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stewart sh1t himself and tried to fall to the ground before the contact, fair hit! get over it
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storming wrote:stewart sh1t himself and tried to fall to the ground before the contact, fair hit! get over it
When Slater cops Glenn Stewarts elbow in the jaw and gets an aussie jersey for it

Then ill get over it when it costs you a premiership,until that day it will never be forgiven
nor forgotten

He was a thug at the roosters,he was a thug at the storm and he's probably still a thug
but he has been punished with broken ribs during a grand final smashing and i feel he has
served his sentence as a result of that,Now its Slater's turn and i hope he gets knocked out
to,eye for an eye and finally you will see the truth

Its irrelevant though,that game never really happened in hindsight and sorry to you guys
but i feel that it was just for that deliberate knock out blow,it was truly a disgusting grubby

Its funny how you say Ainscough was an illegal hit as it benefits your club and Thugelbowgate
was a legitimate tackle,its funny how everything you reckon benefits only the storm

And yes,during that longest video review ever i was hoping it would be a penalty try because
A,I hate stain merge that much and B,I didnt yet have any problem with any storm acts at
that time...Funnily enough me agreeing with the Video Ref doesnt benefit my club in any way
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Cherry_Poppins wrote: Intentional contact with the head should be an immediate send off
Should be but it's always been hard to determine intent on the field of play and refs will always err on the side of caution especially in grand finals.

However this thread was about feral fans not feral players ... don't worry wiganese, Storm fans have a long way to go to reach the feralness of other clubs, particularly those evil Bulldogs fans to whom you refer ;)
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At Brookie last year i watched 4 games and one at the club

Panthers - Westies and gave us a rib til they started to lose,decent enough

Rabbitohs- They had this fan who i swear screamed out "THEY TOOK OUR JERBS!!" and
another who was raving on all game,reffered to dummying over the head as cheating and
was generally inbred

Warriors - Grand final at the leagues club,this douche kept making a weird sound all day
but shut up around the 50minute mark,only to start again with 10 to go,harmed noone but
was annoying as lima lima lima duck

Storm - Battle of brookvale,loved the score of the toyota cup game thinking it was an omen
and it was,but the wrong kind of omen for them,did nothing wrong as it looked to be a
father/son kind of deal

Dragons - Thought that winning a game was the best thing ever and they'd go on to win the
comp,god im glad they got sunk by Lockyer's last act on a footy field
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Feral fans? Ahhh, that brings back memories.

Bronco Banshees at a pub in South Melbourne when we beat the Broncos in the finals to knock them out. These Banshee Bitches were giving it to us all night, suddenly in the last two minutes of the game they disappeared. I have no idea why ;-)
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Which final was that Surandy as there has been a few of them of us beating donkos. :lol: :lol:
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stormy wrote:Which final was that Surandy as there has been a few of them of us beating donkos. :lol: :lol:
If you've watched them all then think of which one looked to be in the bag for the Broncos in the dying minutes, until a moment of sheer brilliance left Lockyer & co crying. ;D
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I was hoping you meant that one Surandy as I think that one would have inflicted the most heartache onto the donko supporters.The look on lockys face was priceless. :lol: :lol: I have never heard a stadium go so quiet after a try. :lol: :lol:the best part was we saved it till the dying seconds to beat them.AWESOME...
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Hahahahaha! Andy, what a night that was! This is how I remember it;

There was a group of Broncos fans at a table and a particular group of Storm fans at the other. I can't remember how or who started the whole thing but one of the Storm fans called one of the female Broncos fans a bitch to which the boyfriend rightly took exception. There was the threat of a bar fight but security got in the middle of it. The Broncos fan invited the Storm fan to step outside at full time.

With two minutes to go the Broncos fan got up and started stretching as if to prepare for a blue. With 30 seconds to go Inglis goes over in the corner and the pub erupts. The table of Broncos fans including the bloke priming for a stink got out of there quick smart!

Top game. I've never hugged so many random strangers in an evening before! Hehe.

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You should watch the replay again,this time with both eyes open,the brunt of that charge actually hit Billy Slater..who I might add stayed upright whilst the sooky Stewart went down like the bag of S**t that he is .
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Sorry if that post made no sense I was actually answering a post by Poppins and forgot to quote !!!
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By your post i think you believe this little bloke isnt trying to hurt someone aye
Rose? It's clear to me this bloke has the intent to sword somebody

Cocked elbow from atleast 10 metres out,disgusting intent send off offence
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Dear Cherry, You can argue to you are blue in the face. The hit on Stewart was deemed legal by the match offical at the time and two video refs (there is alwasy two in finals), it was reviewed several times and deemed fair. No plenty was given therefore a legal hit. You are allow your opinon, but the people in charge of the match, and they are the ones that count, see if different to you. I bet if it was Watmough knocking out Slater you would see it quite differently, this I am sure.

Also, how come we do not hear you complain about Brett Stewart running in from 40 metres away and "coat hanging" Storm players at Brookvale last year? I am sorry, I forgot,that was different because was a Manly player and they are allow to do those things!!!

Start looking at things with clear eyes and you might see things clearly.
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Cherry_Poppins wrote:Image

By your post i think you believe this little bloke isnt trying to hurt someone aye
Rose? It's clear to me this bloke has the intent to sword somebody

Cocked elbow from atleast 10 metres out,disgusting intent send off offence
You can criticise other team's "thugs" once yours gets rid of a scumbag who ran 30+ metres to try and punch a guy in the back of the head. Until then...

Why is it that this site seems to attract Manly trolls like moths to a flame?
We must all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately
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Who wouldnt run 50 metres to punch Adam Blair's punchable face?

Also that punch was pretty lol and you cant call Snake a thug while
Slater still thinks Rugby League is soccer
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