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Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:55 pm
by Lucas
...there must be some avid Aussie Rules fans out there!

I live in Melbourne and AFL (the Kangaroos) is my no. 1 priority which means I don't see as much of the Storm as I would like (the fact that I don't have Foxtel and Channel 9 being morons also contributes to this).

Anyone else follow the AFL, and more importantly, the Kangaroos??

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:42 pm
by Thunderstruck

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 10:06 pm
by Buzz
I assume Thunderstruck that's a no to both! :)

I'm a died-in-the-wool Carlton man - which means we're almost the Kangaroos! Pagan, Corker (gone) Digby Morrel and more... it's like the team has been transported to us!

I'm looking forward to a big year for Carlton (maybe even top 10!!).

Luckily for me - I got a job which means I could be working at most afl games next year at the MCG or Docklands! I'll be footied out!

Have to make sure I save time for my Storm tho!

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:52 am
by Reenie
"Good old Collingwood forever...."

There's one in every group hey? :wink: It's pretty convenient having Collingwood's new setup at OP and Storm there as well. (Pity I'm moving to Sydney!)

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 10:32 am
by Thunderstruck
it goes without saying Buzz :lol:

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:10 pm
by NZ Storm
Being a Kiwi who's fresh off the boat I'm still trying to understand that game.

The continual knock-ons annoy me & leave me yelling "just hang onto the **** ball will ya?!"

And getting a point for missing? Don't get me started :wink:

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:32 pm
by storm007
I do not follow the AFL at all, people at work do not understand why as I was born and lived all my life in Melbourne!

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:51 pm
by Lucas
Thunderstruck wrote:No.
You don't know what you are missing!!
storm007 wrote:I do not follow the AFL at all, people at work do not understand why as I was born and lived all my life in Melbourne!
Neither do you!!

:lol: 8)

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:44 pm
by Surandy
storm007 wrote:I do not follow the AFL at all, people at work do not understand why as I was born and lived all my life in Melbourne!
Same here, I used to follow Aussie Rules years ago but just lost interest in it.

A few years back I figured I should do the Victorian thing and watch the AFL Grand Final, the pre-match commentary and entertainment was boring, the national anthem was boring, the game itself nearly put me to sleep it was so boring, I gave up half way through.

The next day I noticed that there was this other grand final on telly, something called rugby league, I figured what the hell it ca't be any more boring than the AFL one.

The pre-match commentary did nothing for me as I knew nothing about the sport, loved the entertainment though, and the game itself? What a game!!! Even though I knew no rules I just loved the spectacle. I have watched a hell of a lot of rugby league since that day I can tell you.

So no AFL on telly in this house!!!


Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:59 pm
by Thunderstruck
I do know what I'm missing out on and I'm not missing out on a lot. I've watched a quarter of it at Docklands once and snippets on TV.

To start off, it's played in an oval. Who plays football in an oval? Only two sports in the world that I know of that's played in an oval, Cricket and Aussie football and both completely failed to raise my spectating interest.

Secondly, you punch the ball. Seriously, it's the only sport in the world where you punch the ball to pass, what's with that??

Also, jumping and stepping over other people's heads are nowhere near my list of exciting activities.

Four goalposts on one side is just weird.

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 5:05 pm
by storm007
I do know what I am missing out on and that is not much, AFL bores me to tears as I have tried to watch a bit of it (well about 10 mins of one game last year) so I am not an outcast at work each Monday when everyone talks about their teams. Even though I talk up the storm but only one person takes any notice.
The other problem is my birthday often falls on there grand final day and to organise anything forget it.

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 4:00 pm
by Lucas
Hilarious to me that rugby league supporters find AFL boring, when rugby league would have to be one of the most stop-start games and very much an acquired taste.

I didn't used to like league at all, but gave it a good go and love it now. Maybe you AFL baggers should do the same with AFL, millions of aussies can't all be wrong!! :lol: 8)

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:21 am
by Surandy
Lucas, a lot of AFL baggers have given that sport plenty of opportunity to grow on us. I actually used to like it, but nowhere near as much as I enjoy watching rugby league.

I have found over the years that AFL has gotten progressively more boring to the point now that I just can't watch it. I would rather watch a weekend of rugby league matches than watch one single AFL match.


Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 7:39 am
by Thunderstruck
I suppose aussie football is less of an acquired taste sport than rugby league especially since only australians really care about the sport and it's the only place in the world where it has a pro competition. :wink:

unlike say... american football where it definitely is the team game with the most stoppages (really lengthy ones even) and has over 600 clubs in japan. :D

Since this is a MELBOURNE Storm forum....

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:32 pm
by steaming stormer
I grew up in Melbourne, so was exposed fully to AFL, and used to watch it a lot, but I think that this happens as much because we are told to watch it as through choice while growing up.
Now that I have been given a chance to watch a superior game such as league with a team to follow in Melbourne, there is no way I would ever go back to following the AFL...
League wins hands down in my books, but I don't bag people for supporting AFL, I just bag the game.
The thing that annoys me too is that Melbourne is supposed to be the sporting capital of the world and the rest of the jingoistic crap the media feeds us (having said this, we do love our sport!!), but a lot of people are small minded about any new sport being developed in our city.
Oh well, I still love Melbourne... :D