McKinnon could Sue

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It gives them another reason to hate the Storm. .... can't wait for the next premiership :)
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So before the 60 Minutes feature tonight there's a quadrapelgic bloke on "The Voice"?

Well played, Channel 9. Trafficking in human misery at it's very best.
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Every thing said is true, but you are never going to hear this side of the story because the media only want to report one side.
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So they have dedicated less than 2 minutes to Cameron's reaction to the ref (so far) and it's been snowballed in to all of this?
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"Has Cameron Smith tried to make contact?"

"No. Well I don't know if he tried to or not... I guess that shows the kind of person he is"

fark I hope Cam serves it up to the both of them good and proper in his response and does it with class. At least Wayne Bennett has the good sense to show a bit of clarity of thinking
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And "THE MAN WHO WON'T SAY SORRY!!!" screams 60 Minutes. You couldn't make this shit up.
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"Has Cameron Smith tried to make contact?"

"No... well i don't know if he tried through the club or whatever...."

Not exactly a statement of certainty is it? And will McKinnon Snr begrudge everyone who shares Smith's opinion and refuse to forgive them too? And where are Newcastle in all of this? Surely they would be able to corroborate the statements made in the press release today? I tell you what, if there's any bullshit in the public statement that was released by the club I'll be very, very disappointed.
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just sue the nrl alex and get it over and done so over him now the qicker it done and out of the way he can roll into the sunset and we wont hear from him again
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Agreed, Sally. And under Smith's leadership the NRL is less of a nickel and dime operation than it was under Gallop so I've got no doubt that there would be some sort of resolution reached.

And then I would love to see Cameron take action against Channel 9. That segment of the report bordered on defamation. "THE MAN WHO WON'T SAY SORRY" is genuinely the thing that bothers me most about the whole thing. Sure I was almost in tears listening to his mother but any sort of good will I felt was immediately snuffed out when they pulled that shit.
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I tweeted Anthony Quinn and asked for his thoughts about Cameron - nah don't reckon will get a reply do you
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I felt sorry for McKinnon, and his family, until all this crap started, now i think it's more about money, or so it seems, don't give a rat's about it all!
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I don't feel sorry for the McKinnon family I feel sorry for the ackerman that is a tragedy
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Channel 9 are absolute filth. Don't even consider coordinating with them in any way, Smithy.

And Alex McKinnon, you sir are a hypocrite in every sense of the word.
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Why has McKinnon not called out Ben Ikin? He had the same opinion as Cam. Don't suppose it had anything to do with the fact he is Wayne Bennett's son in law?
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Have read on the WA Today web site (a fairfax paper) , that Nine chose not to allow Cam to respond as it was "all about Alex".

"However, Fairfax Media has since learned that Smith has been deeply upset that he was not allowed to defend himself on the program.
The Maroons captain is reportedly so angry that he will refuse all interview requests from Nine before, during or after Wednesday night's State of Origin decider.
A Nine spokesperson said: "60 Minutes has offered Cameron Smith a chance to respond this Sunday."
Fairfax Media understands Smith will turn 60 Minutes down but may accept an approach from another network - most likely Seven.

Read more: ... z3f64huL8a
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