Munster being chased by Roosters

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Cameron wrote:Gonski. That is the worst news in Melbourne Storm history. Rothfield alluded to it on 360 last night and said he feared for the Storm now.

We will have to rebuild everything and start from nothing. This is a real kick to our culture.
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Wow! If rothfield is the source, it must be true ::) ::) ::)

Trolls gotta troll ::)
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I'm rapidly starting to wonder if storminghome and Cameron are alt accounts.
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yourhero wrote:
Cameron wrote:Gonski. That is the worst news in Melbourne Storm history. Rothfield alluded to it on 360 last night and said he feared for the Storm now.

We will have to rebuild everything and start from nothing. This is a real kick to our culture.

Cameron didn't you go to Christian Welch's BBQ did he look like he was "gonski" then. He can't be approached before November - stop stirring the pot. For god's sake wait til confirmed by Storm - you really are starting to do my head in. Are you from the "doomsday book" for crying out loud
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TC wrote:I'm rapidly starting to wonder if storminghome and Cameron are alt accounts.
For what it's worth, I thought Cameron had been banned and had come back as storminghome untill Cameron reappeared :lol:
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A few points for all of you who are trying to bully me.

1) Cameron hasn't signed and he will be the No 1 player chased by everyone when he comes out of contract. They will throw the kitchen sink at him.
2) I spoke to Cameron at Christian Welch's BBQ but as if he was going to tell me about his future when it was a positive night to support a charity and get to know the players. I did get the feeling in a few comments that he wouldn't mind a larger limelight than he currently has.
3) as if the Roosters would worry about not talking to Cameron before November. When did the Roosters ever play by the rules?
4) its not just Rothfield who is saying it; everyone is saying it!!!
5) Cameron is young and can change his mind
6) where there is smoke there is fire
7) I hope Munster stays more than anyone as we share the same name. For those who care what Kenty thinks. Kenty thinks Munster will stay.
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Bully you? Please..... If you go around spouting hyperbole as fact and turn up the drama every time some grubby gutter journo writes something to get clicks, people are going to call you on it. That's not bullying, that's life sunshine.

I guess you loose players every time someone throws money at them hey.... I mean that's why we've kept Cameron Smith for his whole career, same for Slater and managed to keep clubs at Bay for basically cronks entire career. Not to mention retaining Bellamy despite other clubs throwing the bank at him.

As for where there's smoke there's fire? By that logic you are 100% a troll.... After all, several people here have labeled you a troll and where there's smoke there's fire ::)
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^ good post. Especially liked the last paragraph.
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You are a bully. By any definition of the word. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't give you the right to threaten me or call me names. Imagine if you did that in public. You should be reformed or not allowed to post on the internet.

Cameron Smith was very, very close to going back to Brisbane and anyone who knows the history of the Melbourne Storm or calls themselves a fan knows it was his wife Barb who decided that they should stay in Melbourne.

And we know what has happened with Cooper Cronk, Tahu Harris, Jordan Mclean just from last year - and the list goes on.

But you should never bring logic into an internet conversation where people think it is their God given right to bully and belittle others and throw names and genuinely act in abhorred ways that would never be allowed in pubic.

I didn't start any of the rumours although for some reason some have put my name to them. Like everybody else I am just watching the journey as an observer. So to call people names because they have an opinion is just absurd.
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Cameron wrote:You are a bully. By any definition of the word. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't give you the right to threaten me or call me names. Imagine if you did that in public. You should be reformed or not allowed to post on the internet.
What the f*ck are you talking about? Where were you threatened exactly?
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You were called out for being a troll. That is not bullying, that is simply a fact.
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By you, by the tone of the post. The fact you have put the "f" word out on the internet is clear proof you need re-education in how you are meant to post on the internet. The tone of the post is the clear threatening way of dealing with people and this simply isn't allowed in modern internet protocol.

People seem to not like people who think. Who may indicate there is the possibility thunder and rain from dark clouds. So they attack the person rather than the argument. This is not how people correspond in modern thinking.

It is exhausting trying to educate you in how you should live in your lives and be civil and treat others with respect which I thought was a basic thing that most parents or education systems taught as their first lesson.

Clearly with the ripe amount of articles on the possibility and speculation of Munster's future it should be a main topic on a Melbourne Storm forum where debate should be allowed to take place without ridicule or individual personal attacks.

We went through it all with Cooper Cronk last year and I understand the gamut of opinion ranges from "head in the sand" through to acceptance. No one is stating Munster is going, because I think even he hasn't worked that out yet; but it is a possibility. And as a possibility; it needs to be debated. Not in an antagonistic and argumentative way but in a way where everybody respects each other and their opinions, ie civil discourse.

As I said, no one loves Cameron Munster more than me. I paid to go to Christian Welch's house just to meet him and spend a couple of luscious minutes talking to him and have a couple of photos taken with him. But we must understand that everything is possible. I have written in another thread that the Melbourne Storm needs to prosper not just endure. For the good of the "N' in the NRL; because we are the only non Eastern Seaboard team and if we fail, by that I mean, not selling and expanding the game in Melbourne (Australia's second biggest city) and be perennially top 4 competitive then expansion everywhere is off the table. But the Sydney people in their myopic ideologies don't even care about what is good for the game or growth of the game or the chance ot make the game great and fully loved and embraced by all Australians so it is Australia's game. They just want their little Sydney club to beat up on all the other Sydney clubs.

I will leave you with one thought. Before you write anything, think would your mother approve of it? Is that the way your mother would talk to her friends. Because all in all we are friends and that is the way we should talk to each other. Like you are talking to a friend. it is a small brethren, the Melbourne Storm community and we have enough people attacking us without attacking each other.
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Cameron wrote:By you, by the tone of the post.
::) Perhaps you need to pick up a dictionary and look up the definition of "threaten". Nobody has threatened you. You have made outlandish, frankly ridiculous comments with the sole intent to stir. Whilst we are on definitions, that is literally the definition of an online troll...
Cameron wrote:The fact you have put the "f" word out on the internet is clear proof you need re-education in how you are meant to post on the internet. The tone of the post is the clear threatening way of dealing with people and this simply isn't allowed in modern internet protocol.
:lol: You must be new to the internet... If masked profanity in written form is so threatening to you, I suggest avoiding the internet. And TV. And radio. And virtually every entertainment platform.
Cameron wrote:It is exhausting trying to educate you in how you should live in your lives
Save your holier-than-though rubbish.
Cameron wrote:No one is stating Munster is going.
Also Cameron wrote:Gonski. That is the worst news in Melbourne Storm history. Rothfield alluded to it on 360 last night and said he feared for the Storm now. We will have to rebuild everything and start from nothing. This is a real kick to our culture.
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Again, personal attacks and bullying. That is a very sad state of affairs. You really don't understand do you? This forum is not your God given right to attack people. I could take the same tone with you but I will not go down to your level. I have offered you the olive branch of friendship, I have explained to you how you should attempt to interact on the internet but still you bully and seem unable to be educated. This is an internet form where people share ideas not a place to come and personally attack others. Which even your last post does. But you seem to be unable to see it. Or even be able to have a civil understanding of what is just good and proper in the way that one human being should treat another human being. You tone is threatening and a threat by clear definition is in the eye of the beholder. So if I tell you that you are threatening me or using threatening behaviour, then by clear definition that is what it is.

I don't want to transcend to your level and make post after post about good civil behaviour or the lack of it. But you really need to be re-educated in how people treat each other.

You seem obsessed by me. I do not go through your posts and spend hours and hours cutting them up and re-pasting them to fragment the ideas. Every single person on this site writes different things at different times but we accept the people because that is the way a community or a society works and without that first common law, it simply cant function.

So whatever you say, so far the last 3 or 4 posts have been threatening bullying and personal attacks. All I want to do is talk Storm but all you want to do is be a bully.
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Mate, have you ever stopped to think why people might accuse you of being a troll if indeed you aren't?

You're abrasive and condecending, you've made attacks on people's character, intelligence and the level of knowledge and support if the Storm.

You came in declaring Munster gonski with no more supporting evidence than a few rumours and an old anecdote of "where there's smoke, there's fire". When highlighted how rediculous the smoke/fire anecdote was, you begin shouting bully and claiming to be threatened.

You're doing nothing to help raise anyone's opinion of you at the moment, and if anything, you're adding further fuel to the fire of people suspecting you of being a troll.

Brow beating, berating and otherwise belittling people by trying to demonstrate a superiorty of intelligence and morality is a form of bullying, which I'm sure a good many find rather ironic given how much you're complaining about feeling bullied yourself.

Get of your high horse, you're above no one
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