I wish I lived in Melbourne...

A place to be welcomed, to welcome and to find out a little bit more about each other!
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Tropical Cyclone
Tropical Cyclone
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Hi all... I've been a semi-regular browser of the Bai Stand for a few years but never posted. I have posted regularly on another RL forum however my tolerance for morons has rapidly dwindled in recent years and I think I would prefer the conversation of like minded Storm fans :)

Quick background for anyone interested;

I'm 28, grew up in Western Sydney and followed the Bulldogs as a youngster. As I entered my teens I drifted away from League (Bulldogs supporters in my area were an influence in this decision) and only caught a game every couple of weeks... Around 96' - 97' I started getting right back into RL but no longer the Dogs. When Melbourne joined the comp, they picked up a few players that I liked (namely Lazarus), I had spent a fair bit of time in Melbourne with family and the concept of a new team - all came together and it just so happened that I had found my new team...

In 2005 I moved to Canberra for work before moving again in 2012 to Adelaide for the birth of my first child (my wife is from Ade)... Now I'm in an AFL town with little League knowledge. Hopefully one day the dream of living in Melbourne will come true, predominantly so I can be at every Storm home game.

Go Storm!

P.S. Good work on the site move. Much better 8)
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Bay 38'er
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(Belated) Welcome!

Loved your background story about the Storm there.
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