The venting thread

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I'm with you on almost all counts buzz - if you think that the ball touched Geyer after coming off Hodges, then it would be a broncos feed, because Hodges would have knocked it back - but either way, they were wrong as I don't see how it touched Geyer at any stage!

I didn't even notice the obstruction last night at the game, but watching scoreboard has made the result even worse, I've gone from filthy to absolutely ropable - I want to know if the NSW police have charged Simpkins with rape yet, because he sure as hell bent us over without our consent!!!!  :x :x :x
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I don't think they have.
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I have ranted already

WE Know WE deserved this game but got Cheated by Shit calls

Enough said
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She's a Fickle Bitch
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I hold MY head up high even with Bronco's supporters because the evidence is in our favour about them being gifted the game.

NOT like in the past with Lizzards we didnt cheat & then loose it.
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I was VERY impressed with about 90% of the Broncs fans we talked to after the game.
Nearly all of them were saying things like "bad luck, that was harsh".
I got the feeling that most of them were on our side re the decisions.
The above is not a personal attack, insult or a political statement. Therefor it cannot be used against the poster in any court of judgement.
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The way we played during the year, we deserved it.
The way we played on Sunday night, we didn't.

Well that is my opinion.
Last edited by StormGurlDani on Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Everywhere we have gone since, the common comment that is being LOUDLY stated is that STORM WERE ROBBED!! this is from people who are supporters of other teams, people who watched the game and from others who know nothing about rugby league but know a serious misjustice occurred at Telstra Stadium on Sunday night!! :o :x :o

We as supporters can hold our heads up high, knowing we have the best team in the NRL, yes, the Broncos are the 2006 Premiers, but this is a title gained by incompetence of all officials who were involved in the match that awarded that decision!

I commented at the After Match function held at the Novetel about the brilliant reception the boys received when they arrived at the function, it was electrifying and the boys knew that we appreciated the fantastic year that the team has had and how much we love them!!

I can only imagine what it would have been like if they were victorious on that night, BUT 2007 here we come and the team again will demonstrate what a force they are and bring home the Holy Grail in 2007!! :) :D :)

We are family, we are STORM, we are the best supporters in the NRL and quite possibly in the RL community worldwide, the boys no matter what always acknowledge their loyal and passionate supporters at every game, no other club can boast that, and we truly appreciate it! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

It will be bigger and better in 2007 and I and Stormboy cannot wait, the off season is just so off, roll on February and let the games begin!! :) :)


Bunnies and Stormboy :) :) :)
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OzHEDude wrote: I was VERY impressed with about 90% of the Broncs fans we talked to after the game.
Nearly all of them were saying things like "bad luck, that was harsh".
I got the feeling that most of them were on our side re the decisions.

We even had support from heaps of people in Sin City, that must clearly show that we were robbed. That Harrigan, he always that he was bigger than the game. Having looked at 'alleged' no try for King, Harrigan claims that it hit Hoffman's right forearm. I saw it clear as day and the first touch came from Hodges, then it was a falcon for Ryan and went to Matt King. That is a TRY!!!!!!!

The NRL better think long and very hard about sending Paul Simpkins and Hollywood down to Melbourne for a game down here because we dont forget anything. We havent forgotten Orford and we certainly havent forgotten Kimmorley.
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After reading your post I would suggest a (cleaned) version be sent to the Storm, sports media and NRL. We know it would not change the result but would question the integrity of the NRL / officials. Maybe they might consider changing the rules and bring in game officials from overseas to make sure impartial conduct at such an important game.
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evilc wrote: Buzz,
After reading your post I would suggest a (cleaned) version be sent to the Storm, sports media and NRL. We know it would not change the result but would question the integrity of the NRL / officials. Maybe they might consider changing the rules and bring in game officials from overseas to make sure impartial conduct at such an important game.

If other forum members are right in saying that Hollywood was seen in the Broncos dressing room before the game, then that clearly shows that we were never going to win cause Webcke probably paid him off. Their is a god damn conspiracy against us, the NRL wanted Webcke to go out as a winner and cause thier were no NSW teams, they thought they could fix the game.

P.S Did anyone listen to Harrigan on SEN's Morning Glory this morning? He claims that their was only one dud decision in the game and that was the obstruction penalty. He maintains that Hoffman touched the ball with his right forearm and that both he and Ward agreed that it was a knock on by us.
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evilc wrote: Buzz,
After reading your post I would suggest a (cleaned) version be sent to the Storm, sports media and NRL. We know it would not change the result but would question the integrity of the NRL / officials. Maybe they might consider changing the rules and bring in game officials from overseas to make sure impartial conduct at such an important game.

The poll on the NRL website is this:

Who was the single biggest influence on the Broncos Grand Final win?

Shaun Berrigan
Darren Lockyer
Shane Webcke
Wayne Bennett

excuse me, where is Paul Simpkins name?
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I thought exactly the same thing, basically they do not want to admit that they got it very wrooooong!! ??? :x ???

Bunnies :)
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My two cents worth...

SUNDAY 1st October 2007 will always be remembered by myself as...

(after World Wrestling's infamous "Montreal Screwjob" incident featuring Bret "Hit Man" Hart & HBK Shawn Michaels - I know wrestling is scripted, but this was an actual incident that happened...sometimes I think wrestling has more credibility than football LMAO)

**I SHOULDN'T SWEAR But I have anger issues** me dead, could the officials have trashed that bloody game any more?  I wouldn't mind losing so much if the game was officiated properly, which it clearly WASN'T!  To say I'm thoroughly pissed off about this blatant miscarriage of justice is a gross understatement!  :angryfire: :cussing: :cwm21: :mumum: :brave: :protest: :angry5: angry9: :banghead:

The 4 Bulldogs fans who I went to the game with (an aunt & an uncle of mine, plus 2 of their friends) were also absolutely outraged after the game at the way it was handled.  They spotted a couple more poor calls that went against us (apart from the obvious ones) and after the game my uncle said to me something along the lines of "Melbourne could've won it, but the officials wanted the Broncos to win it for Webcke.  That game was killed by the ref.  He wasn't going to let Brisbane lose.  He's a cheat."  My aunt said that Clark should've reffed the game, if only because he's more experienced.

To be fair, I heard one Broncos supporter, towards the end of the match, remark that they (Brisbane fans) should pass the hat around for Simpkins - an admission of a hollow triumph perhaps?  I'm sure they'd be able to raise 30 PIECES OF SILVER without any trouble... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: 

But at Sydney airport I walked through a crowd of Brisbane fans in the departure lounge, proudly wearing my Melbourne Victory shirt (yes I know, I should've been wearing my Storm jersey but I was in such a foul mood that I would've belted one of them if they had made a smart-arse remark) as my way of saying "SUCK IT Maron Bleiberg & all you other cocky ba$tard$, Victory SMASHED your Queensland WHORES 4-1! 4-1! 4-1! 4-1! GO VICTORY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"  :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger:  (Most of them probably wouldn't give a stuff about A-League, but what the hell...anyway I digress...)

The best part of the night for me was the premier league match...what a nail-biter!  Parramatta eventually prevailing over Newtown 20-19 in extra time.  Congrats to former Storm lock Henry Perenara on captaining them & his brother Marcus for slotting the winning drop goal! :D

Pre-match...I have to say I didn't really think much of the pre-match stuff...the Hoodoo Gurus weren't bad, but I couldn't hear them clearly because the stadium has WOEFUL acoustics (well it's a football stadium, not a music venue) - which wasn't helped by the bass being turned up WAY too much, FFS why do they always insist on doing that? :roll:

Back to the game itself...what a complete farce!  I want to go on record as saying that Simpkins should spend 2007 in premier league, & they should bring a young referee up & give him some 1st grade experience (maybe Tony De Las Heras, I saw him ref a couple of games & he seemed quite promising.) 

And I also believe it's time for Robert Finch to step down as refs boss.  He clearly isn't up to the job, and he should resign immediately.  I don't see how he can keep condoning these blatant balls-ups with a straight face. :roll:

Of course the NRL should shoulder most of the blame for all this.  If David "JUDAS ISCARIOT" Gallop & his mates weren't such spineless, gutless yes-men we would be far less likely to have all this bullsh1t occurring in the first place!  IMO if Gallop gives a stuff about the game's future he must fall on his sword immediately, & leave the administration of the game to those who will show true leadership.

Finally, I would suggest that we all pass the hat around for Craig Bellamy, and raise $10K.  Then he can publicly say what we all know - that we were **I SHOULDN'T SWEAR But I have anger issues**ed over by incompetent, blinkered officials - & we can pay the fine. :D
Last edited by Anonymous on Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Did we deserve to win? Dunno, in fact in the first half I would say no.

What we did deserve is a chance to find out. I regret the loss but I'm gutted about the fact the team weren't allowed to see if they were the best or not, they deserved that at least.
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OzHEDude wrote: I was VERY impressed with about 90% of the Broncs fans we talked to after the game.
Nearly all of them were saying things like "bad luck, that was harsh".
I got the feeling that most of them were on our side re the decisions.
I don't know who the *lima lima lima duck* you talked too  ???

On the train home at 11pm I had to restrain my son from starting world war three after a carraige full of 'broncos fans',(and I use the term 'fans' very loosly to discribe this bunch of feral,arrogant arseholes !!) first screamed in our faces & called the storm cheating f***ing losers & then when my son showed them his storm tattoo and told them storm & proud he got a naked arse stuck in his face.................  :evil:
Then we wake Monday morning to a full on front page of the Telegraph showing what can only be discribed as a textbook grapple tackle  :evil:  :evil:
Endured more Bronco arrogance all day whilst travelling around Sydney
And to those Storm fans that skulked around Sydney in civillian clothes on Monday
Then after a 15 hour bus trip home we are greeting at 6:45 AM Tuesday morning to the back page of the Herald Sun,with that disgusting,knife twisting,addmission of guilt / duplicity from hollywood *spit contemptuously on ground at mere mention of name*
If we'd have met any Broncos fans between there & home my son would have cut loose
And I'm not that sure I would have made any effort to restrain him
Respect for the Broncos players - 1%
Respect for their fans less than 0%
Hunger for revenge 200% A slow & smouldering burn that can never be extinguished.
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