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Hi everyone!

I have had a lot of people ask me about Stew, and I apologise for not posting an update sooner.

Stew remains in hospital, but is certainly a lot better than he was many weeks ago when I last updated here.

He is due to have surgery this coming Thursday 13/11, and it is planned for him to possibly go to Rehab before finally going home in the coming weeks.

Stew is up and walking with a frame, with plans for more physio and OT to aid his steps towards home! He has been a very sick man, he has lost over 20kgs in weight.

Stew, that is bloody rough way to get a new wardrobe!! :D

Both Stew and Rose are very thankful for all your thoughts, prayers and support over the last few months!

Rose has a spring in her voice now when she talks, and I know that Thunder and Stormy, their two Golden Retrievers will give him a welcome home like you wouldn't believe when he finally walks through the door at home! :)

Not home yet, but well on the way, thoughts and prayers still going his way and may his recovery be speedy after the surgery.

Bunnies, Peter, Stormboy & Tazzie  :) :) :) :)
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Such great news to hear Stu is on the mend right now!  ;D
Thanks for the updates Bunnies - you're so on the money about Rose sounding and looking heaps better too.

Storm peeps are a family and it's good that both Stu & Rose know we're with em.  :D
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Excellent news!
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Hi everybody!

Stew had his surgery today, and he is back in his ward, did not need to go back into ICU. Outcome of the surgery not known yet, but Rose told me tonight he was enjoying a cup of tea when she was with him this afternoon!! :D :D

Hopefully he will be able to go to Rehab soon and be on the road home!

Bunnies :D :D
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Thanks Bunnies for keeping us  up to date
Hope this is the last of the trials for them both
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