I Stand With The Fox

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Phillip Island Storm
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Hi all,
I have been sitting on the fence about the call for a new national anthem that engages with the aboriginals in our country and enables them to feel inclusive.

I have always wanted to stand up and say that I support their cause but have always had doubts about their motives. I am ready to rid myself of those doubts and support them as part of our reconciliation process.

What do we really stand for when we embrace the indigenous round in the NRL or AFL, if we are not prepared to change our thinking as so called white Australians and fully embrace our First Nations peoples.

I was reading the words of an alternative national anthem that was written by Judith Durham and Muti Muti ( an aboriginal songwriter ). It is sound to the same melody as the existing national anthem and incorporates many of the same words.

Here it is:

Australia, celebrate as one, with peace and harmony.
Our precious water, soil and sun, grant life for you and me.
Our land abounds in nature’s gifts to love, respect and share,
And honouring the Dreaming, advance Australia fair.
With joyful hearts then let us sing, advance Australia fair.

Australia, let us stand as one, upon this sacred land.
A new day dawns, we’re moving on to trust and understand.
Combine our ancient history and cultures everywhere,
To bond together for all time, advance Australia fair.
With joyful hearts then let us sing, advance Australia fair.

Australia, let us strive as one, to work with willing hands.
Our Southern Cross will guide us on, as friends with other lands.
While we embrace tomorrow’s world with courage, truth and care,
And all our actions prove the words, advance Australia fair.
With joyful hearts then let us sing, advance Australia fair.

And when this special land of ours is in our children’s care,
From shore to shore forever more, advance Australia fair.
With joyful hearts then let us sing, advance … Australia … fair.

If we as Storm fans get behind something like this we might cause a conversation about the whole issue. I for one am supporting and stand with The Fox as he makes his effort to start the conversation.

Tell me what you think.
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I see and appreciate indigenous folk no different than I see any other person in this great country. I believe the historical atrocities committed against our nation's first people are exactly that - atrocities. They should never be forgotten. I also firmly believe that reconciliation requires both an effort on behalf of the Australian Government, white Australians AND Indigenous Australians.

I'm also not sure if changing the anthem, or changing the date of Australia Day will actually achieve anything... Numerous Aboriginal persons in the media (Brooke Boney) have outlined their reasons for protest of the anthem/Aus Day, is due to alleged inequalities experienced today by indigenous peoples, such as the incarceration rate, life expectancy, unemployment rate, etc. Changing the date/anthem does not address any of these issues so presumably the protests will continue.
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