Billys Buddies

Discussion on anything to do with Melbourne Storm - games, players, rumours - anything!
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So who is taking there children to this event on Monday 11th...
Much better time than last year and from memory a bit more notice given.
I know last year many people did not get the information at all... So am hoping that
this year everyone received the email or letter in the mail...

My kids are very excited about going - lets hope the weather holds out...
I am ordering a nice sunny day with no wind or rain... hehehehe...
Lets Party Like Its 1999....
The Storm 1999, 2007, 2009, 2011

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: lol i wish i had kids so i could go have a perve on billy
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Can you post the details StormFront? My daughter's a Billy's Bubba's member, but if i'm not working i may take her anyway. She'd love it i reckon.
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Whats the age limit on the kids for this, im gunna have to adopt one.
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Here is the link for registration but you may have to call the club if you want to go... ... source.jpg
Lets Party Like Its 1999....
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My nephew only got the letter with the registration form last Friday - it had to be lodged with the club by Monday 5.00pm - I don't think that is enough notice. It was the first he had heard of the clinic because for the second year in a row, the administration did not process his Billy's Buddies membership (attached to his normal membership) - hence he has not received the full pack. Two years in a row his Mum had to phone up the club and chase it up - last year he completely missed the clinic because his membership was not processed.

Having said all that - I wish I could go!! Alas I am a little older than the 5 -15 age limits. I would love Billy to 'coach' me. :lol:


P.S. Hopefully this week Billy will be able to complete his victory lap without being told to leave the field and get back. I was not happy - I waited and waited for him only to miss out - he was stopping for heaps of photos/autographs too. I just wanted a quick photo - but he was told to stop. Same for Cam. Oh well - there's always next week when we smash Parra :P
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If they are doing this post match function with all players in attendance I doubt the victory lap will go for very long.

Sorry to hear about your nephews mix up with his Billys Buddies..
I have had major issues of my own.. which have now been fixed. :-D
Lets Party Like Its 1999....
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My nephew went to the clinic yesterday (he is 13) with a mate he is trying to get on board as a Storm suppporter and they had an AWESOME time. From all reports it was really well organised and the kids had a ball. ALL the players (including the under 20s guys) were there and there was plenty of interaction with the kids.

The only downside was my Mum (who drove my nephew in for the clinic) was a bit disappointed she couldn't mingle with the players - she loves all those young men!!!! (I'm sure that was a similar sentiment for all the parents/grandparents there :lol: ).

Well done Storm - top marks!! You made some kids VERY happy. Even the weather turned out OK for the day! He's already looking forward to next year!
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I took my kids and they had a great time!! I did get frustrated that there were parents on the ground that thought they should be able to interact with the players, the day was for the kids and if the parents were allowed on the field it would mean the players had less time for the kids. I can guarantee the kids would not have the experience they did with parents interupting the players for a chat and get stuff signed. Go to a training day if you want but it's called Billy's buddies for a reason.
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I agree madstorm - the day is definitely for the kids. My comments about the parents/grandparents was very much tongue-in-cheek!
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