Melbourne Storm Ads

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Michael :P
Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone
Posts: 3090
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:34 am

Hearing the music to these ads on the radio makes me feel like Im listening to an episode of Dawsons Creek. I expect to hear Dawson come on at any minute and start crying about something Joey did.
Go Storm
Posts: 1329
Joined: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:21 pm

I didn't like the nun ads, etc. I thought they were stupid.
Last year's ads were amazing. They sent shivers down my spine everytime I saw or heard them. They were especially awe-inspiring after such a tumultuous 2010 season.

The new ads are good, but they could do with being complemented with some more brilliant try's and bone-crunching tackles. I could listen for hours to my hero's speak about anything. But the yet-to-be-hooked probably couldn't care less.
If it was James O'Conner or Harry Kewel I wouldn't even listen. It would not inspire me to start watching Rugby Union or Soccer.

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