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That's crazy. .... I've always been careful to not play the 'they are picking on us' card. .... but they cannot be serious - sure charge Weston, if it's an illegal tackle, so be it - but for the love of all things right, fair and just - Falloon should not only be charged. .. but he should be spending a few weeks on the sidelines for sure! If Will had actually been seriously hurt - it's pretty clear that it'd be worth 7 weeks (or is that just a Storm rule?)

Also - I loved Young-T 's milking of the penalty. ...If only for the fact it proved beyond doubt that refs are far more likely to give a penalty if an injury occurs - that needs to be addressed. .. otherwise diving will be the norm... and afaic it should be - i'd certainly be telling my team to stay down if I were a coach. ... yeah sure, it's bad for the game - but imo, not as bad as the 'standard' of refereeing we've seen for years now.
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I thought Juzzy was really impressive yesterday. Hopefully it isn't a one off and he's more consistent, but he looked quicker than he has for some time and his defence was strong. All good signs.
Tropical Cyclone
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Can not believe neither Falloon or Joel Thompson for his tackle on GI were not charged. Jack De Belin is the unlucky player to be facing suspension this week for a dangerous throw.
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Did we really think the refs were going to be consistent and fair?
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And the excuse given by the match review panel in an attempt to justify this crap....

[quote]While the NRL competition committee will consider a ban on lifting tackles at the end of the season, match review chief Michael Buettner said players could only be charged if their head or neck was likely to make contact with the ground. Although Falloon had lifted Chambers, the Storm centre came down on his forearm and shoulder before rolling to the side. ‘‘Under the rules, for a player to be charged with a dangerous throw we have to be satisfied that a player has been lifted into a position where it is likely that the first part of his body that will make contact with the ground will be his head or neck,’’ Buettner said.
‘‘With the Joel Thompson tackle, we did not believe a charge was appropriate as while there is a lifting action Inglis retains one leg on the ground for much of the tackle and he clearly lands on his forearms. He doesn’t reach a dangerous position. With the Beau Falloon tackle, we do not feel he is put in a position where it is likely his head or neck will make first contact with the ground.’’/quote] ... zqryk.html

So is he really saying that if you land on your arm, or shoulder, and then suffer a serious injury then it's not a chargeable offense, even if the tackle was illegal??? You have to cause serious harm in order to be charged for a lifting, or in the case of Chambers, a near spear tackle?? Because, forgive me for being naive or just plain stupid, but to me that's what it looks like he's saying.

If McLean got three weeks for a dangerous throw, then that one on Chambers deserves at least 5 weeks regardless of the outcome. If the NRL seriously want to stamp out the lifting tackle then they have got to charge and punish the players involved, of course they could just look the other way and hope there are no further serious injuries from this type of tackle. Any bets on which one they will go for? Personally, although the outcome was devastating for McKinnon, I don't even think the McLean tackle was dangerous to begin with, it was a pure accident. Accidents happen all the time both inside and outside of sport.

That's about it for me. I love the Storm, and I'm a foundation member, but I just can't handle any more of this sh@t from the NRL. I thought things must get better once gallop had f&$ked off, but how wrong I was. The standard of refereeing has gotten worse even with two onfield refs, two video refs and two touchies, whereby I never seem to leave a game now talking about great plays, tries, tackles, but more and more about the standard of the refereeing, and it's total inconsistency. The judiciary has always been a lottery, but I'm now of the belief that there are two sets of rules, and the Storm will always get the sh#tty end of the stick.

It will take some big changes in the way the NRL oversees this game for me to be renewing my membership next year. Sorry Storm but the wankers at NRL central have killed the game for me.
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Gold Coast Titans star Greg Bird pokes fun at Melbourne Storm’s Cooper Cronk on Instagram

TITANS star Greg Bird has rubbed further salt into Melbourne Storm’s gaping wound after Sunday’s controversial loss by poking fun at Origin rival Cooper Cronk on his Instagram account.

The jibe continued the bad blood between Bird and Cronk, who also clashed heatedly at full time.

Melbourne was furious after the Titans received a last-minute penalty for a stripped ball when replays showed Gold Coast’s Luke Douglas appeared to drop it cold.

Storm coach Craig Bellamy labelled it a “disgraceful decision” and a “real bad call”.

Bird broke the deadlock with a 32m penalty goal to snatch a 28-26 win at AAMI Park.

Then he let Storm know all about.

On Sunday night he posted a celebratory picture on his Instagram account with a cheeky caption at Cronk’s expense.

“Every sinew in my body came together in one perfect whole. Haha these are the scariest and greatest moments in Rugby League! #Nailbiter.”


If you open the link to the story and watch the clip you will see post-game, Bird following Cronk and mouthing off as Cronk tries to shake hands with the Titans players.

The thing I find most hilarious is all the support Bird has received from social media (that is to be expected) but also a few commentators/sports writers.

We live in an odd time where people are more comfortable supporting a coward that smashed a glass into a womans face than a guy that articulates himself in a somewhat strange way.

I'm just thankful Cronk wasn't wearing a skirt, or Bird may have really got violent and aggressive.
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Bird is a wanker - always has been.
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