Well Done Melbourne

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Great Performance by your team and the win was deserved..

also a notable mention to billy slater.... we have a few too many arsewipes in our support base who feel the need to chant "slater is a w*nker.." and he showed them by scoring two tries... on ya billy! these guys really have no clue and just feel the need to big themselves up like that!

and congrats to scooter on the birth of his child! :D
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Thankyou for your comments, yes Billy did show everyone he was worthy of Origin selection and it was not going to effect his game last night!

Part of the "Bulldog Army" with their drums and vile chants, which included we are the terrorists from Beirut relocated from their hill behind the northern goalposts during the game. They set themselves up behind us in the eastern seating of the ground with the intent of intimidating the Storm supporters who were positioned there!

It did not work, if anything, and if at all possible we became even more passionate about the game and the Storm players doing us proud down on the field.

The " Bulldog Army" retreated back to their hill and we relished our win both against the team that has been our bogey in the finals for too long and the opposition supporters as in the " Bulldog Army" who too for too long have given grief to opposition supporters.

Bunnies & Stormboy :D :D
Go the Mighty Melbourne Storm and the Mighty South Sydney Rabbitohs!!
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well atleast slater can play and be a wanker at the same time. (even tho he isnt a wanker)

luke patten is shit and a wanker.

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Earl wrote:Patten

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Same chants last year about Billy, our response was then and remains so " We would rather be a wanker than a Bulldog!"

Bunnies :D
Go the Mighty Melbourne Storm and the Mighty South Sydney Rabbitohs!!
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yeah congrats guys! the best team won on th enite, you guys sure outplayed us!

and im just writing to let any of u who were at the game know that yes alot of dogs fans are farked! i have not seen the dogs army like that for a very long time, first time this year actually have i seen them as misbehaved as they were last nite, so on my behalf i apologise from us dogs fans who were there just to watch their team play a game of footy... if any of u had bad experienxces with fans i wanna let you know we are not ALL like that. A few of my friends and myself were actually clapping for melbourne when they won and showing good sportsmanship, infront of the army who were doing nothing but yelling abuse... i really hope you or your players didnt think that my friends and i were mocking you or sh!tstirring in any way because we werent... Im planning on writing a letter which i will send via MSN to Dani to relay to Dennis Scott relaying my apology on behalf of us who were against the way the dogs fans treated your players last nite...
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what you should do is email your club telling them what a disgrace some of the fans were.

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yeah i might do that, i really hate how a minority of dogs fans fark it up for everyone, it really gets to me, because im there every single week, win lose or draw, rain hail or shine and i go to watch my team, meet up with my mates and i just want to have a good time, then theres just a bunch of troublemakers, that start coming to the games when we are winning again, and sledge everyone, including their own players that just totally stuff it up. its absolutely ridiculous. coz its those people that give our fans a bad name
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sad thing is it has been going for the last 3-4 years....and yet the club refuse to do anything about it.

thats another reason why i dont go to bulldogs game. i have a short fuse and i know that if they did half those things i would have snapped and got into a fight.

i like to go to games and enjoy and noone should have to put up with crap. the club should really do something about it

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to there credit kingy the club has tried, with those agreement things
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well at telstra there is a designated area for the army, nd to sit there u need to sign the code of conduct and register for an army card and opposition supporters cant sit in this desiganted area, which i can understand, but it doesnt stop the problem as a whole, all it does is move them about 2 bays down... BUT the true fans are recognised or some BS like that... the guy who organised it was trying to tell me
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they havent tried hard enough.

maybe less sweeping under the carpet, and confronting the problems face first would solve the problem

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Having sat in amongst the Bulldogs faithful on the Northern hill, I'd have to say they weren't that bad. Apart from the ridiculous chanting, they were fairly well behaved. I even heard a few saying that the better team had won. The crowd at the Tigers game was far worse IMO. They were much closer to the playing arena and were hurling all sorts of abuse at the players.
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I had a chance to speak to Malcolm Noad on Sat night - and I have to say that I thanked him for the experience. Apart from the first 10 minutes when those "terrorists from Beirut" turned up (even I was intimidated until I saw most of them had drawn on facial hair to make them look older! ;) ) we gave as good as we got, and had a peaceful time. Compared to my first away trip to Newcastle in 2000, this was a walk in the park!

Noad said that they've been trying (perhaps the "terrorists" should think twice before coming next time), and the rain kept away some of the good supporters (musta missed the rain cause it was dry!). The music was impressive, and they eventually shook Rabbles hand.

My big concern is the continued ethnicisation of a Rugby League club. This can only end badly - and Soccer is a prime example.
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