Hi Tony. The biggest challenge right now is keeping as many of the family together and as passionate as possible and that family includes players, supporters, club and sponsors.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:21
Keysee, the reality is that Storm would not be here today if it were not for News. Clubs like ours need organisations who can invest in us and our current owners have and continue to. They will divert of us when we can stand on our own two feet financially and that is my job. One part of becoming financially viable is by increasing the revenue streams which come from more members, more sponsors and more income through the gates and merchandise. You can obviously help here.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:25
Hi Guest, we need to build processes and governance procedures to ensure we never have this issue again
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:26

[Comment From Rabble Rabble: ]
Just wondered why the Presentation Ball is on a Thursday this year?
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:27 Rabble
Hi Rabble, I am not sure but I will be there.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:27

[Comment From StormFront StormFront: ]
The Storm Presentation Ball has been a major event on the Storm calendar for many supporters, who spend a lot of money on the ticket, formal clothes for the night, and some even accommodation.... Can you explain why it has been scheduled for Thursday 9th September... which makes it very hard for people who have to work, have children looked after and so forth... it seems like a move to push more supporters away when they have given every thing to this club... it is normally on a Friday or Saturday.....
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:28 StormFront
Same as before. I do not know why the change but I will ask the question. I do think that it would be important for us all to be there for the players however if possible
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:29

[Comment From Terrie Terrie: ]
what are Storm's plans for the future
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:29 Terrie
A really big question. I am in the planning process with the team at the moment and will be presenting this internally and externally over the next few months. Bear with me whilst I go through this process. I will share it with you all when it is appropriate
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:30

[Comment From Terrie Terrie: ]
why have the supporters and members never been given a say in the salary cap scandal
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:31 Terrie
Hi Terrie, I am not sure I understand the question as I am not sure what say anayone can have on something that has happened.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:31

[Comment From Craig Craig: ]
How come the club is just rolling over and accepting the fact that the NRL did not go through any of the correct disciplinary procedures when applying the punishment to the Storm. Do you not think comments such as "they did not play fair, so we will not play fair" effect the integrity of the competition, and the procedures in place to actually deal with issues like this?
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:32 Craig

Hi Craig, I do not believe that the club has just rolled over. The directors sought legal advice on the matter and it was decided to withdraw the legal action as you saw in the media. You need to consider that regardless of the alleged process issues, our breach was found to be greater than the NRL audit had identified and therefore we risked the possibility of even greater penalties risking further our financial position impacting viability. I need you all to now help us to move on the rebuilding of this great club.

[Comment From Joy Joy: ]
How do you propose to attract quality sports administrators to the club and what kind of structure do you see required for rebuilding your standing within sports community?
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:38 Joy
Hi Joy. I have to say that since we took the steps a few weeks ago to look forward and commence the rebuild process, I have had a number of very capable and experienced people wanting to join our club. I am looking at the structures at the moment to see how we can optimise effectiveness and productivity to get us back to #1. This includes looking at overseas experiences so that we can also lead the pack in innovation.


[Comment From Steve Steve: ]
Will you be upgrading the contracts of the fringe players to keep them at the club or will you be looking to bring in bargain basement players off contarct at othert clubs
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:42 Steve
Hi Steve, it is business as usual in terms of our contracting and recruitment whilst keeping as many of the current playing group together as we can
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:42

[Comment From Stephen Stephen: ]
Hi Ron, I've just returned from a European holiday and I haven't really found alot of information about your background? If you don't mind me asking, do you come from a sports admin/management background, what is your area of expertise? (Every time I used the internet overseas, their computers always played up on me!)

Hi Stpehen, Apparently google has a bit on my background which covers quite a few things I have been involved. This includes my business experience where some of my work has been published through various business associations I have been involved in as well as my experiences in junior sport through aussie rules.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:44

[Comment From Rebel Rebel: ]
Melbourne Rebels membership released on Monday and go on sale on Friday. Have you seen them/talked to them. How do you think it will impact Storm?

Hi Rebel. No I haven't had any discussion with them. We wish them well but we don't think it will impact us because of the loyalty of our fans.
Last edited by jellyhead on Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Comment From Samantha Samantha: ]
Hey Ron! Great to see you on board the Storm! Just wondering though, if you think the NRL will ever start treating the Storm as another NRL club rather than an outsider club as we are not from NSW or QLD? Just seems they don't feel as though we are a force to be reckoned with and they let the other clubs have it easier.

Hi Samantha. The NRL are very aware of the power of a strong Victorian market in competing with other codes and generating a strong media coverage contract over the next decade. A successful Storm is an important part of that.


[Comment From Phillip Phillip: ]
The million dollar question remains, how confident are you that storm have a future in melbourne?

Phillip, I must be 100% confident to leave a very successful career in another industry to be here and rebuild a great club. I need you all to have the same confidence.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:49

[Comment From kyle wright kyle wright: ]
Hi Ron, After speaking to a few non storm supporters about your appointment the general concensus was that your just going to be a News Ltd lackey. Can you confirm to us storm supporters that you have the power and the support to do your job in your own way. I am quite glad myself at your appointment you seem like a dead set honest bloke.

Kyle, I would not have taken this job if I couldn't do it my way.


[Comment From Kes Kes: ]
Please don't forget to rebuild your relationship with the general supporter base ie the Storm family, who are every bit as important as the corporates.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:51 Kes
Hi Kes, this is the part of the job that I am looking forward to the most once we have addressed the critical issues of the player roster and the business plan.


[Comment From Aaron Aaron: ]
What is the current sponsorship situation with Storm? There were reports during the salary cap scandal, Crown, may become a major sponsor, does that remain a possibility?

Aaron, I am not going to speculate on sponsor deals suffice to say that until we have a clean bill of health on our SC issue then many corporates are not going to be interested in us. We will attract additional sponsors voer and above our current loyal ones once we have done this

Everyone, I have to leave in 5 minutes so I will do my best to answer just a few more key questions and then we can do this again off our own site in a few week's time
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:54

[Comment From jason jason: ]
keep up the good work mr.gauci, , in the long run the fans will be really glad you have come on board......
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:55 jason
Thanks Jason


[Comment From Em Em: ]
Will storm definitely be under the Salary Cap for 2011?
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:55 Em
Absolutely no doubt. We have to be.


[Comment From Purple&White Purple&White: ]
As a keen Storm supporter, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy Storm's game day. And despite not playing for points, it is the most professional sports presentation in Australia! Keep it up.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:55 Purple&White
I agree.


[Comment From Aaron Aaron: ]
Could you please pass on my gratitude to the Coaches, players and satff for their ongoing professionalism and they way they have carried themselves during this whole ordeal. Its great to see as a supporter, and I hope they also get a sense of loyalty and support from us.
Wednesday July 28, 2010 12:56 Aaron
Will do. Thank you


[Comment From Chris Chris: ]
Hi Ron, The lack of FTA coverage televised at an resonable hour of Storm games and NRL is a real problem. wIll you be working with the boadcast partner and NRL to resolve this issue?

Chris, yes it is an issue and we will be discussing this but the TV agreement has been set in place until end of 2011. Let's see what we can secure in the next agreement


[Comment From StormFront StormFront: ]
When going to the conference on Friday - can you ask D.G. to come to Melbourne, talk to the players and the supporters directly... not doing this since the whole salary cap story broke has done a lot of damage to D.G. and the NRL as a whole....

Yes I intend to extend an invitation

Sorry everyone. Thank you for the many questions you have asked here. I need to jump off now but we will do this again from our web site soon. Thank you once again for your support and well wishes. Ron
Last edited by jellyhead on Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Here you go...  ;D


Hi everyone. Ron Gauci here. I am here to answer your questions until 1pm at which time
I have to leave for a meeting. I will try to be as open and honest as I can after only one
week in the role however I also want you to understand that there will be questions I
just won't be able to answer yet. Ok let's get started

[Comment From Storm Boy] 
Best of luck Mr Gauci. How long do you think it will be before Storm can win another premiership?
Hi Storm Boy. Hopefully sooner rather than later. It depends on how our player list looks
going in to next year. We do have some real talent coming through the junior ranks which
will make the next couple of years exciting as well.

[Comment From Aaron] 
Have current players offered to take pay cuts to remain at Storm?
Hi Aaron, I would rather not answer that question at this time. However I can
tell you that the players are doing their best to work with us during this process.

[Comment From David] 
Thanks for doing this Mr Gauci. My questuion is, do you know much about
ruigby league? Do you need to know much to do your job?

Hi David. Good question. I have followed the sport passively over the years and
been to a number of games including a few Grand Finals. I know enough to get
by but am learning quickly. I believe that there is a great deal of RL talent in the
place and my job is to run it as profitable business which is where my skill sets come in.

[Comment From Billy] 
Hi Ron, there are a thousand questions/comments that I'd like to ask/make, however,
for the benefit of this forum can I ask when you do expect the Greg Inglis contract fiasco
(which it has turned into) will be resolved? Whatever happens I feel this needs to be put to
bed promptly to ensure we are best placed to resign up and coming players such as J. O'Neill

Hi Billy, Is that you Slater? Obviously we would like to resolve this as soon as possible however
I think it is well documented in the media that there is a personal dimension to this which needs
to be considered and we are working through all that right now.

Hi Rob. Yes I agree. One of the reasons I was appointed to this role is because of my corporate
background and therefore connectoins. I would lke to think that once we have the list finalised,
get back to winning games and that there are no questions about our business practices then we
will start to rebuild our relationships with the corporate community.
Hi Storm Front, it was my intention to do this through our site when I thought I would be in a
better position to answer all of your questions rather than just some, however the invitation came
and I thought this might be a good way of dippong the toe in. We will definitely do a Storm site blog
in the next few weeks

Hi Keysee. I am not prepared to discuss individual players at this stage, but on Ryan,
he was always going to go. That was his decision some time ago because playing overseas
was always a dream of his. But you are right but he will be greatly missed.

We need to work through all the issues including taking into consideration what the player wants to do

[Comment From Denver boy] 
What's morale like at the Storm? It must be pretty low.
HI Denver boy. I have to say that the dtermination and passion that I see has been really impressive
and I think this is one of the factors that will bring success back to the club sooner. All the more reason
why we need you the supporters to continue to come to the games and support the players. It is a great driver for them.
Keysee, David and his team are now in constructive discussions and I believe that we are heading in a
better direction in terms of the relationship. I am a believer that it makes more sense to work with
people than against them. I am heading to the CEO conference on Friday and will be meeting him in
person for the first time

Hi Tony. The biggest challenge right now is keeping as many of the family together and as passionate as
possible and that family includes players, supporters, club and sponsors.

Keysee, the reality is that Storm would not be here today if it were not for News. Clubs like ours need
organisations who can invest in us and our current owners have and continue to. They will divert of us
when we can stand on our own two feet financially and that is my job. One part of becoming financially
viable is by increasing the revenue streams which come from more members, more sponsors and more
income through the gates and merchandise. You can obviously help here.

Hi Guest, we need to build processes and governance procedures to ensure we never have this issue again

[Comment From Rabble] 
Just wondered why the Presentation Ball is on a Thursday this year?
Hi Rabble, I am not sure but I will be there.

[Comment From StormFront] 
The Storm Presentation Ball has been a major event on the Storm calendar for many supporters,
who spend a lot of money on the ticket, formal clothes for the night, and some even accommodation....
Can you explain why it has been scheduled for Thursday 9th September... which makes it very hard for
people who have to work, have children looked after and so forth... it seems like a move to push more
supporters away when they have given every thing to this club... it is normally on a Friday or Saturday.....
Same as before. I do not know why the change but I will ask the question. I do think that it would
be important for us all to be there for the players however if possible

[Comment From Terrie] 
what are Storm's plans for the future
A really big question. I am in the planning process with the team at the moment and will be presenting
this internally and externally over the next few months. Bear with me whilst I go through this process.
I will share it with you all when it is appropriate

[Comment From Terrie] 
why have the supporters and members never been given a say in the salary cap scandal
Hi Terrie, I am not sure I understand the question as I am not sure what say anayone can have on
something that has happened.

[Comment From Craig] 
How come the club is just rolling over and accepting the fact that the NRL did not go through any of
the correct disciplinary procedures when applying the punishment to the Storm. Do you not think
comments such as "they did not play fair, so we will not play fair" effect the integrity of the competition,
and the procedures in place to actually deal with issues like this?
Hi Craig, I do not believe that the club has just rolled over. The directors sought legal advice on the
matter and it was decided to withdraw the legal action as you saw in the media. You need to consider
that regardless of the alleged process issues, our breach was found to be greater than the NRL audit
had identified and therefore we risked the possibility of even greater penalties risking further our financial
position impacting viability. I need you all to now help us to move on the rebuilding of this great club.

[Comment From Joy] 
How do you propose to attract quality sports administrators to the club and what kind of structure do
you see required for rebuilding your standing within sports community?
Hi Joy. I have to say that since we took the steps a few weeks ago to look forward and commence the
rebuild process, I have had a number of very capable and experienced people wanting to join our club.
I am looking at the structures at the moment to see how we can optimise effectiveness and productivity
to get us back to #1. This includes looking at overseas experiences so that we can also lead the pack in innovation.

[Comment From Steve] 
Will you be upgrading the contracts of the fringe players to keep them at the club or will you be looking
to bring in bargain basement players off contarct at othert clubs
Hi Steve, it is business as usual in terms of our contracting and recruitment whilst keeping as many
of the current playing group together as we can

[Comment From Stephen] 
Hi Ron, I've just returned from a European holiday and I haven't really found alot of information about
your background? If you don't mind me asking, do you come from a sports admin/management background,
what is your area of expertise? (Every time I used the internet overseas, their computers always played up on me!)
Hi Stpehen, Apparently google has a bit on my background which covers quite a few things I have been involved.
This includes my business experience where some of my work has been published through various business associations
I have been involved in as well as my experiences in junior sport through aussie rules.

[Comment From Rebel] 
Melbourne Rebels membership released on Monday and go on sale on Friday. Have you seen them/talked
to them. How do you think it will impact Storm?
Hi Rebel. No I haven't had any discussion with them. We wish them well but we don't think it will impact
us because of the loyalty of our fans.

[Comment From Samantha] 
Hey Ron! Great to see you on board the Storm! Just wondering though, if you think the NRL will ever
start treating the Storm as another NRL club rather than an outsider club as we are not from NSW or
QLD? Just seems they don't feel as though we are a force to be reckoned with and they let the other clubs have it easier.
Hi Samantha. The NRL are very aware of the power of a strong Victorian market in competing with other
codes and generating a strong media coverage contract over the next decade. A successful Storm is an important part of that.

[Comment From Phillip] 
The million dollar question remains, how confident are you that storm have a future in melbourne?
Phillip, I must be 100% confident to leave a very successful career in another industry to be here and
rebuild a great club. I need you all to have the same confidence.

[Comment From kyle wright] 
Hi Ron, After speaking to a few non storm supporters about your appointment the general concensus was
that your just going to be a News Ltd lackey. Can you confirm to us storm supporters that you have the
power and the support to do your job in your own way. I am quite glad myself at your appointment you
seem like a dead set honest bloke.
Kyle, I would not have taken this job if I couldn't do it my way.

[Comment From Kes] 
Please don't forget to rebuild your relationship with the general supporter base ie the Storm family,
who are every bit as important as the corporates.
Hi Kes, this is the part of the job that I am looking forward to the most once we have addressed the
critical issues of the player roster and the business plan.

[Comment From Aaron] 
What is the current sponsorship situation with Storm? There were reports during the salary cap scandal,
Crown, may become a major sponsor, does that remain a possibility?
Aaron, I am not going to speculate on sponsor deals suffice to say that until we have a clean bill of health
on our SC issue then many corporates are not going to be interested in us. We will attract additional
sponsors voer and above our current loyal ones once we have done this

Everyone, I have to leave in 5 minutes so I will do my best to answer just a few more key questions
and then we can do this again off our own site in a few week's time

[Comment From jason] 
keep up the good work mr.gauci, , in the long run the fans will be really glad you have come on board......
Thanks Jason

[Comment From Em] 
Will storm definitely be under the Salary Cap for 2011?
Absolutely no doubt. We have to be.

[Comment From Purple&White] 
As a keen Storm supporter, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy Storm's game day.
And despite not playing for points, it is the most professional sports presentation in Australia! Keep it up.
I agree.

[Comment From Aaron] 
Could you please pass on my gratitude to the Coaches, players and satff for their ongoing professionalism
and they way they have carried themselves during this whole ordeal. Its great to see as a supporter,
and I hope they also get a sense of loyalty and support from us.
Will do. Thank you

[Comment From Chris] 
Hi Ron, The lack of FTA coverage televised at an resonable hour of Storm games and NRL is a real problem.
wIll you be working with the boadcast partner and NRL to resolve this issue?
Chris, yes it is an issue and we will be discussing this but the TV agreement has been set in place until
end of 2011. Let's see what we can secure in the next agreement

[Comment From StormFront] 
When going to the conference on Friday - can you ask D.G. to come to Melbourne, talk to the
players and the supporters directly... not doing this since the whole salary cap story broke has
done a lot of damage to D.G. and the NRL as a whole....
Yes I intend to extend an invitation
Sorry everyone. Thank you for the many questions you have asked here. I need to jump off now
but we will do this again from our web site soon. Thank you once again for your support and well wishes. Ron
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Ha Ha our CEO the tech head - of course he has a blog  :D  His replies are measured and consistent with his 'storm story' so far.

Think about this - he has been a 'passive' supporter of the club, but applied for the job earlier this year.  He is into IT and sport & admits to check out the forums - so who is he??  He wouldn't have been a member before looking at the job - but could have quite legitimately signed on to this or another forum.

Althought it can come back to bite you like cronulla's 'beekershark' ... 10phe.html
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Looks like a lovely bloke, but he's just a puppet with Hartigan's hand underneath him. Not personally his fault, but when you work for an organisation like News Ltd, you don't really have a choice.
Scott Hill and Robbie Ross - The Best


Hartigan and Wilson present:
Gauci and Gallop - The newest Muppets

News Ltd = The death of Rugby League
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Call it intuition but I have a feeling he might surprise us all...
My take on it all is if Craig Bellamy's opinion is sought & listened to, his innate ability to sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak means that Storm will have a really good foundation to build on team-wise - I really hope they respect his choices.  Gauci seems to be an astute business man regardless of his  knowledge of league (or lack of) so  I think he would have enough nous to realise that CB holds the key to Storm's future success on the field.  I'm thinking he is astute enough to realise the other key driver for Storm's future is in growing their fan base and sponsorship.  All good stuff.  However, his comments so far re News haven't reassured Storm supportwers & it seems he is treading a diplomatic line between News ltd's  stance and the club's support base - I would suggest that shows his skills rather than shows his true position at this point. Time will tell if it's strictly all business for him or whether he has real insight and passion for this club.  IMO we need to cut a little bit of slack but... watch this space!
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Wouldn't be surprised if Gauci turned out to be our very own "gothestorm"!
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Sorry CHIP but you almost sound as though you could be Ron Gauci...

So far he seems to be controlled by News LTD but at the moment he has
only been in the job for 5 minutes... time will tell if he can see the trees for the forest.

I hope that he is smart enough to walk the line with News Ltd but deliver what the supporters
want - which will be no easy task.....

At the moment my opinion is divided...

I so hate being told that there would be no Storm if News Ltd were not here,
total crook of shyte - News are in it for the money directly and indirectly, and besides,
there have been companies and individuals that have put their hands up. Yes
News Ltd began the Storm - but we dont have to bow down and kiss their arse do we?
Lets Party Like Its 1999....
The Storm 1999, 2007, 2009, 2011

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StormFront wrote:I so hate being told that there would be no Storm if News Ltd were not here,
total crook of shyte - News are in it for the money directly and indirectly, and besides,
there have been companies and individuals that have put their hands up. Yes
News Ltd began the Storm - but we dont have to bow down and kiss their arse do we?
Says it all, not like that crock of a blog.
Posts: 100
Joined: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:10 am

I am not sure what people want him to do, tell News to sod off coz no-one likes them anymore??? Seriously go try that on your boss tomorrow and see how long you keep your job.  I am sure he will do the best he can otherwise that revolving door will hit him on the ass on the way out too. 
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