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Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:08 am
by glennb
When Melbourne’s salary cap rort was discovered, many of us anticipated your previously
demonstrated crisis management skills to snap into action. To a large extent this has happened.
However, I was astonished to hear then that you capped of f Melbourne’s punishment with this
requirement to expect Melbourne to play for the rest of the year for no points !
As you know there has been an outcry about this from both the media and the public. You were
asked by Ray Warren on the 2MMM Saturday morning football segment who else made this
decision. You appeared to be total ly unreceptive. It now appears that you made this decision
without the NRL Board being included.
You were roundly criticized by Ray Warren at the time. He called the idea “absurd.” Phil Gould and
others have more or less said the same thing.
So far you have obstinately refused to even consider well thought out practical alternatives to this
decision, in the best intrests of the game, I strongly urge you to reconsider your position.
Which is a shame as you are an otherwise good administrator.
This debacle has been brought about by the unrealist ic rules of the salary cap which you have at
all times staunchly defended. It’s a good idea but needs far more work, work which you do not
seem to think necessary.
By taking the position you have you are going to ensure the hatred of the Melbourne fans and
other lovers of fair play and leave a legacy that you do not deser ve. It takes t he focus off
Melbourne’s crime and puts it on YOU.
Do you really want to be remembered for this?
Gary Johnston,
Managing Director
Jaycar Electronics Group
This ad has been written and paid for by Gary Johnston, a lover of the game. Like many Rugby League supporters, I am outraged by
Gallop’s infl exible attitude. He does not own the game but is acting like he does. The game is owned by the fans, past, present and future.
Unfortunately most fans have been shut out of this decision.
If you want to add your supporting voice to mine, please email me on gjohnston and I will consider placing the ad again on
your behalf.
I don’t endorse what Melbourne did but I love watching the football they play!
This ad has been written and paid for by Gary Johnston, a lover of the game. Like many Rugby League supporters, I am outraged by
Gallop’s inflexible attitude. He does not own the game but is acting like he does. The game is owned by the fans, past, present and future.
Unfortunately most fans have been shut out of this decision.
If you want to add your supporting voice to mine, please email me on gjohnston and I will consider placing the ad again on
your behalf.
I don’t endorse what Melbourne did but I love watching the football they play!

This ad was in today's telegraph,  I thought it was important we all read it.  This guy is the owner of the sponsors of the Bulldogs.  The Bulldogs are fuming about this and the Sydney media is going mad.   We all need to email this guy.

I  hope the copying of the ad worked, I am not very good at this .

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:37 am
by Tempest
Ain't that beautiful?  :)

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:40 am
by WiganStorm
That is awesome - well done that man  =D>

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:42 am
by Ice
I just finished my email of support and sent it off. Great stuff Gary  =D>

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:46 am
by Woody
Ice wrote: I just finished my email of support and sent it off. Great stuff Gary  =D>

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:51 am
by StormFront
Great advert... please consider supporting or at least
giving credit to Jaycar - Gary Johnston..

Not happy, David: Dogs sponsor hits out at Gallop
April 29, 2010 ... -tsmt.html

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:51 pm
by Temi
I seriously hope that the negative backlash of this scandal will result in Gallop being out of a job by the end of the year  :lol:

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:23 pm
by Silkin Storm
I sent an email too

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:30 pm
by tugga
Just sent my email off too. What a legend.

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:37 pm
by Storm Spirit
Hate to be a wet blanket.....but I think his best alternative may have been to expel Melbourne Storm from the comp for the whole 2010.

While he doesn't say this.....there is an apparent ground swell out there that believes that being beaten by a Storm team that is "allegedly" still over the salary cap is wrong.

Ivan Cleary said as much after game the other night.

If of course he meant bring the team under the cap (al la Gould) so that they can still play in 2010.....then I unreservedly apologise.

Unfortunately we are left in the dark as to what the "well thought out practical alternatives " are.

Not trying to be negative, particularly as it seems like a very supportive thing for Gary Johnston to do on face value.

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:31 pm
by Ice
Storm Spirit wrote:
Hate to be a wet blanket.....but I think his best alternative may have been to expel Melbourne Storm from the comp for the whole 2010.

While he doesn't say this.....there is an apparent ground swell out there that believes that being beaten by a Storm team that is "allegedly" still over the salary cap is wrong.
If we were to be expelled for the rest of the season i reckon that would just about be the end of the Melbourne Storm. We already lost 2 major sponsors and a couple of lower tier ones and i dare say we'd have lost them all if we didn't play this year. Who'd want to sponsor a team that wasn't playing? I think we'd also lose many more members not to mention players who wouldn't want to be sitting on their hands for the rest of the year. I'd also have serious dobts that News would've stuck by us if the NRL felt in their wisdom to expel us from the comp this year.

To be blunt, i couldn't give a flying fark what the apparent grounds well is. We've done every single thing the NRL have asked of us after this debacle, this after they took our premierships, our 3 minor premierships, stripped us of earning any points, will do everything in their power to not allow us to take pay cuts so they decimate our roster even more than it already will be and now you think they should kick us out for the rest of the year? When do you think enough punishment is enough? When the Melbourne Storm are dead and buried?

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:42 pm
by Storm Spirit
Ice....there are clowns out there that want Storm expelled.

It's not my opinion. I don't want that to happen !!!!

I fully beleive that action would have killed League stone dead in Victoria.

My point was that Gary Johnston never said what his "alternative" is.

We all think Gary Johnston was being really supportive of Melbourne Storm playing again this year (GOD HOW I WISH WE WERE), but maybe ....JUST MAYBE.....he was firing up on Gallop being a pussy because he didn't expel Storm from the comp for 2010.

Re: Ad in today's Daily Telegraph

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:52 pm
by glennb
I read it as the "practical alternatives" to be the idea that we try and get under the salary cap this year and then we can start playing for pionts.  If this guy loves league as much as he says he would not want Storm kicked out of the competion, because of the great players we have and he wants to see them play.

Gallop has said one of the reasons Storm as still allow to play was beacuse our players should be able to play rep footy.  If Storm do not play this year Cam, Greg and Billy do not play for Australia next week or at the year of the year.  Australia might loose without them.  Also, Queensland would not be as strong without our rep players.

The Australian team comes under the controll of the ARL and the NSW and Queensland sides come under the control of the NSWRL and QRL.  The NRL does not have a lot of say in these teams.  Image what QRL would have done to Gallop if he told them that Cam, Billy and Greg could not by SOO this year.