It really kills me to say this

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The Eagle
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With maroon and white blood,anger,sweat and tears occasionally
I really feel for you guys,if i were you guys i would want Waldrons head on a plate outside AAMI stadium
The man should be jailed,for you,your kids and anyone else who supports your....Storm
Personally im in 2 minds,for you supporters i feel nothing but the pain you must be going through,
i cant shake that sick sense of what feels like vindication but in a twisted way for the 2007 loss and i hate that

I hope you guys stick with your team otherwise it will be the death of the club i love to watch lose....but not this way
this way is empty and vile,i agree with Gus for a change and wish you could just fire a few players to get under the cap
and still accrue points,without that this year just feels empty,i cant death ride the team i hate so much....
I as a Manly fan find myself picturing my life without you...your my anti hero!

The only player i dont hate is your 7....but for you guys,the fans of the Melbourne Storm i hope to wake up tomorrow to
see Brian Waldron's bloody beaten body without a pulse,i want to see another blow on his body for every tear you and
the kids that support you guys have cried and i want it to be pain alone that stops that monsters heart because i want
him to feel each and every blow inflicted on his body

This isnt a troll im angry and being angry for you guys,admitting it atleast is just a pain i have to put myself through
i believe those premierships being done and dusted shouldnt be removed from the record,they should be handed back
to the Storm,not the prize money,give that to second place but for the love of god the comps have been won

In my eyes we lost in 2007 due to a purely criminal hit from a criminal who couldnt even get an english passport due to his
record,however that premiership still stands in my eyes,David Gallop hasnt had a backbone in his life and im shocked that
he has even aqquired one let alone use it this way,the crime was done,the punishment should be THIS SEASON AND THIS SEASON
ALONE! Years from now every league fan will remember the 4 grand finals for 2 wins and 3 minor premierships,2007 will stick in my
side forever

Its now up to you guys,the fans of the Melbourne Storm to keep this club alive through the termoil this weeks exposed lies have caused
Band together and be there for your team,Dont walk away,if i happen to meet any of you and see you in Maroon and White ill be nothing
short of completely disgusted,Your team is your team for life,till your heart stops pumping you follow them through hell and back,believe me
i have and always will,any of you thinking of doing what your old comrades have done (handing in membership,leaving memoralibilia out the
front of the leagues club and washing your hands of your team) are nothing short of traitors and fake fans,being a fan isnt just being there
when your team wins,its feeling those losses with them and hoping to god they turn it around sooner rather than later

Anyways,this is turning into a wall of text,i wish you guys the best and keep the MELBOURNE STORM alive,for me and countless others to hate
Just like im sure you do with us (we all know why Manly and Melbourne are hated,pure jealousy)
"Absolutely trained to the minute"
Phil "Gus" Gould

"I will personally pay for those to touchies to go and visit OPSM for a checkup,id thought we'd reverted to gridiron for a moment there"

Desmond "Sorry" Hasler
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Cheers buddy
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David Gallop hasnt had a backbone in his life
He has when it comes to the Storm.

Nice passion though. :D
[b]Making movies, signing songs and fight'n round the world.[/b]

Dose chess dip Err?
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stormy bill
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Thank you Eagle for your kind sentiment on our darkest day's. As for the 2007 G/F. Pull your head in you were well beaten before Mighty Mick's fair and legitimate hit.
What we do today will echo in eternity
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Thanks, Eagle. Even if we differ on 'that hit' ;)
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Hey Guys/Gals

I am a Penrith Supporter, but your team has great quality.
While this is such a sad thing to happen, trust me i don't support your team but i too have had my fair share of tears over the last day. It's shocking, but with your support your team will pull through.

I certainly hope they can pull through this, they are a top team money or no money they have the talent.

I hope you guys can stay strong and stick by their side through all this, to the supporters who have given up and dumped your stuff at the gates, i know that if this were penrith i wouldn't be giving up on them, they are still my team through thick and thin.

I feel for you all and for the players and those associated with the team who knew nothing of what was going on, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

All the best to you all and to the Storm!!

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Hi guys,

I'm a Canberra Raiders fan, and I would just like to say that I really feel for you.
I think the fans of other clubs that gloat over this should take a long look at themselves.
Keep supporting your club, through the bad times as well as the good. That's what true supporters do.
Here's hoping the club will continue.
Good luck
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Thanks mate, appreciated. Beautifully written.
The Eagle wrote: ....but for you guys,the fans of the Melbourne Storm i hope to wake up tomorrow to
see Brian Waldron's bloody beaten body without a pulse...
Oh no, I want him alive. I want him to live a looong life.

With apologies to the Princess Bride

Storm Fans: To the pain.
Waldron: I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase.
Storm Fans: I'll explain and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon.
Waldron: That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me.
Storm Fans: It won't be the last. "To the pain" means the first thing you lose will be your feet, below the ankles, then your hands at the wrists. Next, your nose.
Waldron: [losing his patience] And then my tongue, I suppose. I killed you too quickly the last time, a mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.
Storm Fans: I wasn't finished! The next thing you lose will be your left eye, followed by your right —
Waldron: [exasperated] And then my ears. I understand! Let's get on with it —
Storm Fans[/u]: WRONG! Your ears you keep, and I'll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God, what is that thing?" will echo in your perfect ears. That is what "to the pain" means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.
Bloody and beaten is good too.
Last edited by TC on Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thank you all for your messages of support. It is greatly appreciated.

Best of luck to your teams this year :)
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The Eagle your post expresses exactly what I am feeling - that I can't seem to put into words.  Can I buy you a Melbourne Storm membership?

I feel that 2010 will be a slightly hollow win to the victor - given the circumstances of the season.

Thanks to all the supporters of other clubs who prove themselves true supporters of Rugby League.
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Kudos to all those supporters from other teams that have come on this forum to wish us well.
Its very much appreciated.
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Thank you guys for letting us all in to your forum and not kicking us out in these hard times.
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Sandi_Murray wrote: Thank you guys for letting us all in to your forum and not kicking us out in these hard times.
I am sure you will be welcome on here to join in the banter...good luck to your Panthers
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Thanks to everyone for their kind words.
You had me at meat tornado.
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CooperCronk wrote:
Sandi_Murray wrote: Thank you guys for letting us all in to your forum and not kicking us out in these hard times.
I am sure you will be welcome on here to join in the banter...good luck to your Panthers
thank you. And i still say good luck to The Storm not that a great team like them need any luck. I'm gutted that it's not a fair fight anymore.
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