McLean Report

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KingHoweofIsrael wrote:I was spewing that you can't register with Gmail at LU....I was ready to drop a piece of my mind on a bunch of their threads.......might be a good thing though - there's no arguing against the circular logic over there - i'd rather hang with the sane, like minded people in here! :)
Yep, I tried a few times but I just can't get into LU. As much as I love discussing League, there are far too many knobs over there.

Personally I regularly visit It is a bunch of old RLeague forum regulars. Much more civil and respectable (for the most part). I could use some help flying the Storm flag over there though :)
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Another Storm hater Rebecca Wilson also wrote a story in the Telegraph supporting McLean. I could not believe it.
Tropical Cyclone
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these reporters are setting it up so that they can change their minds 'on further reflection' next week around tuesday or wednesday and try to get him 10 weeks. i don't trust them.
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I have this feeling that if McLean plays tonight, we may see his first run on start, if I was Bellamy, that's what I'd do anyway so that he wasn't sitting there thinking about what might happen for the first 20 minutes, he could just jump in and get going.
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It was nice of the bulldog fans to boo him when he came on. Classy bunch.
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The Mauritian wrote:It was nice of the bulldog fans to boo him when he came on. Classy bunch.
lima lima lima duck em. They support a t e am of rapists
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That was bloody disgraceful. .. although I was somewhat expecting as much - I hope it wasn't the reason he failed to get back into the defensive line just after he came on - i'd like to think he was able to rise above the BS

I must say though - it all went pear shaped after he came on. .. is it possible that it affected the whole team? Or just coincidental?
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I thought he played alright given his circumstances, made some good runs. Blaming the capitulation on him is very harsh. I think the senior players failed to stand up, and they are the ones who should be most accountable.
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I thought he played scared until his last couple of runs. Couldn't imagine what was going through his head when he first came on. Hopefully it did him the world of good.
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You possibly misunderstood my post - I didn't mean to infer J-Mac played poorly or was the direct reason for said capitulation. ... More so that the drama of the week, the crowd response etc may have entered the minds of the players. .. their thoughts might not have been in the right place - but you're spot on about the senior players.
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Haha yeah sorry bro, I did misunderstand that. Yeah you're right. Probably would have hoped that some of the experienced players would have been able to have a calming influence if that was the case.
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The mother of Jordan McLean opens up about the shadow cast by the Alex McKinnon tragedy

“As a parent of a boy who plays football, every time they take the field you just hope and pray they come through without getting injured. I watched it happen on Monday night and it made me feel sick. As a parent, I know how it feels to see your son lying on the ground. My heart goes out to the McKinnon family. I empathise with them, because the only wish of every parent is that nothing like this ever happens.”
Julie McLean’s voice is soft, yet unwavering. If there’s raw emotion tearing her apart inside, she does a remarkable job of staying composed while discussing the awful dilemma of her son, Jordan.

Jordan McLean is now a household name, only without a face. Before the 22-year-old rocketed to notoriety in the most unwanted circumstances on Monday night, few outside the Melbourne Storm — and his home town of Young — recognised him.

Julie feels her son’s anonymity has played a part in his treatment this week. She feels that if he were a high profile star with powerful connections and spruikers, the NRL might have acted differently. Then he might have been spared an agonising 72-hour exile, which was only relieved yesterday morning, when Melbourne successfully appealed against his pre-emptive suspension.

As prayers for Alex McKinnon have poured in, a debate has raged around the NRL’s decision to stand McLean down from this weekend’s round prior to a judiciary hearing. There’s no argument the proceedings had to be postponed, out of respect for McKinnon’s delicate condition. The nub of contention centred on whether McLean should be permitted to continue playing in the meantime.

Let’s defer to Julie here, given she raised the boy single-handedly and knows him better than anyone. Unlike the decision-makers at League Central, she’s also spoken directly and regularly with Jordan since he made that life-changing tackle on McKinnon.

“The last thing Jordan needed was to be isolated from his teammates at this time,” she said. “They are travelling to Perth (to play Canterbury), and he would have been stuck in Melbourne alone, pondering what was going to happen to him. He’s upset about what has happened to Alex, but he did want to play.”

A spokesman yesterday said the rules demanded McLean be stood down, with section 112 of the NRL code preventing players who are under judiciary scrutiny to take the field until their cases are heard. Because all parties had agreed to delay the hearing, the NRL argued McLean had to be prevented from playing in the meantime.

That argument might have held weight had the NRL not belied its agenda on Wednesday night. The Daily Telegraph has learned NRL counsel Peter Kite opposed Melbourne’s appeal to have McLean cleared for this weekend. Sources close to the proceedings have revealed part of the NRL’s submission relied on an assumption that McLean’s welfare would be better served by sitting-out. This despite the fact those closest to the player — his own club and his own mother — have stated the exact opposite.

The decision to free McLean was left to judiciary chairman Paul Conlon, a NSW District Court judge. He took little time to reject Kite’s submissions and reverse the NRL’s original call. Conlon’s reasons were detailed in a two-page document, from which only a sentence was lifted into yesterday’s NRL statement. It read: “In my view, both the NRL and the Melbourne club should be commended for this sensible and sensitive approach to the tragic situation with which they have been confronted.”

Those privy to the entirety of Conlon’s report say there are many other sentences that weren’t as complimentary. Such selectivity demonstrates what Julie McLean suspected from the very start: that her faceless son was a convenient fall guy for the NRL’s desire to be seen to be doing the right thing.

Jordan McLean is no longer faceless. Regardless of what his career holds, he is destined to be permanently linked to this incident. The wording of news reports has already taken a toll on Julie, who has shuddered at accusations that her son “drove” McKinnon into the turf. Given his tackle was clearly not intentional, nor reckless, it’s a dreadful lot for him to endure. As such, he is owed a special duty of care. The NRL’s own welfare studies have repeatedly shown young players are more prone to depression when isolated in difficult circumstances. Yet in its mad rush to appease imaginary critics, the NRL sought to do just that to Jordan McLean.

Jordan McLean is no longer faceless. He’s overcome the adversity of being dumped from Canberra’s junior representative system. He’s overcome the hardship of moving to Melbourne as a 17-year-old. Three times he’s torn hamstrings from the bone. Three times he’s recovered, making his NRL debut last May against the Roosters. It might come as a surprise to learn his biggest problem at Melbourne has been a lack of aggression.

“He’s always been a gentle giant,” Julie revealed. “He’s never been sin-binned or set-off in his life. He’s so placid, that, if anything, Melbourne have tried to get him to be more aggressive.

“It’s in his nature to be kind and accepting, and that’s probably helped him deal with this. When he got stood down, he took it remarkably well. Although he wanted to play, he could understand what was going on at the same time.”

When Jordan McLean phoned yesterday morning to say he’d been cleared to play, Julie noticed a change for the better in her son’s voice. Hers, though, was much the same. Soft, yet unwavering. A mother guarded against the uncertain days, weeks, months and years ahead. ... 6866701746
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All the best to Alex McKinnon, every parents worst nightmare when your kids play contact sports - hope he makes a good recovery.

Good luck to Jordan for tomorrow. I hope the NRL don't make him pay a heavy penalty twice - nothing will beat the first one already on his shoulders. He's a top bloke and this article shows the impact on him rather poignantly. Feel for him and his Mum...
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Anyone know what time the trial will start?
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sallymay wrote:Anyone know what time the trial will start?
Trial? he's not appearing before the Supreme Court. The hearing starts at 6pm.
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