2010 - our most critical year ever.

Discussion on anything to do with Melbourne Storm - games, players, rumours - anything!
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Hail Storm
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I am really interested in the thoughts of the Storm hard corers.

This next year, if you don't realise it already is our most critical - ever.

If News Ltd pull out of the NRL (which they have said they want to) - we will be cut adrift and forced to survive on our own merits.

It came as a massive shock to the system to learn News Ltd tip in $millions to ensure Melbourne Storm survive - every year. Without their $$, we will find it very hard to survive. I can't see anyone else tipping in $5 million +, to ensure our survival. (As an ex- North Sydney fan, don't ever think the NRL will come to the party. If they couldn't for a foundation member, they won't for anyone.) The only saviour may be the State Government, as I cannot see any corporate entity or entities tipping in the massive operational shortfall of any given season that Storm competes. I wonder, however, how Melbourne Storm's survival rank in their overall scheme of things. The same goes for NRL, though I suspect they would want Melbourne's survival, but probably not at their expense.

Realising that Olympic Park was woefully inadequate and did nothing to swell our home crowds, I worry that at even 15,000-18,000 home crowd at the new stadium (once the euphoria dies down), it is going to look half empty, and that, folks does nothing for the code.

I cannot for the life of me, understand why Melbourne's  sporting fanatic public do not support the Storm in a more tangible way. As a marketing person, I know 2010 will be a watershed year. We must capitalise on the benefits of this brilliant new stadium and ride the hype of it in the critical early stages. My recommendation is a very simple one. In a year where bums on seats will be critical, I am suggesting all members be given a seat for a friend at every home game. It is in the interest of the game and the franchise's survival and ultimate acceptance of its home city, we cannot have a half full house. Further, it is my considered opinion that these free seats stand a very good chance of being picked up for ensuing years by these 'free' fans, once they realise just how good the game and Melbourne's team is, by experiencing it up close and personal and not from a 30 second highlight package. We know we cannot rely upon the cretins at Channel 9 in any way, shape or form. We are stuck with being treated with contempt by this joke of a network.

If this free seats idea does not stand up to scrutiny, we should leverage our marketing position with our owners, by offering tickets at greatly reduced prices to potential fans through the Melbourne Herald-Sun. Even if it's a buy one, get one free - folks, we are going to have shitloads of empty seats that just need to be filled at any price. Think about it, if someone was toying with the idea of trying on the sport for size, they are less likely to do so if what they see is a half empty stadium. A stadium filled to the rafters, decked out in a sea of purple is an intoxicating sight and will stand a much greater chance of luring them along because of it. We are not Melbourne Victory, who do not struggle with getting crowds through the gate. Yet we will be directly compared to them as to the sport's individual pulling power, because of our joint marquee tenant status.

A second half-season member's ticket should also be explored (like they do in English football), because at that time, the euphoria of the new stadium will have died down and bums on seats (at whatever price) will be strategically important at that point and for the next season. Now is the time for action, folks...Olympic Park couldn't hold too many more, so bums on seats was not a problem. The new stadium gives the Storm an amazing opportunity to provide our club with the groundswell of support so vital to the long-term viability of our club being able to stand on its own two feet.

**And as we are the pinnacle of success, there is no better foundation to launch Melbourne Storm Mk II upon.

(sorry for the overly long winded posts, folks. I am vitally interested in your opinions.)
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Michael :P
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Going to watch I love you man, then I will respond.

Good post though Kettles.
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same here....respond soon or tomorrow
good post

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I am really interested in the thoughts of the Storm hard corers.

This next year, if you don't realise it already is our most critical - ever.

If News Ltd pull out of the NRL (which they have said they want to) - we will be cut adrift and forced to survive on our own merits.

It came as a massive shock to the system to learn News Ltd tip in $millions to ensure Melbourne Storm survive - every year. Without their $$, we will find it very hard to survive. I can't see anyone else tipping in $5 million +, to ensure our survival. (As an ex- North Sydney fan, don't ever think the NRL will come to the party. If they couldn't for a foundation member, they won't for anyone.) The only saviour may be the State Government, as I cannot see any corporate entity or entities tipping in the massive operational shortfall of any given season that Storm competes. I wonder, however, how Melbourne Storm's survival rank in their overall scheme of things. The same goes for NRL, though I suspect they would want Melbourne's survival, but probably not at their expense.

Realising that Olympic Park was woefully inadequate and did nothing to swell our home crowds, I worry that at even 15,000-18,000 home crowd at the new stadium (once the euphoria dies down), it is going to look half empty, and that, folks does nothing for the code.

I cannot for the life of me, understand why Melbourne's  sporting fanatic public do not support the Storm in a more tangible way. As a marketing person, I know 2010 will be a watershed year. We must capitalise on the benefits of this brilliant new stadium and ride the hype of it in the critical early stages. My recommendation is a very simple one. In a year where bums on seats will be critical, I am suggesting all members be given a seat for a friend at every home game. It is in the interest of the game and the franchise's survival and ultimate acceptance of its home city, we cannot have a half full house. Further, it is my considered opinion that these free seats stand a very good chance of being picked up for ensuing years by these 'free' fans, once they realise just how good the game and Melbourne's team is, by experiencing it up close and personal and not from a 30 second highlight package. We know we cannot rely upon the cretins at Channel 9 in any way, shape or form. We are stuck with being treated with contempt by this joke of a network.

If this free seats idea does not stand up to scrutiny, we should leverage our marketing position with our owners, by offering tickets at greatly reduced prices to potential fans through the Melbourne Herald-Sun. Even if it's a buy one, get one free - folks, we are going to have shitloads of empty seats that just need to be filled at any price. Think about it, if someone was toying with the idea of trying on the sport for size, they are less likely to do so if what they see is a half empty stadium. A stadium filled to the rafters, decked out in a sea of purple is an intoxicating sight and will stand a much greater chance of luring them along because of it. We are not Melbourne Victory, who do not struggle with getting crowds through the gate. Yet we will be directly compared to them as to the sport's individual pulling power, because of our joint marquee tenant status.

A second half-season member's ticket should also be explored (like they do in English football), because at that time, the euphoria of the new stadium will have died down and bums on seats (at whatever price) will be strategically important at that point and for the next season. Now is the time for action, folks...Olympic Park couldn't hold too many more, so bums on seats was not a problem. The new stadium gives the Storm an amazing opportunity to provide our club with the groundswell of support so vital to the long-term viability of our club being able to stand on its own two feet.

**And as we are the pinnacle of success, there is no better foundation to launch Melbourne Storm Mk II upon.

(sorry for the overly long winded posts, folks. I am vitally interested in your opinions.)

You have made some very good points Kettles. I believe that the new stadium is the most crucial element to the Storm. Last game of the finals series we got almost 28,000 on AFL GF day, now that is a pretty good achievement. New stadium holds bout 30,000, it will bring heaps more people to Storm home games, as much as Olympic Park had a soul and history, it wasn't spectator friendly. Another thing about the new stadium is that the corporate side of things will also be much more rewarding financially then OP. In terms of what you say bout Melbourne Victory, they haven't been getting anywhere near as good as crowds as what they have been previously (I'm member of both teams btw) so I think that it's unfair to compare both sports. Football (soccer) has the appeal of all the wogs, South Americans, pommy expats etc. They'll always have the appeal. Rugby League is a tricky sport because Victorians haven't been exposed to it, the don't know the characters, the rules, they don't know the game full stop. I believe this is because from day one, the NRL did little to nothing to broaden people's mind, they just put a team down here and expected people to follow the sport. Now, how do you think a typical Victorian is gonna react to something that has come from NSW to Victoria? Especially sportwise? The Swans had bucket loads of money pumped into them over a long period of time. Now, with the appropriate administration in place for the Storm, we can clearly see that they are having success, on and off the field. But overall, I do believe that this new stadium will be the best thing to happen to Storm in a very long time. If the NRL are serious bout Storm, then they should include them in next tv deal and if it means Ch 9 losing the rights, then so be it.

Build it and they will come. 
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We did the 'bring-a-friend' idea with coupons added to memberships for a few years, also there was the option of 3 game memberships in the first few years then we brought in 6 game ones as well.  Storm membership also used to have pro-rata pricing for people who bought late into the season.

All the above were discarded when Brian Waldron took over as CEO. 

The 3 and 6 game options were brilliant for people who wanted to bring others to a game or could only make it to a few games each year because of scheduling, they gave the same benefits as a general member - but that was back in the days of the 'proper' social club...
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!
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Hey Kettles

My name is gothestorm and I'm not smarter than a fifth grader.
Last edited by TC on Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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gothestorm wrote: Hey Kettles

I see you are a Marketing person. Marketing people are wankers. You are really interested in my thoughts? "Go *LIMA LIMA LIMA DUCK!* yourself".
You've been warned gts, behave or get out!
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!
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gothestorm wrote: Hey Kettles

I see you are a Marketing person. Marketing people are wankers. You are really interested in my thoughts? "Go *LIMA LIMA LIMA DUCK!* yourself".

Behind the Keyboard hero.
You're making a twat out of yourself.
Go and ask mummy if you can go and play on the road.
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For those that say News Ltd pumps in $millions, how much of that is actually for running the Storm's NRL side and how much is grass roots, etc?

All the media seem to think that the dollars from News Ltd is purely for the Storm NRL side.

Also, Waldron has stated numerous times that our deal with OP is not that great, the new stadium will see us in a much better position in terms of selling to corporates, plus advertising and the catering. Add that the Storm will be located at the same site where we play, ie admin, player facilities, etc all under the one roof.

18k in a 31k seater will look empty? That's about 60% capacity, it won't look that bad.
Michael :P
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First off I think we have an operating budget of $21 million, I think the West Tigers operates on a budget of $12 million. So if we had to slash that $5 mil off the books we could do it and still spend more then most teams in the game, but I think we all agree we DONT want to that, its probably one of the most important reasons why we are so succesful.

Secondly as Surandy has pointed out the financial benefits of the new stadium will be massive, especailly in regards to corporate facilities. Any Melbourne based company who wants or has dealings in NSW, QLD, NZ etc will more then likely buy a suite whether they like the game or not.

Thirdly, despite all the game has been through over the last 14 years it is still in very good shape. On all reliable data we are not that far behind AFL despite all that has happened, any smart investors would be crazy not to see the growth potential in the great game. Particularly in Melbourne were 50,000 people from inter-state (the large majority of which are from league areas) are moving to Victoria every year

Going to bed now, will post some more thoughts tomorrow.
Last edited by noa nandruku on Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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TO MS. GOTHESTORM >>>>>>>>>>>>>  Image
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dont mind GTS. he is a troll/moron/dickhead/manly supporter (insert any other sort of insult). He gets his kicks out of people reacting and biting (which is exactly what im doing...DOH) to his posts. if i could ild make gts go away...but i cant :(

anyway not to get too far off topic. great post kettles! IM Not as smart as surandy or 99.9% of posters on here so i cant give an in depth response. It would be intresting to see how we went without news....i think we can sustain ourselves...i dont have the facts on me right now but iirc our jersey/sponsors brings the most money out of any other NRL club and has done so the past few years. Our memberships arent too shabby and are probably better than some sydney clubs, the new stadium, as already pointed out by other posters, will also go along way in helping us survive on our own.

There is still plenty of growth left for rugby league in VIC..look how far we have come in the past 10-12 years....imagine it in another 10 years! Things can only go up and hopefully we get the right people on board to help achieve this.
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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I'm sure Brian and the Board have a plan in place..
Its still early days re News pulling out and a new commission being formed and I am sure they will be discussing what happens to our club with the Board.

In the meantime its vital everyone renews their memberships and encourages newbies to come to our games.
Personally I am not in favour of 3 game memberships as it encourages a lazy attitude to becoming a committed member.
If anything along those lines is offered in the new membership package, a 6 game membership would be more ideal.

I heard a whisper that the Storm and Victory will be offering a joint membership to those that might want to see both codes as well.

What concerns me a little is the new rugby union team that is supposedly coming to Melbourne in 2011.
I know we have rugby union fans amongst our ranks and they might jump ship to the new union side and hence we may also lose some sponsors too.
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That supposed rugby union side, the Melbourne Rebels, have lost all their finanical backing, so I don't think that in the next few years that they'll be set up. Heard that the new team in rugby union will be in South Africa.
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With the new A-league team Melbourne Heart coming soon, Victory will have issues of their own.

It makes sense to create a joint membership venture, as it's mutually beneficial.

The issue with Melbournians, is that we seem to only want to know about the Storm when we are winning.

Luckily for us, we have been successful (especially over the last 4 years). If not, the picture would be far more bleak.

I have full confidence that Storm would be able to secure adequate sponsorship - we have built a solid brand for ourselves, and our club culture is critical to our success.

We have built the foundations, now it's time to test the waters (to mix analogies).
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