Waqa looked pretty good at fullback

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Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone
Posts: 6698
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:29 pm

Just watched the raiders dogs game. Apart from not being able to believe they gave Reynolds MOTM over Austin, Mbye or Waqa, the thing I really noticed was how good Sisa Waqa looked at fullback. He was involved, threw passes for line breaks and tries, scored a double and ran for heaps of metres. Maybe we should've put him there during Origin.
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Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone
Posts: 2771
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:07 am
Location: Western Sydney

He's been outstanding for Canberra and seems like the type who is more valuable off the wing and with more ball in his hand around the middle or at centre.
All irrelevant now I suppose
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