Rumoured Breaking News: Storm to take NRL to court

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ROSS STEVENSON: Comes from this morning's Rumour File when I was able to tell you that after speaking to some people in legal circles yesterday, it's come to my attention - Rumour As Fact I believe - that emminent Melbourne QC Allan Myers has advised the Melbourne Storm board that procedural fairness was not accorded to them when the NRL made its adjudications (in stripping two NRL premierships from the club and not allowing the team to win points this season).

Accordingly, the NRL acted outside its own rules and Allan Myers QC is going to draw a writ on behalf of the Melbourne Storm against the NRL which will be issued in the next 24 hours.

PLAYING NOW: Ray Warren speaks to Ross and John about how the Storm's legal action against the NRL will be viewed. ... -uypd.html

If you follow the link you can listen to the interview with Ray Warren.
Its on now   :lol:
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Heard this on radio this morning.  Was a little upset to hear that Ray & Gus were targeted on there way to AAMI Park.  Gus in particular has been fair with us. Heres me thinking  our members were a little better than this.  Oh well it only takes a few to give anyone a bad name
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Definitely a shame they got accosted. It's definitely a case of misdirected anger, if I saw Phil Gould walking down the street, I'd probably fall to my knees and kiss his feet! Okay, maybe I wouldn't stoop that low, but I'd definitely give him a hug and a kiss for all his support!!!

Let's hope that there is some legal precedent or argument to back Storm up in this case... the case probably won't be well received up in Sydney, but who cares!!!
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I now officially love Gus Gould because of the staunch support he has shown Storm and the way he hasn't been afraid to take Gallop and the NRL to task over this whole shemoozzle.

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I hope Storm can stick it to the NRL over this!!
As far as people getting stuck into Gus & Ray last weekend, another case of a few giving the media north of the Murray more ammunition to show us as a bunch of rednecks, some people just don't think before they act.
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I believe this willl be put on the back-burner after a meeting between NEWS and the Fab 4 as they shall now be known. I hear NEWS say they dont want to challenge but I alwasy hear a "at the moment" thrown in.

An important thing to note is that with all the rorting going on combined with the new stadium and increased memberships etc, this CLUB is in a lot stronger psotion then most have realised and is certainly an appealing investment for any buyers (I'll do it if I win the jackpot)
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The following is said from a perspective of honest truth
Gus Gould has had it in for Gallop and any other news limited fag for a long long time
This is a Gus Gould HATE campaign

I think his right this time around but his support for the storm comes from a hatred of the current NRL
Systems in place and anything he can do to tear news limited out of rugby league like the cancer that
it is he will back as staunchly and never back down,GUS GOULD HATES NEWS LIMITED!!!!!
even tho his right his badgering of every system theyve put into place leave him with low credibility
"Absolutely trained to the minute"
Phil "Gus" Gould

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mystormboys wrote: Heard this on radio this morning.  Was a little upset to hear that Ray & Gus were targeted on there way to AAMI Park.  Gus in particular has been fair with us. Heres me thinking  our members were a little better than this.  Oh well it only takes a few to give anyone a bad name
Gus cops it from all and sundry. I dare say he was unrattled by the abuse seeing as he's probably been called far worse by far better classes of people. If these drongos knew anything they'd know he's supportive of us. I didn't become a fan of his until about 4 or 5 years ago.  My opinion of Gus is that he wakes up every morning and counts himself very lucky for being able to be a part of football for all his life.

As for the issue at hand I really hate to be a wet rag but all this talk does nothing good for us or the club. The only thing worse than giving a man no hope is giving giving him false hope and that's all this talk of writs is. It's taken time for me to make peace with the issue but the fact is that certain people in the administration (I won't speculate on player involvement. If there are any players proven to be implicated I will pass judgement on them at the time) unravelled all the good work that had been done to grow the game in Victoria) blatantly cheated, mislead and deceived the NRL. The question needs to be asked; what defense could possibly be used against that?

Mind you, if (and it's a BIG if) they pull it off I'll dance a lima lima lima duck jig.
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No no no no no no no. This is is the worst possbile action we could take all it will do it remove any support we have north of the border for n result at all and it will ensure that at least one if not more of our fab 4 will be forced to leave.
Surely we can wait until the examination is over then plot our course.
I stand behind our club, but if these maverick directors do this then I will have to reconsider as they are going to hurt us much more than we have been already
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at least one if not more of our fab 4 will be forced to leave.
Do you suffer from ostrich syndrome ?
That's ALL Gallop & Co have talked about since day one  :roll:
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Simple - if News Limited didn't own the club ... we would sue.

While we are owned by News - this won't happen

But there is a future when the club is not owned by News Limited and will be in private hands that would be the time to go to the lawyers and get back our premierships esp 2007!
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