Storm five-eighth Gareth Widdop shows he's at his peak

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Go Storm wrote:
storming wrote:
blazza18 wrote:I think the big thing is money.

They'll be able to offer him possibly double the amount we offer him.
for this contract only, then after the new teams poor form, average coaching the next contract will start dropping in value like most others who leave this club
Exactly. And then when Coops, Smith and Slater retire he'll be our no1 strike weapon, possibly captain, and on BIG money. Not to mention a couple more premierships and WCC's, and the possibility of steering England to a win one day.
He seems smart enough to see beyond the short-term gain
Tbh thats a bit of a reach.

He's been excellent in his role but hasnt looked up to the role of #1 option @6 when made to play it during origin time.
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He's had his moments but yea I tend to agree. I don't think he can be the number 1 playmaker on a team.
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I love Gaz, I do... but any mention of 400k - 500k per year is too rich in my humble opinion.

If he can get that in Melbourne with independent 3rd party deals making up a healthy percentage of that, great. But 400k-500k coming directly out of the salary cap seems pretty high.
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yourhero wrote:I love Gaz, I do... but any mention of 400k - 500k per year is too rich in my humble opinion.

If he can get that in Melbourne with independent 3rd party deals making up a healthy percentage of that, great. But 400k-500k coming directly out of the salary cap seems pretty high.
Nailed it. As much as I love Widdop in this team $500k is way too much atm.
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What's the winning percentage again with CC and GW playing together?
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Given the cap has gone up $1.4 million or something like that i'd have no issue paying Gaz $500k. While i understand you have to share it around i think there's little to no doubt he'll be worth that amount and much more in the next few years especially learning his craft from the top few players on the world and under the best coach in the game.

We all know Bill, Cam and Coops wont be around forever and their millions has to go somewhere so why wouldn't you tie down one of the main blokes who can play a huge part in the clubs future being one of those to take over from them? I'm not saying for one second he'll be as great as them but i certainly think he can and will have a long and distinguished career at the club.

While he may not be ready to lead the team right now it's irellevent as he doesn't have to when Coops and Cam are still here for 90 odd percent of the season. Though with a few more years under the tutelage of the best players and coach in the game it would take a brave/silly man to say he won't be capable of doing so, especially after the rapid improvement he's made since his first grade debut.

I'm more than confident he'll stay after (deservedly) earning a nice pay rise and i'm sure that will only increase come next contract time as well.
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If Widdop's dad has his way he'll be a Bronco soon -
"I'd love him to try his wares at the Broncos," Widdop senior said.

"I think Gareth would be superb for the Broncos. Everyone bangs on about him being good at fullback but I've coached him since he was six and he was always a halfback.

"At the moment, he's not playing the traditional halfback's role at Melbourne so people haven't seen what he can really offer.

"Would I be surprised if he left? Well that's rugby league these days and, because of the salary cap, people do have to move on. It's about testing yourself as well.

"The thing about Melbourne is you have the big three (Cameron Smith, Billy Slater and Cronk) and they get all the accolades, but if he went to the Broncos, Gareth could be the main man.

"If I had my way, Gareth would definitely go to the Broncos. I'm a Broncos supporter and Gareth has been a Broncos supporter, our whole family is ... but I'll support whatever decision he makes."

Asked if Widdop, 24, is genuinely considering the Broncos, Gary said: "Yes. They are one of a few clubs who are fishing around.
I love Widdop on this team. He fits perfectly in the core group we have but I don't want to get into a bidding war over him. ... 6619824281
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I suppose Gareth just needs to decide whether he wants to be the main man in a team, or whether he wants to continue winning premierships.

Maybe when we win the GF this year and the Broncs are knocked out in the early rounds it'll make this decision easier for him

He doesn't come across to me as the type of bloke who needs to be the headliner in the club, and if he is then perhaps the club should start promoting him more. Perhaps use the expression 'big 4' since the media love big 3 so much they'll adopt it easily. This may pump up Gareth's tyres a bit if that's what he needs
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Widdop's dad sounds like a major tossbag. As if you say that to the press. Bellamy should ban this pommy git from the change rooms. My mate reckons widdop plays for individual glory, must get his ego off his dad.
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As much as I like Gaz at the Storm, we can't let this baggage carry out for the rest of the year. Last year Coops did the right thing and made his decision early on to keep it from being a distraction. If Gaz's old man wants him to go to Brisbane, so be it. Sounds like Gaz has a dilemma as he probably wants to stay at the Storm and be part of a successful team although it sounds like he's got a pushy father who is risking him becoming a sell out.

We would find another five-eighth if Gaz leaves (Ben Hampton or possibly look to other clubs). Coops will always be our number one playmaker (the Storm have had the halfback as the dominant player for the club's entire history also with Noddy and Ox). Five-eighth is the position that will keep playing second fiddle to halfback at the Storm.
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It comes across to me that Widdop Sr is more looking after his own interests as opposed to his sons IMO.
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Ice wrote:It comes across to me that Widdop Sr is more looking after his own interests as opposed to his sons IMO.
Oh yea big time. My only hope is Gaz doesn't let his fathers words get to him.
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To all concerned,

I felt compelled to join the Bai Stand forum today to clear a few points up in relation to an article that appeared on the net today… a reporter (who will be brought to task when I next speak to him) who completely reported out of context and typically misquoted me.

He called me in response to Darren Lockyer’s quote in a previous article that Gareth would be a good fit for the Bronco’s.

Now, this is from the horse’s mouth so to speak and covers what I feel are the important areas of the article;

The conversation went like this; “would you like to see Gareth at the Bronco’s”? which I answered, “yes, as a Bronco’s supporter I would love to see him at the club, but has a father I would like to keep the family together down here in Melbourne, my daughter moves back from Perth in June and I am looking forward to having all the family back together again” (the latter part of my answer never appeared in the article) “if he signed for them, how do you think he would fit in”? “I think he would fit right in and would start to flourish as a playmaker, it’s hard for him to be his own man down in Melbourne behind the big 3, and it would give him the opportunity to test himself” (the word “main man” and “accolades” were never used, Gareth is not an attention seeker and you as supporters should already know that).
Asked if Widdop, 24, is genuinely considering the Broncos, Gary said: "Yes” … One word, “Rubbish” What I did say was, “there is a lot of interest out there in the market and Gareth is reviewing his options off the back of interest from various clubs”, He pushed on the subject again, “have the Bronco’s put an offer in for Gareth” I answered, “look, there are a lot of halves off contract next year so the affected clubs are having to shop about a bit, so there is interest from all areas”.

Furthermore any statements I may have made above and in the article are only my own opinions, and in no way does it reflect Gareth’s thought’s or wishes to leave the club. Gareth’s mother and I have brought our children up to know their own minds, and if they ask us for advice, that’s all it is, advise!

Gareth will go through the same process as any other player around contract negotiations time and decided what is best for him and his immediate family.

Do I really think the Broncos would be a perfect fit for Gareth, “No” and would I advise him to go to the Broncos, “No” My statement above to see Gareth at the Broncos, is only born out of a dads passion to see his son play for for a club he's followed for a long time, period.

This goes out to Mauritian, I can fully understand why you would think that I am a “Major Tossbag” :) , given what you read in the article, them that know me will tell you, I don’t go for ego trips, I am a fully paid up member of the Storm and Broncos and choose to sit anonymously in the crowd, I don’t take the free tickets that are on offer every week to go into the corporate areas screaming look at me, look at me!! In fact, I think since Gareth started with the twenty’s, Joanne and I have only been in the sheds 2/3 times. I am a very proud father who doesn’t need anyone to “Pump my tyres up” Gareth does that for me every time I see him run out onto the paddock to play. If you would like, I would gladly buy you a pint before the next home game and you can make your own mind up!

And finally, to the rest of the Storm supporters, I apologise if the article upset you in anyway, it was not my intention in anyway.

Best regards

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Thanks for clearing that up for us Mr Widdop. We love having Gaz in Melbourne as he is an integral part of our team.I am sure alot of Bai Standers would love to catch up with you for a pint before a Storm home game. great game by Gaz last night against the sth sydney Storm.
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Widdopsnr, it's a shame that you have to go to these lengths to qualify your comments. As you have clearly articulatated it is a case of a journalist writing a story for a headline grab not for the accuracy of the article. The reporter involved should be taken to task for this and I hope for your sake that this occurs.

Your comments and explanation are much appreciated and fully explain the circumstances. Just goes to show you can't believe half of what you see in he papers. I hope Gareth remains in purple but whatever he does will no doubt be a considered decision weighing up all of the facts in front of him. Good luck to you and the family.
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