NRL draw

Discussion on anything to do with Melbourne Storm - games, players, rumours - anything!
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Just listened to Mark Evans' reaction - "Not exactly what we would want but we are reasonably happy".

Really??? No mention of playing at least 33% of our games on a Monday night?

If following NRL for my entire life has taught me one thing, it is that the squekiest wheel gets the oil. It is an exceptionally selfish sport, driven by selfish Sydney fans. If our response to a draw like this is to be "reasonably happy", you can bet like hell things are not going to get better any time soon.

Disappointing Mark and very, very frustrating.
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only 2 of those 6 Monday games are home games though from what I'm seeing
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I'm more concerned about origin around origin 3 it's crazy

We play in syd then a bye origin in qld then have to go to NZ
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NOTHING GOOD about the 2015 draw. A very important tradional game STORM vs warriors on ANZAC Day the only real ANZAC Day game..OZ vs NZ has been taken from us. Could you imagine the nrl taking it off a sydney team.
I HATE NRL. 6 Monday night games whattha?
Why can`t the Monday night games be played between nsw clubs cos of the travel factor and they would handle short turn around better.
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To Whom It May Concern,

I write this on behalf of all fans of the Melbourne Storm. My serious concern relates to the NRL draw for the upcoming 2015 season.

Melbourne Storm have been allocated 6 Monday Night games of the first 18 games they will play. One third of our games... We are subject to short turnarounds, smaller crowds due to it being harder to attend Monday Night games - This obviously has a flow on effect to sponsorship, team form but most importantly - player welfare.

The number of Monday games we have been allotted will bring us to at least 13 Monday games in two seasons. This is completely unacceptable. You treat the Melbourne club with contempt by creating the draw in such a manner.

With the drain Monday night games have on clubs combined with the travel non-Sydney teams are required to do, it compounds the problem. Surely it would make much more sense to have SYDNEY based teams do the heavy lifting on Monday night games??? They can stay in their own homes, with their families and drive down the road on game day. Not travel interstate days before.

Numerous Melbourne Storm fans have expressed enormous concern in purchasing membership into the future if this is what we face.

I ask you how many Monday games the Warriors, Bulldogs or Roosters have had in recent seasons? Warriors had none last year - Sure they have to travel which makes sense however so do Melbourne and clubs like North Qld/Gold Coast.

The Broncos get a consistent 7 day break most weeks as they get the prime Friday night free-to-air slot. I understand how the TV rights contract is structured so no need to point this out. The fact is that the NRL negotiated this contract and it is supposed to be fair to all 16 teams. This is not an equal competition with the way the draw is structured.

As a true fan of the game and my club, I ask you why you feel such a need to make it so difficult for me to support my club? Why you need to disadvantage my club with so many Monday night games and short turn arounds? Why such playing conditions aren't applied across the board?

Until the draw is equalised, you will lose many, many more fans. You will only have yourselves to blame.

Yours Sincerely,



Thanks Matt for the template.
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steaming stormer
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The ANZAC Day game, whilst certainly a loss for us, is understandable in this scenario imo

From what I can read, the Warriors asked, and understandably, to be allowed to host a home game in 2015, as the 100 year anniversary of the Gallipoli landing. It's a huge event, and given NZ was the other half of ANZAC, I totally understand why they would want to host their own commemoration game.

We have agreed to that, and it returns to the Warriors at AAMI Park the following year
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Ok, so I have had some time to look at the 2015 draw in a little more detail.

Number of Monday Night Games:

Storm - 6 (4 away)
Cowboys - 6 (4 away)
Dragons - 5 (3 away)
Eels - 5 (3 away)
Panthers - 3 (2 away)
Tigers - 3 (1 away)
Rabbitohs - 3 (1 away)
Roosters - 3 (1 away)
Sea Eagles - 3 (1 away)
Bulldogs - 2 (0 away)
Broncos - 1 (1 away)
Warriors - 1 (1 away)
Titans - 1 (0 away)
Sharks - 1 (0 away)
Knights - 1 (0 away)
Raiders - 0

Number of FTA Games:

Broncos - 14 (11 Fri Night Games)
Bulldogs - 13 (8 Fri Night Games)
Tigers - 11 (7 Fri Night Games)
Rabbitohs - 10 (7 Fri Night Games)
Eels - 8 (6 Fri Night Games)
Roosters - 8 (4 Fri Night Games)
Sharks - 8 (6 Sun Afternoon Games)
Sea Eagles - 7 (6 Fri Night Games)
Panthers - 6 (4 Fri Night Games)
Dragons - 5 (4 Sun Afternoon Games)
Knights - 5 (3 Fri Night Games)
Titans - 4 (3 Fri Night Games)
Raiders - 3 (2 Sun Afternoon Games)
Storm - 3 (2 Sun Afternoon Games)
Cowboys - 2 (2 Fri Night Games)
Warriors - 1 (1 Sun Afternoon Game) *Does not take into account NZ FTA coverage

Number of Five Day Turnarounds:

Storm - 4
Broncos - 3*
Tigers - 3*
Panthers - 3
Dragons - 3
Sharks - 2
Roosters - 2
Rabbitohs - 2
Bulldogs - 2
Cowboys - 1
Titans - 1
Warriors - 1
Knights - 1
Eels - 1
Sea Eagles - 1
Raiders - 0

*Broncos and Tigers are only subject to short turnarounds in order to continue golden runs on FTA.

Overall, once again, the Storm and the Cowboys get the old shaft from the N(SW)RL.
Last edited by yourhero on Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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How in the world could our CEO say that the club is "reasonably happy" with the draw!?? That has really riled me...

When you combine last years draw as well;

Number of FTA Games COMBINED 2014/15:
Storm - 8
Bulldogs - 29
Broncos - 32

Number of Monday Night Games COMBINED 2014/15:
Storm - 12
Sea Eagles - 5
Tigers - 5
Bulldogs - 3
Broncos - 3
Raiders - 2
Warriors - 1
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I am annoyed with the number of Monday night games also, but there is a reason for it. Channel nine pick the Friday night games first, then Foxtel pick the Monday night game. They pick will pick the next "best" game in their opinion and Storm have good players and play good football. Do not get me wrong I think it wrong, but that is the way the TV rights are set up. The NRL do nothing to over ride the networks.

The 5 day turn around annoy me more than anything else because we have travel days within the 5 days not all club have that problem. The NRL does not care about player welfare at all, if they did the situation with 5 day breaks would not happen. The AFL would never allow a team to play with that many short breaks. The AFL would tell the networks to change their schedule!
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Having so many Monday night games and so few FTA games is very irritating. It needs to be more evenly spread so every club gets a bit of good and bad in their draw. Personally I'm happy with not having any 5:30 Saturday home games. I work Saturdays so I won't have to organise an early finish to get into the city in time.

I'm okay with the Anzac Day change. I understand the reasoning behind it and as long as the game returns in 2016 as promised it's fine. On the plus side, I'm sure the Easter Monday game will be just as big as the regular Anzac Day game - hopefully the Anzac Day game against Mainly won't see too much of a drop off in crowd numbers.

Would have been better to have the Warriors game on Good Friday. That day's wide open in Melbourne. The club should be pushing for an annual Good Friday game on top of the Anzac Day game.
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Might be time to can the membership and get foxtel. Get to see more Storm games and it's cheaper.
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And Doesntmatta are sooking over a bit of travel. Poor babies.
Have a look at any of the non NSW clubs - or even the non Sydney ones and shut up you sooks.
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We have 2 monday night games and one of them is on Easter monday at 5pm so it's not bad. So far a whole lot better than this year. We are always going to get monday night games away because we have no away fans like the Cowboys. Something we have to get use to, well something you should be use to by now.
5 day breaks we get screwed again and 1 friday night game is crap.
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NRL response to my email...


Hi Michael

Thank you for your emails below. Certainly we accept the draw will not suit everyone.

As I am sure you can appreciate, match scheduling is an extremely complex process and is always a tough balancing act as we try to cater for the needs of 16 different clubs, all with different priorities, as well as the game's broadcasters and fans.

We certainly welcome your feedback on Monday Night Football. As you are no doubt aware, it has been in place since 2007 and has become an integral part of the Telstra Premiership calendar. We believe it remains an important part of our scheduling program to provide more live games on television and provide some alternatives for fans attending. This year has seen a focus on bigger match-ups for Monday nights, such as the blockbuster game between the Storm and the Bulldogs in Round 13, with an aim to continue to improve the appeal of Monday Night Football.

Regarding your comments on the Broncos schedule, it is a commercial reality that our broadcasters endeavour to show the matches on free-to-air television that they believe will appeal to the largest section of fans. Certainly in Queensland there is widespread support for the Broncos which is one of the reasons broadcasters often select them for Friday Night Football in Queensland. It is also one of the reasons why Rugby League is the most watched sport on Australian television.

We rely on revenue from our broadcasters to enable us to develop all facets of the game, from the elite levels through to the grass-roots.

In relation to player welfare, you will find that a minimum 5 day turnaround period has been allocated to ensure adequate preparation time for the team. As I am sure you are aware, the Cowboys have also been allocated six Monday night games.

Thanks for your feedback on the Centenary Celebration program. In 2015, fans will be treated to five games on ANZAC Day back-to-back from midday to 10pm in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing in 1915, with games scheduled right across Australia and New Zealand.

As I am sure you can appreciate, in keeping with the ANZAC spirit it was important to have the Warriors host a match in New Zealand as a part of the Centenary Celebration.

The Melbourne Storm was very understanding of the decision and the traditional clash between the Storm and the Warriors will return in 2016. As you mention, the Storm will play the Warriors in Melbourne the following week on Easter Monday at 5pm in 2015.

Thank you again Michael for sharing your views with us. We always welcome feedback from supporters like yourself and I have ensured your comments are registered.

We thank you for your support of Rugby League.

Kind regards

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Only generic information was provided on the points I raised, not direct responses to my queries. Unfortunately that is the digital age we live in - generic responses under a facade of addressing concerns.

I like how they point out that the Cowboys have the same number of Monday Night games that we do, when discussing short turn arounds... completely ignoring the actual number of short turn arounds each team has.

"5 day turnarounds are a minimum so no problem here"... Again, this does not address my player welfare concern or the point/question I raised relating to Sydney teams doing there fair share of Monday Night games. Nope, Storm/Cowboys aren't going to have away fans attend these games so might as well give them the vast majority.

They could saved themselves some time and effort and just responded with this;

"Hi, we determine the draw based on $$$, not much else. Best regards, NRL".

I am not overly disappointed in the response as to be honest, as I was not expecting one at all. But it is a complete waste of time.
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I got the same response, word for word. Just substitute Matt with Michael.
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