Losing Faith in Bellyache

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I have faith in Bellyache, he is no Muppet.

Those criticising him need to consider that perhaps he has a plan to try and manage through the Origin period and the aftermath which has seen us short of some of the best of our squad. I have some thoughts on what some aspects of his plan may be although I will not voice them online because if I am right I don't want our opponents to know.

I am just glad we have Bellyache as our coach, much rather him than a lot of others such as Brian Smith, Ricky Stuart, etc.
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I beleive Craig is a coach and we have a great team, but I think Craig is not quite as intense as he was. After 2010, people who know him say he calmed down a lot, which was good for his health but maybe not for his coaching style. Reportly after last night's game he and Smith we in a deep conversation for quite some time. In the press interview when the reporter asked what they where talking about, Craig replied with a smile he could not remember, maybe where they were going to have a beer tonight and then laughed. I know he was only joking but in my opinion a younger Craig form a few years ago would not have made a joke.
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So let me get this right CB has to be angrey all the time, never loose more than four games a season, always over a long time have the right plan, and liston to every so call online coach that follows storm or he should move on. Me thinks we sound like another club that on the bottom and burt coaches like their fire wood. Not my club Not my team. F##ken get over it people we have lost a few games the ideas that people are comming up with are just over the top. Craig will and more than likely be the best ever coach Storm has had and should be respected as that. If he has a year when we loose more that we win he will give it up.

Until then remember what Craig has done for this club from the M days, 2010 what dose he have to do to please some of you!

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Now we're having a crack at Bellyache dared to smile and say something in jest? If it's not the Scum Sydney press calling him grumpy now he's being too jovial........poor bloke can't win ???
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So is everyone else loser

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Michael :P
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stormy wrote:Cos it is A LOAD OF CRAP..AND I am allowed to voice my opinion.

Craig is a great coach, Ive got all the faith in the world in him. I fully understand what he was trying to do last year and this year re not using many young players. Dont agree with it but understand it.

However if we bomb out again this year in the finals we CANNOT take the move forward with the same pack and expect different results.
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Sunday morning reality check........................

I woke up breathing & reasonably health - check
The sun is shining - check
Storm are currently 2nd on the table - check
The worst fall they can have by the end of this round is 3rd - check

Not bad for a team being death ridden for 5 straight losses

Enjoy the day fellow Stormers
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Exactly right Bourbs.
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'borrowed' from the same "Let's vomit on Melbourne" forum ::)
but from the St G side.............
Steve Price finally got it. His experiment has failed and now he has gone back to the Bennett Game Plan.

Just imagine where the Draons would be placed if we started the year this way and developed the players skills week by week. Imagine if Styles unsuitablility at fullback was discoverd in the pre-season and Vidot's ball security was worked on prior to seasons start. One can only imagine the situation the team would be in now if a more conservetive approach to change would have been adopted.

I won't get too carried away as there is still plenty of work to be done however, it is a great start and it should give players and fans loads of confidence.

Sure the Storm weren't on song on Friday night but it was great to see solid defence, purpose and safety coming out of our own red zone, kicks into corners and Fien finding space or the sideline with every kick, a great kick-chase and a hat-trick by Morris down the left wing. The error rate was akin to that of seasons 2010 and early 2011. The forwards built a platform based on hard runing and strong defence.

Keep this up Price and we will be on the money for a good chance of being competitive in the finals.
If I'm reading it right ? It sounds more like the much used 'Bellamy' game plan ?
kicks - forwards laying platform - strong defence
Difference ? Our commitment & timing is off.

BTW - Are you kells or hugsy :lol:
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Surandy wrote:
Brian wrote::shock2: Is this thread some sort of a joke?
I thought that too Brian, when I saw the thread title on my mobile I thought for sure it was started by the resident troll. :shock2:
This isn't a troll thread, this is an honest observation of where the team is heading at the moment. Right now, the Storm are the most out of form team in the competition, yet Bellyache won't do anything about changing the players that are just not up to scratch. For the Dragons game, the only change I could see was Billy coming back. Pretty much the same team just keeps lining-up every week after these losses and Bellyache just expects them to score points and win. Our attack is old and stale, and eventually teams are going to bust through our goal line defence. Players like Dane Nielsen, Rory Kostjasyn, Jesse Bromwich, Sika Manu, Todd Lowrie, Bryan Norrie, Kevin Proctor and even the ever reliable Ryan Hinchcliffe have been average and/or mediocre for the last five weeks. Positional changes also haven't helped - such as Bellayche's faith in Widdop at fullback, Rory at 5/8 and Quinny on the wing.

If the Storm roll up at AAMI against Penrith with the same or a very similar line-up on Saturday night, and the same result occurs (losing by about 4-10 points), I can't say we'll be any threat to the premiership this year, especially with in form teams such as the Bulldogs, Rabbitohs, Broncos etc. in the top eight.
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I'd imagine we're going through a bit of a rebuilding phase. Perhaps a bit of a pre-season mid season too, in anticipation for a peak just prior to or during finals.
I'm sure they have a few set plays they're working on, but perhaps want to get them mastered before giving them away to opposition coaches before getting a chance to perfect them.

Bellamy is very clinical in researching and dissecting opposition teams, so you can limit their strengths and prey on their weaknesses. This skill is now being adopted by nearly every other NRL coach.
How hard will the Storm's new structures be to defend against when nobody has any idea of what they are?
Stop stressing about a few losses. I'm sure the boys are holding a few aces up their sleeves for when it counts.

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Lol you can't say we are hiding aces up our sleeves when we've lost 5 in a row. I'm not a fan of the way Bellamy has gone thru things at all this year. It has mattstormy said is stale. The way we are playing we wont have a sniff at lifting the trophy. We can't keep saying we were just not right next week we'll be better. Its time to step up with 1 month of footy to go before finals. Next week will be fun. 1,6,7,9 all playing together for 1st time in 2 months. Lets see how we go then and evaluate.
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If what I wrote above is correct, don't be too surprised to see Coops rested next week. And don't expect anything too dramatic to occur on field either.
1 month may seem like a short time, but it's a long enough time for opposition coaches to read out plays and work out ways to counter-act and defend against them.
If this period is a bit of a bluff then don't expect Craig to reveal his hand too early.

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Michael :P
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1,6,7 & 9 arent the problem.

The forwards are what causing us to appear so vulnerable. Theres really not much else Craig can add that would cause alot of trouble to other teams. Ball rentention and completions are what we need.
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The 1,6,7, and 9 are a problem in the sense we haven't been able to get all of them or even a few of them on the field at the same time. Definitely agree we're struggling a bit in the forwards which is making our job that much harder, but with a fit and firing spine on the park all together that will compensate somewhat in other areas like the forwards. It's rare that any team is strong in every position and most if not all are going to be stronger in certain areas than others and our achillies heal seems to be our big lads. Certain forwards of ours need lift their game if we're to make a late surge to the finals because there's a few of them that just aren't pulling their weight and their input is way down on last season.
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