bulldogs rumour

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Hail Storm
Hail Storm
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1. Player X had been banging Kasianos partner
2. Pritchard's partner finds out and confronted Player X
3. Player X grabbed Pritchard's missus and threatened to assault her if she said anything
4. Pritchard and Kasiano were told about this and threatened Player X
5. Both Pritchard and Kasiano told the Dogs unless Player X was sacked they wouldn't play.
6. Other players find out and words exchanged
7. Punch on occurs. Dez has enough and sends Player X away hoping it will fix the issue
8. Pritchard comes back whilst Player X is out only to have Player X rushed in as a late inclusion
9. Kasiano stands firm and refuses to play in the same team
10. Morris seeks release
11. Player x rumoured to sign with broncos
12. Todd Greenberg denies rumours
13. Kasiano set to sign with dragons
14. Todd Greenberg signs with nrl

besides player x sounding like a dick, I think there could be some truth somewhere in there..
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Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone
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These rumours have been flying around for a while. Its an interesting rumour. While some of it would probably be crap I still think it might have some fact to it. Guess only time will tell.
Go Storm
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Baa baa
Rose Madder
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mmm interesting little explanation of events, haven't been on the forum for a while, and look what happens, I haven't heard of this any where else,but putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 7, makes for a very eventful time for the doggies and I will deffo be keeping both eyes and ears open for the finale of this one :-D
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