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tugga wrote:I disagree.
Our game doesn't need chanting.
The whole chanting and singing thing comes from football (soccer) crowds who need to entertain themselves during long periods of inactivity in the game (and I am a huge world football fan). The game is very low scoring and often there are sustained periods where one side will defend and be intent on coming away with a nil-all draw.
Rugby league (and the two other major Australian football codes other than soccer) doesn't have prelonged periods of inactivity. The game is moving at a fast pace for the whole 80 minutes.
Frankly, I am too busy watching the game and keeping up to date on what's going on to have any time to sing and chant.

I don't mind a loud boisterous crowd. But soccer this ain't guys.
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tugga wrote:I disagree.
Our game doesn't need chanting.
The whole chanting and singing thing comes from football (soccer) crowds who need to entertain themselves during long periods of inactivity in the game (and I am a huge world football fan). The game is very low scoring and often there are sustained periods where one side will defend and be intent on coming away with a nil-all draw.
Rugby league (and the two other major Australian football codes other than soccer) doesn't have prelonged periods of inactivity. The game is moving at a fast pace for the whole 80 minutes.
Frankly, I am too busy watching the game and keeping up to date on what's going on to have any time to sing and chant.
eh, not much goes on during a union game either.
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This happened when we went from Colonial back to Olympic Park - all the supporters that used to egg each other on seemed to get seperated.

Is anyone here from the group that used to sit at the back of the Eastern stand and do the songs (admittedly also used at Victory games as I understand). Like:

Super Bill - whenever Billy scored or did something particularly awesome.
Mighty Quinn

Where I sat last year no one joined in on the chants :(

I understand wanting to get involved in the game, and sports ears do isolate you from the crowd, but at the right moment a ground swell of crowd support does create the 'buzz' of a great play.

Get involved everyone :)
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stormsally wrote:This happened when we went from Colonial back to Olympic Park - all the supporters that used to egg each other on seemed to get seperated.

Is anyone here from the group that used to sit at the back of the Eastern stand and do the songs (admittedly also used at Victory games as I understand). Like:

Super Bill - whenever Billy scored or did something particularly awesome.
Mighty Quinn

Where I sat last year no one joined in on the chants :(

I understand wanting to get involved in the game, and sports ears do isolate you from the crowd, but at the right moment a ground swell of crowd support does create the 'buzz' of a great play.

Get involved everyone :)
Yes I was certainly there! A few of us have located ourselves behind the northern goal at AAMI park (as you may or may not know) heres hoping we get the crowd into it! Were testing out a drum this year too
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I used to sit about halfway down the Olympic Park eastern stand, in line with you guys. You had a big "Smash 'Em" banner, too - right? That was a great spot to sit. Is that guy who shouts "STORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRM" with you guys? I can still hear him somewhere behind the goals (I think) from halfway along the Eastern stand.

Will security even let you in with a drum?
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If you plan on taking a drum you should seek permission from MOPT or they may not let you take it in. Balmy Army and the likes get permission to use trumpets, etc. at the cricket.

Although i still like the cowbell, it's authentic to Storm. Bulldogs supporters use drums and tumbuke's (sp??)
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hahaha we call the "STTOOOOOOORRRMM" guy "Chewy" because we feel he sounds like Chewbacca ;)
But I've not seen him for ages. Don't know where he is at
As for the drums, weve spoken to MOPT and they said we can register the drunk along with our flags and set for a loud year folks
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Cowbell-Mark wrote:hahaha we call the "STTOOOOOOORRRMM" guy "Chewy" because we feel he sounds like Chewbacca ;)
But I've not seen him for ages. Don't know where he is at
As for the drums, weve spoken to MOPT and they said we can register the drunk along with our flags and set for a loud year folks
You have to register drunks this year?!?!?
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I reckon the queue will be huge to register those... :)
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Cowbell-Mark wrote:hahaha we call the "STTOOOOOOORRRMM" guy "Chewy" because we feel he sounds like Chewbacca ;)
But I've not seen him for ages. Don't know where he is at
As for the drums, weve spoken to MOPT and they said we can register the drunk along with our flags and set for a loud year folks
I always think of him as simply "that drunk guy" - so in that case, make sure you register him with MOPT.


I've always thought some drums would be great - especially when Thunderstruck plays. I can imagine two big drum hits with each "THUN-DAH".
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I will be making alot of noise in my loungeroom in Adelaide cheering the boys on.
I like to drownout(or just drown) warren smith when he is commentating a STORM game.he is SO biased against us.
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The drum was AWESOME guys!! Well done!!
And some chants were heard too, which sounded great. Give it time and the whole stadium will join in.

I was on the Northern Stand and the atmosphere was electric!! Even better than the Olympic Park Eastern Stand. And the rest of the stadium contributed equally well in making AAMI Park into the ThunderDome it should be.

Unlike some of the rent-a-crowd's we had last year, i think we had 15,000 diehard Storm fanatics loudly and proudly supporting the boys!!!

That was one of the best games, atmosphere-wise, i can remember.

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Yeah it was great I thought! And the drum JF took with him worked quite well too. Its slowly getting better and better :)
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The combination of cowbells and a drum sounds really good on TV. Still - more drums, I say. More of everything. The louder things are, the more the sound will carry around to the other stands. People will start getting it and join in. I'd love to see AAMI Park become the loudest stadium in the NRL - the design of the place certainly helps and I think we're on our way already.

While on the subject of TV, at one point, the camera zoomed in on one of the cowbell guys (sorry, I can't be more specific than that) going nuts. One of the commentators (I don't remember who) said "that guy looks like he's got a bit of the Charlie Sheens". I guess that's because we're WINNING. :-D
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just on the atmosphere topic, wheres chris couch? mia this weekend or gone for good?
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