Brian Waldron

Discussion on anything to do with Melbourne Storm - games, players, rumours - anything!
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Because I like stirring the pot...

Here is a conspiracy theory for you all. I wont say if i believe it or not...

Waldron was an AFL CEO... He get's appointed to the Storm... He might have just possibly killed RL in victoria... he then moves to RU.. Was this maybe his plan there too?

AFL conspiracy :O

As for waldron.. I hope someone kicks him in the nuts till his nose bleeds.

It really shits me how CEO's and board of directors and monumentally stuff up, and it reflects on the poor workers and the families.. Or in this case, players and fans.
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Five past and present club officials face investigation.

They are Waldron, acting CEO Matt Hanson, chief financial officer Paul Gregory, former chief financial officer Cameron Vale, who left after a falling-out with Waldron to join North Melbourne, and former recruiting manager Peter O'Sullivan.
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Weather Forecaster
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Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:30 am

I have followed Storm since the inception but decided to put my hard earned in this year, even though I reside 3 hours from the stadium.   Many other people have given so much more than me, either in commitment to membership or as volunteers.

A complete investigation is required.   And any person that had knowledge of the cheating and fraudulent activity that has taken place in the past five years should be held accountable.

I think the members should instigate a class action against those that are to blame.  These rogues that have not only stolen the enjoyment of the members but have tarnished the reputation of any person that wears the Storm colours.   We will for ever be remembered as the club that cheated, and branded in immortality due to the stripping of the Premierships.

Any money that comes from winning the class action against these thieves could be consolidated in a trust and go towards making the club a member run club, when News Limited steps away.

I reluctantly and sadly agree the penalty must be strong, and that all penalties issued by the NRL should be taken, except for the clause regarding future matches.

This clause will damage the growth of the game in Victoria and makes 2010 worthless for supporters and players alike.

But I await the full investigation, to find out who is to blame and what parts each played, and then for members to unite, to punish these people to the full extent.

A Class Action!
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