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This is an absolute joke. I think a protest is definitely in order!
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One suggestion I heard being talked about would be a mass pitch invasion during the next home game. Yes it would affect the players and Pentrith would be unfortunetly affected by this but if a fews thousand fans invaded the ground at our home games and that meant that a game had to be called off it would throw the season into complete kaos. The cops and security couldn't possibly arrest that many fnas
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Mikey wrote: One suggestion I heard being talked about would be a mass pitch invasion during the next home game. Yes it would affect the players and Pentrith would be unfortunetly affected by this but if a fews thousand fans invaded the ground at our home games and that meant that a game had to be called off it would throw the season into complete kaos. The cops and security couldn't possibly arrest that many fnas
That is something you do NOT want to do, all it'll do is bring massive crap onto the club - including the players.  We don't want to be nuffies do we??

Whatever is done needs to be intelligent and not embarrassing to the team (note I said TEAM not club) - a hard ask but it could be achievable, just don't know exactly what it should be though  :?
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NEWS LTD - POISENOUS and CORRUPT. Members will not be silenced. Everyone make a banner and support our now sacked dirtectors and send News Ltd a clear message that we will not tolerate this and we want them out of our club. This a very dark day for our proud club, it's the day that the only people who cared about it, were sacked by an organisation that owns half of the NRL - The same NRL that stripped us of our dignity, and continue to strip us of even more. MEMBERS STAND UP and be counted.
Scott Hill and Robbie Ross - The Best


Hartigan and Wilson present:
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News Ltd = The death of Rugby League
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Tigger just to clarify I'm not saying we should do a massive pitch invasion. Its a idea I heard suggested. I'm 50/50 on the idea but thought I would throw it out there to see what the response was
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Just more of the same that you guys have produced since this all started.  Heaps of support, heaps of purple, heaps of cowbells (if you must), & show the rest what this club is about.  Passion, self-belief, Storm pride, visual & vocal support - dignity in the face of adversity.
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The Eagle wrote:
singlemalt wrote: Well, it wasn't the board removed, was it??  It was the independent board members ..... strangely enough, the same people undertaking the court action.

News Ltd need shooting.
News ltd is the cancer of rugby league in australia,it needs to be cut out and iradiated till its demise
Couldn't agree more, News Ltd and the NRL have got to go. They have been wrecking the game for decades, going back to the Super League days.....and now this. The penalties are absurd. The worst thing is they treat the players and the fans as the enemy. This administration is worse than any I have endured in the 64 years I have been involved in our great game. Ash
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Have I got this right?    Melbourne Storm are owned by Newslimited.  At the moment the Storm borad has only Newslimited employees on it.  The report handed down today was done by a firm employed by Newslimited.  Only Newslimited have seen the whole report and cose what to release the 12 pages today.  The NRL is 50% owned by Newslimited.  Gallop is employed by a Newslimited company.  This are the people doing the investgating, being judge and jury.  They are also going to be the people working towards rebuliding Storm and to help Storm go forward.

They also got rid of anyone involved in Storm who is not on Newslimited payroll and eveyone who is paid by Newslimited are discrediting the people who are not argeeing with Newslimted.

Now tell me there is now conflict on intrest here.  This is so wrong.
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I agree tigger that would be a stupid thing to do.  One thing I want to know is in the report does it say what things took the cap over each of the years, or do they just give a total.  I'd be interested to know the REP payments and WINNING games payments(because we won a lot in 2007 and had 10 origin players) Where can we look at this document?
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You can't see the full document.  No one is allowed to see it because of legal reasons or so the Daily Telegraph tells us.  A copy of the released 12 pages (on Newlimited Letterhead) is on the Daily Telegraph/Herald Sun website and you can read that. 
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The best answer would be a peaceful protest,surely some of you are security guards etc to remove the moron
content from the crowd,march there with those signs and cheap tshirts and show news that theyve screwed you

Surely the other news outlet who makes that ridiculous sized sydney paper that takes up a whole park bench would
be also join in the fight,peaceful fight that is,dont let the idiots paint you with the brush they fell out of the tree with
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JAMIE wrote: NEWS LTD - POISENOUS and CORRUPT. Members will not be silenced. Everyone make a banner and support our now sacked dirtectors and send News Ltd a clear message that we will not tolerate this and we want them out of our club. This a very dark day for our proud club, it's the day that the only people who cared about it, were sacked by an organisation that owns half of the NRL - The same NRL that stripped us of our dignity, and continue to strip us of even more. MEMBERS STAND UP and be counted.
How is this News Ltds fault? They didnt breach the cap over 5 years, the board did.
Suing the NRL over process is just ridiculous andf will hurt the game even more. All it will do is delay the inevitable and cost millions more in legal fees
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Rudski wrote:
JAMIE wrote: NEWS LTD - POISENOUS and CORRUPT. Members will not be silenced. Everyone make a banner and support our now sacked dirtectors and send News Ltd a clear message that we will not tolerate this and we want them out of our club. This a very dark day for our proud club, it's the day that the only people who cared about it, were sacked by an organisation that owns half of the NRL - The same NRL that stripped us of our dignity, and continue to strip us of even more. MEMBERS STAND UP and be counted.
How is this News Ltds fault? They didnt breach the cap over 5 years, the board did.
Suing the NRL over process is just ridiculous andf will hurt the game even more. All it will do is delay the inevitable and cost millions more in legal fees
The Board members DID NOT cause this trouble - News Corp employees did. THAT'S why it's News Ltd fault. It's VERY easy to understand. THEY own the company, THEY pick the CEO, CFO, COO. It is these people, who report directly to the Board and News Corp, that started and caused this. IF News was keeping an eye on it's companies and employees, this would have been nipped in the bud years ago, and the fans and players would not be in this mess.  News were in charge, the buck stops with them.
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petawilk wrote: The Board members DID NOT cause this trouble - News Corp employees did. THAT'S why it's News Ltd fault. It's VERY easy to understand. THEY own the company, THEY pick the CEO, CFO, COO. It is these people, who report directly to the Board and News Corp, that started and caused this. IF News was keeping an eye on it's companies and employees, this would have been nipped in the bud years ago, and the fans and players would not be in this mess.  News were in charge, the buck stops with them.
Quite an excellent & concise summation - Thank You  =D>
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I never supported the independent director's court action as it was going to do more harm than good and it looks like I'm right.

Now the worst thing possible has happened; the board have been sacked (including one of our principle backers in Gerry Ryan) and replaced with a bunch of News Limited "yes" men and News have stated they won't sell the club until they are "comfortable". As long as News control the Storm News will still have an involvement in the NRL to make sure their interests (in the Storm) are taken care of.

As long as News are involved in the game our growth will be stunted and our code will be a laughing stock. I hope Gerry Ryan maintains his sponsorship of the team but at the same time I hope the ex-directors just give it a rest.
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