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Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:02 pm
by Horrie Is God
I am a mad Roosters supporter,but i can't find any joy at all in this situation..

The worst part of it all is that Storm fans will be the ones that suffer the most,through no fault of their own..

There should be a public lynching of Waldron down there..What a flea..

Chin up guys..

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:37 pm
by Bourbon Rat
Thanx for the independent support  =D>

Dark days for Storm & RL in Victoria

Maquire On Fire ?
Can I assume from the name that you'll be awake early Saturday morn' to follow the his fortunes ?

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:46 pm
by Tigger
I'm actually tearing up at the support from rival sports fans here - Thank you to you all!!!!

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:00 pm
by MaguireOnFire
Bourbon Rat wrote: Thanx for the independent support  =D>

Dark days for Storm & RL in Victoria

Maquire On Fire ?
Can I assume from the name that you'll be awake early Saturday morn' to follow the his fortunes ?
My customers know me by that name; I even have it on my voice mail - 'You reached Mark Maguire, aka Maguire on Fire...'

However, not to derail the mourning period... I believe the NRL chiefs will come together and bring the Storm back into the premiership fold, and let them play for points this year.  Too harsh a penalty, in my opinion - too harsh, and simply wrong, and detrimental to the game as a whole.

Even though I'm a non believer (god wise) there is an important Psalm that says, 'hope deferred makes the heart sick'.  To play with no hope and no vision, and for that matter, no reason, then life and the game become ridiculous.

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:09 pm
by Bourbon Rat
Tigger wrote: I'm actually tearing up at the support from rival sports fans here - Thank you to you all!!!!
At the end of the day - Whatever tribal colours we wear We're ALL Rugby League fans  ;-)

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:10 pm
by Christabella
Kudos to all the gracious opposition fans. Image

It's so easy to be critical but the fans are hurting more than anyone ever should. I like to think I was speaking from past experience but I can't even begin to imagine how so many of my good friends at the Storm are feeling right now. Our punishment in 2002 seems small in comparison to what donkey Gallop announced today. Storm It's only 6 games into the season and IMO anyone who turns up to the remaining games deserves the utmost respect, I'll be there in Rd 9 and 12 and I would shake the hand of anyone I come into contact with.

I fear it may get a lot worse before it gets better in terms of the personel at your club but stay strong Storm fans, the game needs a presence in Melbourne, and the fans are the lifeblood of this game.

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:20 pm
by L4TM
Thanks for all the support non Storm fans.  Today is a dark day for Rugby League, not only Storm.  I'm absolutely shattered but I'm more determined than ever to get to as many games as possible.  True fans are there when the chips are down and the strength of a club is measured by their courage in adversity.  One can't help but think these penalties are to serve an additional purpose than deter anyone thinking of rorting the cap but we ALL need to rally behind the boys.  They need us now more than ever.

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:43 pm
by Park Lane
I love to hate the Storm almost as much as I hate Manly - sorry, been a magpie and now tiger fan all my life so it's in my blood. Even so, I'm really feeling for you guys today. It must be gut wrenching. It will be hard but I hope you can get out there and support the boys on the weekend.

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:46 pm
by Woody
To those of you from other clubs that have had the grace to offer your support I would also like to thank you. I have never had to sit my child down and have a conversation like that with her and I hope to Christ that I never do again. The poor little bugger is absolutely shattered, and has already pulled down a couple of posters. I have just managed to convince her to wait a couple of days and try to remember that the faces in the pictures are not the guys at fault ( hopefully) and that her admiration for them is not misplaced

To the Storm fans....we will recover..... eventually

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:16 pm
by gotta love rednecks
i do feel for the supporters and members of the club that have spent there money on gear and travel costs over the years just to find it has all been taken away from.

the board on the other hand are a absoloute disgrace and should be tied to a pole out the front of the storm headquaters so the fans can throw sh!t at them for a day and give them a piece of there minds.

if any player knew of this they should also join them because fans deserve better.

whoever shows up to the remaining games deserves a medal because as you all know its all just p!ssing in the wind for this season.

best of luck guys

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:49 pm
by absentee
I'm still numb to all of this.  I mean, really - what can you say?  With each penalty Gallop announced, my heart sank a little.

The players still deserve our support so I'll be there on Sunday - and again at AAMI Park on the 9th.

Thank you to opposition supporters for the kind words.

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:04 pm
by CooperCronk
billb wrote: I'm a Tigers fan & this is tragic news for league as a whole.
BUT you the Storm fans don;t deserve to be kicked for what your club's administration has done.
Keep your heads up.  Lots of people are thinking of and supporting you.
Thank you and others for your support.  We are feeling so guttered atm its actually hard for me to even begin to describe how I feel about what those few stupid fools have done to this club.

I just know myself (and my group) will be at the game on Sunday to support the team.

Feeling so very shattered tonight and tears rolling down my cheeks as I type.

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:44 pm
by StormBec
Thanks to those who have shown their support. It's nice to know there are people like you in this world.

We are absolutely shattered right now but we will bounce back.

Love to you all


Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:52 am
by stormgirl
It's great to see other fans acknowledging that Storm fans aren't to blame - thank you for your support.

I've had phone calls from friends who support other clubs to do the same and it is very much appreciated.

Re: Im gutted with you...

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:06 pm
by your kettle is black
And stripping of points is an issue here as well given the Storm have to play a season of dead rubbers!

Perhaps an alternative would be to strip existing points, reveal which players received the extra
$700 000 over the salary cap, then have the Storm take the terrible move of bringing their squad under the cap by shedding players from the squad each week to the value of $700 000 and replace them with state cup players - placing them on an equal footing with other clubs who I would hope have respected the cap (rep players excluded during rep duty)?

I know it seems harsh, but at least the Storm players and fans would be playing for SOMETHING NOW.
